Regular meeting Board of Education, Hinton Public School, July 25, 2016 6:00 p.m., High School Library located at 708 N. Broadway, Hinton, OK.
1. The meeting was called to order by President Ken Spady.
Members present: Jodi Combs, Shane Kimble, Ken Spady and Jason Douglas
Members absent: Clendon Tucker
2. Invocation was given by Mr. Brownen.
3. Motion was made by Jodi Combs, second by Jason Douglas to approve the consent agenda with all of the following items:
A. Minutes: BOE Meeting of June 20, 2016.
B. Minutes: Special BOE Meeting of June 28, 2016
C. Agenda as posted by law.
D. Approve the following encumbrances:
Yearly General Fund Partials #1-#16,
Yearly Child Nutrition Fund Partials #1
Regular encumbrances #1 - #81 on General Fund 11; encumbrances #1 - #25 on Building Fund 21; encumbrance #1 - #5 on Child Nutrition Fund 22; no encumbrance’s on New School Bond Fund #33; Transportation Bond Fund #32 for the month of July 2016.
E. Bond #33 Requisitions with Banc First; Encumbrances #127 - #133
F. Financial Report given by Mr. Brownen included all Expenditure Account Payables and Activity Fund. Revenue was covered with balances of all funds. General Fund $989,706.09, Building Fund $136,217.41, Child Nutrition $-31,833.76, Bond Fund #32 $4,210.05, Bond Fund #33 $1,061,480.45, Sinking Fund $61,902.00, Activity Fund Money Market $50,095.47 and Gifts & Endowments $1,316.47 for the month of July 2016
Douglas -yes, Spady -yes, Combs -yes, Kimble -yes
4. No Guests present:
5. Administration Reports:
A. Elementary Principal's Report given by Mrs. Derryberry included the additions and revisions to the Elementary Handbook for the new school year. She mentioned that teachers were already preparing their rooms and how the elementary buildings were very clean.
B. HS/MS Principal’s Report given by Mr. Nickell reviewing the additions and revisions to the HS/MS Handbook and back to school night for all sites will be August 9th.
C. Superintendent's Report given by Mr. Brownen included a tentative back to school schedule beginning August 2nd to the first day of class on August 11th, a MS Admin. Schedule, the bleachers and softball field sprinkler system are being installed at the Athletic Complex, Kings Electric will come to complete the light repair at each of the playing fields and the Activity Buses have been ordered with approximate delivery in September. Since the removal of the old middle school section, the exposed west wall will be covered with matching metal instead of bricking to reduce the cost for future expansion.
6. Motion was made by Jodi Combs, second by Jason Douglas to approve the Local application for Secondary CareerTech Education program for 2016-2017 school year.
Kimble -yes, Spady -yes, Douglas -yes, Combs -yes
7. Motion was made by Jason Douglas, second by Jodie Combs to approve a subscription to O.S.S.B.A. for the updated policies for school year 2016-2017.
Kimble -yes, Douglas -yes, Combs -yes, Spady -yes
8. Motion was made by Jodi Combs, second by Jason Douglas to approve the license agreement for the new teacher evaluation, (EES) Employee Evaluation System software through Barlow Education Management Services for school year 2016-2017.
Spady -yes, Combs -yes, Douglas -yes, Kimble -yes
9. Motion was made by Jason Douglas, second by Jodi Combs to approve an agreement with WVCAC (Washita Valley Community Action Council) for student special services for school year 2016-2017.
Kimble -yes, Douglas -yes, Spady –yes, Combs -yes
10. Motion was made by Jason Douglas, second by Jodi Combs to approve the Elementary, MS/HS Handbook updates and changes for 2016-2017 school year.
Combs -yes, Douglas -yes, Spady -yes, Kimble - yes
11. Motion was made by Shane Kimble, second by Jason Douglas to approve a District Assessment Policy as required by new school assessment law.
Kimble -yes, Combs -yes, Douglas -yes, Spady -yes
12. Motion was made by Jason Douglas, second by Shane Kimble to approve Library Media Deregulation due to part-time retirement of existing librarian.
Douglas -yes, Combs -yes, Spady -yes, Kimble -yes
13. Propose executive session to discuss, so board can return to open session and vote on, appropriate items: 25 O.S. 307 (B) (1).
A. Discuss employment of Kim Earp, MS Teacher.
B. Discuss the resignation of Staci Pack, Teacher Assistant.
14. Motion was made by Shane Kimble, second by Jason Douglas to convene into executive session at 6:45 p.m.
Spady -yes, Douglas -yes, Kimble -yes, Combs -yes
15. Motion was made by Shane Kimble, second by Jason Douglas to acknowledge the board has returned to open session at 7:02 p.m.
Combs -yes, Douglas -yes, Kimble -yes, Spady -yes,
16. Motion was made by Shane Kimble, second by Jason Douglas to approve the employment of Kim Earp, MS Teacher.
Douglas -yes, Spady -yes, Combs -yes, Kimble -yes
17. Motion was made by Jason Douglas, second by Jodi Combs to approve the resignation of Staci Pack, Teacher Assistant.
Kimble -yes, Combs -yes, Spady -yes, Douglas -yes
18. No new business
19. Motion was made by Jodie Combs, second by Jason Douglas to adjourn at 7:05 p.m.
Douglas -yes, Spady -yes, Combs - yes, Kimble –yes
Pres: ______Member: ______
V-Pres: ______Member: ______
Clerk: ______Minutes Clerk: ______