Programme, Policy and Project Delivery
Gateway Review
Gateway Review 2
(Delivery Strategy)

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SG CoE Version 032008


Report Status: / Draft/Final[u2]
Date/s of Review: / dd/mm/yy to dd/mm/yy
Draft Report Issued to SRO: / dd/mm/yy
Final Report Issued to SRO &
Copied to Centre of Expertise: / dd/mm/yy
Overall Report Status: / Red/Amber/Green[u3]
Senior Responsible Owner:
Scottish Government’s Accountable Officer:
Organisation’s Accountable Officer:
(where appropriate)



2.Purpose and Conduct of the Review

3.Gateway Review Conclusion

4.Findings and Recommendations

5.Previous Gateway Review Recommendations

6.Next Gateway Review

7.Distribution of the Gateway Review Report

Appendix A - Purpose of a Gateway Review 2: Delivery Strategy

Appendix B - Summary of Recommendations

Appendix C - Review Team and Interviewees


1.1Aims of the Project

1.1.1[ 4]

1.2Driving Force for the Project

1.2.1[ 5]

1.3Procurement/Delivery Status

1.3.1[ 6]

1.4Current Position Regarding Gateway Reviews

1.4.1[ 7]

2.Purpose and Conduct of the Review

2.1Purpose of the Review

2.1.1Gateway Review 2: Delivery Strategy. This Review investigates the assumptions in the Outline Business Case and proposed approach for delivering the project. If there is a procurement, the delivery strategy will include details of the sourcing options, proposed procurement route and supporting information. The Review will also check that plans for implementation are in place.

2.1.2A full definition of the purpose of a Gateway Review2 is attached for information at AppendixA.

2.1.3This report is an evidence-based snapshot of the project's status at the time of the review . It reflects the views of the independent review team, based on information evaluated over a three to four day period, and is delivered to the SRO immediately at the conclusion of the review.

2.2Conduct of the Review

2.2.1The Gateway Review 2 was carried out on dd/mm/yy to dd/mm/yy at [location].

2.2.2The Review Team members and the people interviewed are listed in AppendixC.

2.2.3The Review Team would like to thank the SRO, the XX Project Team and all interviewees for their support and openness, which contributed to the Review Team’s understanding of the project and the outcome of this review.[u8]

3.Gateway Review Conclusion

3.1The Review Team finds that[overall conclusion statement][ 9].

3.2[Description of any significant good practice found][ 10].

3.3The overall Report Status is RED/AMBER/GREEN[ 11].

3.4A summary of the Report Recommendations and a definition of the RAG categorisation is available at Appendix B.

4.Findings and Recommendations

4.1Assessment of the delivery approach

4.1.1[Key finding(s)][ 12]


4.2Business caseand stakeholders

4.2.1[Key finding(s)]


4.3Risk Management

4.3.1[Key finding(s)]


4.4Review of current phase

4.4.1[Key finding(s)]


4.5Readiness for next phase – investment decision

4.5.1[Key finding(s)]


5.Previous Gateway Review Recommendations

5.1[If no previous Gateway Review has taken place insert ‘Not Appropriate’.][ 13]

5.2[implementation of previous recommendations][ 14]

6.Next Gateway Review

The next Gateway Review [review type][ 15] is expected in [date/timing][ 16].

7.Distribution of the Gateway Review Report

7.1The contents of this report are confidential to the SRO and their representative/s. It is for the SRO to consider when and to whom they wish to make the report (or part thereof) available, and whether they would wish to be consulted before recipients of the report share its contents (or part thereof) with others.

7.2The Review Team Members will not retain copies of the report nor discuss its content or conclusions with others.

7.3A copy of the report is lodged with the Scottish Government’s Centre of Expertise (CoE) for Programme, Policy and Project Delivery so that it can identify and share the generic lessons learned from Gateway Reviews. The CoE will copy a summary of the report recommendations to the Scottish Government’s Accountable Officer, and where appropriate, to the Organisation’s Accountable Officer where the review has been conducted on behalf of one of the Scottish Government’s Agencies, NDPBs or Health Sector organisations.

7.4The CoE will provide a copy of the report to Review Team Members involved in any subsequent review as part of the preparatory documentation needed for Planning Meetings.

7.5Any other request for copies of the Gateway Report will be directed to the SRO.

Appendix A - Purpose of a Gateway Review 2: Delivery Strategy

  • Confirm the Outline Business Case now the project is fully defined
  • Confirm that the objectives and desired outputs of the project are still aligned with the programme to which it contributes
  • Ensure that the delivery strategy is robust and appropriate
  • Ensure that the project’s plan through to completion is appropriately detailed and realistic, including any contract management strategy
  • Ensure that the project controls and organisation are defined, financial controls are in place and the resources are available
  • Confirm funding availability for the whole project
  • Confirm that the development and delivery approach and mechanisms are still appropriate and manageable
  • If appropriate, check that the supplier market capability and track record are fully understood (or existing supplier’s capability and performance), and that there will be an adequate competitive response from the market to the requirement
  • Confirm that the project will facilitate good client/supplier relationships in accordance with government initiatives such as Achieving Excellence in Construction
  • For a procurement project, confirm that there is an appropriate procurement plan in place that will ensure compliance with legal requirements and all applicable EU rules, while meeting the project’s objectives and keeping procurement timescales to a minimum
  • Confirm that appropriate project performance measures and tools are being used
  • Confirm that there are plans for risk management, issue management (business and technical) and that these plans will be shared with suppliers and/or delivery partners
  • Confirm that quality procedures have been applied consistently since the previous Review
  • For IT-enabled projects, confirm compliance with IT and information security requirements, and IT standards
  • For construction projects, confirm compliance with health and safety and sustainability requirements
  • Confirm that internal organisational resources and capabilities will be available as required for future phases of the project
  • Confirm that the stakeholders support the project and are committed to its success
  • Evaluation of actions taken to implement recommendations made in any earlier assessment of deliverability.

Appendix B - Summary of Recommendations

Ref No. / Report Section[u17] / Recommendation / Status

Each recommendation has been given a Red, Amber or Green status. The definition of each status is as follows:-

RED - Critical for immediate action, i.e. to achieve success the project should take action immediately to address the following recommendations:

AMBER - Critical before next Review, i.e. the project should go forward with actions on the following recommendations to be carried out before the next Gateway Review of the project:

GREEN - Potential Improvements,i.e. the project is on target to succeed but may benefit from uptake of the following recommendations.

Appendix C - Review Team and Interviewees

Review Team:

Review Team Leader:
Review Team Members:

List of Interviewees:

Name / Organisation/Role

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SG CoE Version 032008

[ 1]Insert the name of the project.

[u2]Delete as appropriate

[u3]Delete as appropriate

[ 4]Insert 2 or 3 short paragraphs on the key aims of the project.

[ 5]Describe why the project came into existence and/or is necessary. Where applicable, also state the programme to which the project contributes.

[ 6]Describe how far the procurement/delivery process has progressed within the project.

[ 7]Describe what Gateway (or other independent) Reviews have already taken place on the project or, where applicable, the programme to which it contributes.

[u8]Personalise this paragraph as appropriate.

[ 9]Insert a brief statement outlining the Review Team’s view of the current status of the project.

[ 10]Insert instances of significant good practice found, especially those that may be transferable to other projects.

[ 11]The overall Status will depend on the recommendations that are made. If any recommendations are categorised as Red the overall Status will equate to RED. If there are no Red recommendations the overall Status will be AMBER, if there are any recommendations in this category. If there are no Red or Amber recommendations theoverall Status will be GREEN.

[ 12]Insert brief paragraphs setting out the key findings then list the recommendations (in bold text). Each recommendation should have a unique identifier – eg R1, R2, R3 etc and a Red/Amber/Green status. If there are no recommendations for a particular section then state ‘NONE’ for that section.

[ 13]If no previous Gateway Review has taken place insert ‘ Not Appropriate’.

[ 14]If a previous Gateway Review has taken place the Planning Meeting for this Gateway Review 1 will have discussed any previous Recommendations. Insert a note stating whether the previous Recommendations of the project or, where applicable, the programme to which it contributes have been implemented and, if not, comment on the justification for an alternative course of action.

[ 15]e.g. Gate 3 – Investment Decision.

[ 16]e.g. 12 weeks.

[u17]Use the relevant report section sub-heading in this column, e.g. Business Case and Stakeholders.