Plane Strain

Each strain is acting independent of one another

Due to normal strain xDue to normal strain y

x =

Due to shear strain

General Equations of Plane Strain Transformation

Sign Conventions

(1)Normal strains are + ve, if they cause elongations along x and y axes, respectivelty.

(2)Normal strains are - ve, if they cause shortening along x and y axes, respectively

(3)Shear strains are + ve, if the interior angle AOB becomes less than 900.

(4)Shear strains are – ve, if the interior angle AOB becomes greater than 900.

From the figure


Using the above orientations of axes, determine the strains along xoy axes due to , defined w.r.t. xoy axes.

Effect of normal strain x, along x axis

Effect of normal strainy, along x axis

Effect of shear strain xy, along x - axis

[Assume that dx remains fixed in position, and the shear strain xy is represented by the change in angle of dy]






=  (the angle of shear distortion along x axis)

By rotating the angle through 900, in the clockwise direction, the rotation  of elemental length dy can be obtained.

(-) = rotation of the right angle xoy


From Equation I,


From Equation II,


can be obtained by introducing (90+) for  in




To find the principle strain





Similarity Between Stress and StrainTransformation Equations

Stresses at a pointStrains at a point


Principle StressesPrinciple Strains

for p1,


Maximum in-plane shear stress

Principal stress plane and maximum shear stress planes are inclined at 450.


twice the values of these

angles will be inclined at 900.

As a result

Maximum in-plane Shear Strain

Principal strain plane and maximum (in-plane) shear stress planes are inclined at 450 to one another.

Consequently, twice the values of these angles will be inclined at 900.

As a result


Mohr’s Circle

For Plane StressFor Plane Strain

Material Property Relationships

When only shear stresses are acting



When a body is subjected to normal stresses the body under goes only change in volume.

Volume change =

(volume change)/unit volume =


p/e = bulk modulus = K =


Theories of Failure

In the design of structural members, it becomes important to place an upper limit on the state of stress that defines the material's failure.

Ductile MaterialsBrittle Materials


 Y - Yield stress (steel)

 ult – Ultimate stress ult – Ultimate stress

-Not used since strain is very

high at this stress level

 0.1% Proof stress

(stress at o.1% elongation)



 y – Yield strain (0.15 to 0.2  ult – Ultimate strain (0.2% to

for mild steel) 0.3% for CAST IRON)

 ult – Ultimate strain (20 to 25%

for mild steel)

The material behaviour – either ductile or brittle – does not remain a constant one for any material. It is dependent on:


Rate of loading

Chemical environment

Forming/shaping methods

In order to apply the theories of failure:

(i)The state of stress in a structure, at a point where the maximum stresses are expected - - are determined first.

(ii)Thereafter, the principal stresses and maximum shear stresses are determined -

Failure Theories

For ductile materialsFor brittle materials

1. Maximum shear stress theory1. Maximum normal stress theory

Proposed by Tresca

2. Maximum distortion energy2. Mohr’s failure criterion

theory – Proposed first by Huber- Proposed by Otto Mohr

and refined later by Von Mises and


-Huber–Mises–Hencky theory

  1. Maximum Shear Stress Theory

“Failure (by yielding) will occur in a material (at a point) when the maximum shear stress in the material is equal to the maximum shear stress that will occur when the material is subjected to an axial tensile test’.

P = (Y) A

For a two-dimensional stress system,


Under simple tension test,


Using in Eqn. I

Governing criteria(III)

Considering a three-dimensional element (with two-dimensional stress state)

Arranging the stresses in the order of decreasing magnitudes,

(i)Case (a):


Failure will occur first in the plane.

i.e., (IV)

Failure in shear will occur, when the maximum principal stress is equal to Y.

(ii)Case (b):

V (a)

Failure will occur in the plane containing stresses

Generalizing this for a plane-stress failure wherein act along x-y axes and 3 acts along z-axis, (zero stress), one can rewrite Equation (V (a)) as

V (b)

Failure envelope or Yield loci

  1. Maximum Distortion Energy Theory

“ Failure (by yielding) will occur when the shear or distortion energy in the material (at a point) reaches the equivalent value that will occur when a material is subjected to uniaxial tensile test”.

Let us say that the principal stresses in an element, at a point, is given by

Total strain energy stored in the given system = Total volumetric strain energy + Total distortion strain energy

ut= uv+ ud(VI)





= 0 (VIII)

Using the earlier stress-strain relationships

Considering the volumetric strains due to

= 0(IX) [Since according to Eqn. (VIII)]

Equation (IX) states that no volumetric change occurs in the material due to the stresses (but it does produce a change of shape). Due to the three stresses ,

(Total strain energy)

Hence strain energy per unit volume


Considering only [the mean stresses and strains due to () and ()],


Considering the normal (or principal) stresses and strains,


Since ,


When the specimen is under uniaxial tension,

From eqn. (XII),


For a general state of stress,


From Eqns. (XIII) and (XIV), equating the distortional energies due to an uniaxial state of stress and that due to a multiaxial state of stresses,


For a two-dimensional state of stresses,

Hence equation reduce to

i.e., (XVI)

This is an equation to an inclined ellipse.

Plot of Eqn. (XVI) gives the failure envelope or yield loci for a system subjected to a two-dimensional state of stress.

Brittle Materials

Applicable to cast iron that tends to fail suddenly by fracture, without any warning.

  1. Maximum normal stress Theory:

In a tension (or compression) test, brittle fracture occurs when the normal stress reaches the ultimate stress ult.

In a torsion test, brittle fracture occurs due to a maximum tensile stress (in a plane 450 to the shear direction) when it reaches the ultimate stress ult.

Failure criteria or failure loci:


When the maximum principal stress in the material reaches a limiting value that is equal to the ultimate normal stress the material can sustain, failure by fracture occurs.

-Eg. Chalk: under tension, under bending and under torsion.

  1. Mohr’s Failure Criterion

For materials (brittle) that have different fracture properties in tension and compression, this criterion holds good.

-Specially for metals

-For nonmetals like concrete (Rock, concrete, soils) another theory is applicable (we will briefly deal with this later)

Three tests done to determine failure criteria –

- Tension test that gives (ult)t

-Compression test that gives (ult)c

-Torsion test that gives ult

Mohr’s circle for each test

Mohr’s failure criteria

Failure occurs when the absolute value of either one of the principal stresses reaches a value greater than (ult)t or (ult)c or in general, if the stress at a point is defined by the stress coordinate (1, 2), which is plotted on the boundary or outside the shaded area.