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E-mail address
To the Rector of Doctoral Institution
- -2017
I request a permission to participate in the open competition for doctoral studies in Law science field.
I choose the following topic(s)[1]:
Topics / Doctoral Institution / Chosen topic(s) (please specify priority asNo. 1 and 2)
1. Issues of Effectiveness of Legal Systemunder the Conditions of Globalisation &Legal Research of Threats To State and PersonalSecurity and Human Rights in an Era ofNew Technologies
1.1. / E-justice Conception Research / MRU
1.2. / Impact of New Technologies on Private Law
2. Issues of Effectiveness of Legal System under the Conditions of Globalisation
2.1. / Implementation of Human Rights in Administrative Procedure / MRU
2.2. / Pre-Trial Settlement of Disputes
2.3. / Mediation as an Alternative Dispute Resolution
2.4. / Problems of Ensuring the Balance of the Interests of State, Business and Consumers inthe Context of Globalisation
2.5. / Internationalisation of the Criminal Justice
2.6. / Russian, Indian and Chinese Economic Law in the Context of GlobalEconomy
2.7. / Legal Regulation of Waste Management
3. Legal Research of Threats To State and Personal Security and Human Rights in an Era of New Technologies
3.1. / Cyber Security Ensuring Problems / MRU
3.2. / Protection of Privacy, Personal Data and Information Society
4. Issues of Effectiveness of Legal System under the Conditions of Globalisation
4.1. / Civil and Professional Liability for Damage Caused by the Insolvency of FinancialInstitutions / VMU
4.2. / The Legal Regulation Issues of the Internal Electricity Market of the European Unionand of the Energy Community
4.3. / Problematic Aspects of Justiciability of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights inInternational Law
I graduated from bachelor’s study programme (please do not fill in if you obtained a single cycle degree):
Name of higher education institutionQualification degree
Study programme
Graduation year
I graduated from master’s study programme or other studies corresponding to this level:
Name of higher education institutionQualification degree
Study programme
Graduation year
The following documents enclosed:
Original documents of bachelor’s and master’s or single cycle degrees in Law, supplements (copies to be handed in; the original documents will be returned to the applicant immediately)One letter of recommendation of a researcher in law
Curriculum Vitae (Europass form, to be handed in signed)
Motivation letter (to be handed in signed)
The research project (.doc or .docx) in digital media (digital media is not returned) and printed copy
List of scientific publications and their off-prints, if there are any (to be handed in)
Copy of the passport page containing personal information or copy of the ID card
One photo (3 cm x 4 cm)
Documents, proving the change of surname, if not all documents are under the same surname
Other documents which an applicant wishes to submit (a certificate indicating having knowledge in foreign language (TOEFL, IELTS) or other documents showing candidate’s qualifications)
Admission fee paid to MRU or VMU bank account, copy of the check or copies of documents proving that the applicant is exempt from payment of admission fee
Have you studied in any state financed doctoral study programmes at Lithuanian universities?
YES / NOAre you participating in this year admission to doctoral studies in any other school of higher education?
YES / NO(If any of the answers above is „Yes“, please fill out the annex to the application form)
I guarantee that the provided data are true.
(Date) / (Applicant‘s signature)Annex to the APPLICATION form for the ADMISSION to
doctoral studies in law
If you have studied in any state financed doctoral study programmes at Lithuanian universities:
Institution / Field / Year / FormFull-time / Part-time
Reason for studies termination:
You are participating in this year admission to doctoral studies in any other school of higher education:
Institution / Field / Admission results publication date[1] One can choose not more than two topics. In case two topics are selected, the candidate must submit two research projects.