National Yang-Ming University
International Health
Doctor of Philosophy ProgramApplication Procedures & Forms
International Applicants 2007
Taiwan, Republic of China
Article I: Number of Recruits
The National Yang-Ming University is recruiting international students, who will take the courses with native students of the curriculum, for International Health Doctor of Philosophy (PhD.) program. All courses are instructed in English.
Article II: Source of Funding for the Scholarship
This three-year scholarship program designed for international students is funded by the International Cooperation and Development Fund (ICDF) and other public or private funding sources.
Article III: Scope of Curriculum
The scope of curriculum will be the courses jointly offered by six graduate institutes including Public Health, Health Welfare Policy, Environmental Health Sciences, Health Care & Hospital Administration, Health Information & Decision Making, and Tropical Medicine. Other departments and institutes at Yang Ming University, such as Nursing and Clinical Medicine, may also offer relevant courses. The PhD. curriculum includes required courses, elective courses, tutorials, and practical training..
Article IV: Admission Requirement
Eligibility for application is limited to students with a medical doctor or doctor in dentistry degree, or a master’s degree in fields related to public health, medicine, or other health sciences at national or registered private universities and independent colleges, or foreign universities and colleges approved by the R.O.C. Ministry of Education. Please see Attachment 1 for the related regulations of the Yang-Ming University regarding international student admission. Enrollment is subject to review by the International Health Program at Yang-Ming University. Besides the entrance qualification, the applicants will be asked to submit the evidence of English proficiency. Applicants who are recommended by the embassies of the R.O.C. Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the International Cooperation and Development Fund (ICDF), or other related institutions, would receive a preferential consideration at the reviewing process.
Article V: Program Duration
It is a policy of the ICDF scholarship that the duration for this doctor’s program is limited to three years. International students shall successfully pass all courses and complete a doctoral thesis within two years to seven years and receive the PhD degree conferred by the National Yang-Ming University in accordance with the laws of the R.O.C. Ministry of Education. The scholarship provided by the ICDF shall not be extended beyond three years. Those who have completed all the required courses may continue to complete the thesis with other funding sources upon the approval of one’s national government, the ROC Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and ICDF. The thesis advisor in National Yang Ming University will be responsible for allocating funding sources for further financial support.
Article VI: Deadline for Application
All completed application materials must be received by the National Yang-Ming University through the R.O.C. embassies before April 20, 2007. Any late submission of application will not be accepted.
Article VII: Application Procedures
1. The following items must be submitted with the application when applying to the National Yang-Ming University.
(1) Application form (Please see Attachment 3)
(2) Two photocopies of diploma of the highest degree attained (with official translation to Chinese or English if in other languages) and official transcript of the degree program in English. The diploma shall be subject to validation by the R.O.C. embassies in accordance with requirements of the R.O.C. Ministry of Education.
(3) Certificate of health status within 6 months, which must include test for HIV as required by the Department of Health, Executive Yuan, R.O.C
(4) Two recommendation letters
(5) One study plan in English which shall include the following
a. Purpose of study — Delineating the reasons for studying in Taiwan
b. Autobiography — Stating the applicant’s background, personal interest, strengths and weaknesses, if any
c. Plans of study — Stating specific area of interest and proposed subject of current or future research objectives
d. Anticipated results—Stating how the study in Taiwan will facilitate the achievement of personal and scientific goals
(6) Evidence of English proficiency—All applicants must pass oral exam conducted in English at the R.O.C. embassy stationed in the respective country, or submit tests of English within the last two years. The students examined by the embassy to have English proficiency equivalent to TOEFL computer-based test score of 213 (or paper-and-pencil test score of 550) or higher may be waived the formal TOEFL test.
2. Application forms and relevant materials must be forwarded by the R.O.C. embassies to the following address:
The Admission Office
National Yang-Ming University
No.155, Sec. 2, Linong St., Beitou District, Taipei City 112, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Tel: 886-2-2826-7303 Fax: 886-2-2825-0472
3. No application with missing articles or incomplete forms will be accepted by the National Yang-Ming University. No late submission or any make-up practice will be accepted.
Article VIII: Notification of Admission and Registration
1. After being reviewed and approved by the International Health Program, applications will be submitted to the Committee of International Student Admission at the National Yang-Ming University for final approval.
2. After being notified of admission, students must complete registration procedures within the specified time. Late registration will not be accepted.
3. If any information provided by the student was found falsified, student shall be denied of admission.
4. Students must provide original diploma at registration and official English translation is required if the original document is in other languages.
Article IX: Scope of ICDF Scholarship
1. Entitlements: The scholarship, including airfare (a one-way ticket per annum), housing, tuition, credit fees, insurance, book costs and a monthly allowance, will be provided to each student. The scholarship is itemized as follows:
A. Airfare—The ICDF shall provide one economy class ticket of the most direct flights to Taiwan.
B. Housing—The scholarship shall cover the rents of the graduate students’ dormitory at the National Yang-Ming University.
C. Tuition fees—The scholarship shall cover registration and tuition fees at the National Yang-Ming University.
D. Credit fees—The scholarship shall cover the fees for the credits required for obtaining the PhD. degree at the National Yang-Ming University.
E. Insurance—In addition to the mandatory insurance, students shall be insured for accidental and medical coverage while they are in Taiwan. The insurance fees will be paid by the scholarship.
F. Book costs—Assigned textbooks shall be provided upon the approval of the Education Committee of the International Health Program.
G. Allowance—Each PhD. Program students shall receive NT$17,000 per month as allowance for food and miscellaneous living expenses. The sum will be deposited monthly into students’ local bank account.
Article X: Notices
1. PhD Program students must complete a minimum of 18 credits in courses and a doctoral thesis.
2. Waiving of the required courses may be granted upon the review and the approval of the Education Committee of the International Health Program if the student had successfully completed the same course in recent five years. Waiving of the required courses may be approved by the Education Committee if the program instructor acknowledges that the working experience of the student is related to the content of the courses.
Article XI: Others
In the event of issues or matters not mentioned in the preceding articles, pertinent rules and regulations of the R.O.C. Ministry of Education and the National Yang-Ming University shall apply.
Attachment 1
National Yang-Ming University Foreign Student Admission Regulation
(The following regulations are about applicant status)
1. The term "foreign students" as used in these regulations means students who don’t have the R.O.C. nationality , as defined in the Article II of Nationality Act※, neither overseas Chinese nor R.O.C. nationals, who apply to study in Taiwan in accordance with these regulations.
2. Those who have dual nationality combining the R.O.C. nationality and a foreign nationality may not apply for admission for a period of eight years after the date which their R.O.C. nationality is revoked by approval of the Ministry of the Interior.
3. Overseas Chinese who is not of R.O.C. nationality may choose to apply either to the universities for foreign student admission, or to the Ministry of Education for overseas Chinese student admission.
4. Upon completion of the course of study at the school in the R.O.C. for which a foreign student applied, the student's admission to higher academic levels shall be handled in a manner identical to admissions for local students.
5. Any foreign student who has been withdrawn from a university or a college after admission may not thereafter apply again for admission under these regulations.
6. The senior high schools include overseas Taipei schools and schools for overseas Chinese.
7. Foreign students who graduate from a school for foreign residents located in the R.O.C., or from a bilingual division (program) affiliated with a senior high school in the R.O.C., may use the graduation certificate received from such schools to apply for admission to a university or a college.
※Nationality Act
Article II
A person shall have the nationality of the Republic of China under any of the conditions provided by the following subparagraphs:
1. His/Her father or mother was a national of the Republic of China when he/she was born.
2. He/She was born after the death of his/her father or mother, and his/her father/mother was a national of the Republic of China at the time of death.
3. He/She was born in the territory of the Republic of China, and his/her parents can’t be ascertained or both were stateless persons.
4. He/She has undergone the nationalization process. Proceeding subparagraph 1 and subparagraph 2 shall also apply to the persons who were minors at the time of the revision and promulgation of this Act.
Attachment 3
/ 國立陽明大學國際學生入學申請表Application Form for International Student Admission
National Yang-Ming University
* 填寫前請先閱讀申請注意事項Please read the regulations carefully before fill out this application form.
* 申請人須以中文或英文詳細逐一填寫
Please type or print clearly in Chinese or English.
* The Admission Office:
No.155, Sec. 2, Linong St., Beitou District, Taipei City 112, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
E-mail: FAX: 886-2-28250472 TEL: 886-2-28267303 / * 此處請貼最近三個月內二吋之半身照片
Attach recent 3 months bust photograph here
( about 1”x 2” )
申請人 Applicant
姓 名
Full Name / (中 文)
(in Chinese) / (英 文)
(in English)
(First) (Middle) (Last)
住 址 □□□郵遞區號
Home Address (Zip Code)
通 訊 處 □□□郵遞區號
Mailing Address (Zip Code)
E_mail Address / 聯絡電話
Place of Birth / 出生日期
Date of Birth / /
(month) (day) (year) / 性別 □ 男 Male
Sex □ 女 Female
國 籍
Nationality / 婚姻狀況
Marital Status
監護人 Legal Guardian
姓 名(中 文)
Full Name (in Chinese) / (英 文)
(in English)
(First) (Middle) (Last)
住 址 □□□郵遞區號
Home Address (Zip Code)
E_mail Address / 聯絡電話
Place of Birth / 出生日期
Date of Birth / /
(month) (day) (year) / 性別 □ 男 Male
Sex □ 女 Female
Occupation Relation to the / 與申請人關係
※ / 申請人教育背景
Applicant`s Education
/ 學校名稱Name of Institute / 學校所在地
Location of Institute / 學位
Degree Granted / 畢業日期
Graduate Date / 主修
Major / 副修
Secondary School
College or University
Graduate School (MA Program)
Graduate School(Ph.D. Program)
◎ 擬申請就讀之系(所)
Faculty or graduate institute to be applied.
◎ 擬攻讀何種學位?
Degree to be studied.
□ 學士 Bachelor□ 醫學士 MD
□ 碩士 Master
□ 博士 Doctor
◎ 請敘明在華研習期間各項費用來源
Major financial resources during studying at NYMU?
□ 個人儲蓄 Personal Savings / □ 獎(助)學金 Scholarship□ 父母供給 Parental Support / □ 其他 Other(Specify)
◎ 健康情形
Health Condition □ 佳 Good □ 普通 Average □ 差 Poor
Please describe any physical assistance you need.
◎ 課外活動
Extra-curricular Activities
◎ 經歷
Previous Employment
◎ 著作(可附著作抽印本)
Publications(Reprints of the publications may be provided.)
Language Proficiency: (請用優,良,可,差填寫/Please use: excellent, good, fair or poor to describe)
讀/Reading 寫/Writing 聽/Listening 說/Speaking
* 以上資料業由本人填寫,且經詳細檢查,在此保證其正確無誤。
I have reviewed the above information carefully and hereby guarantee their correctness.
Applicant’s signature 日期Date
Attachment 4
具 結 書
Letter of Guarantee
1. 本人保證未具僑生身分且不具中華民國國籍。(具中華民國國籍及外國國籍之雙重國籍者,自內政部許可喪失中華民國國籍之日起八年內,不得申請。中國大陸及港、澳地區學生需依教育部規定辦理)
This form is only for applicants who do not have overseas Chinese status and do not hold a Republic of China passport, except for applicants who hold Hong Kong or Macau citizen status. Foreign applicant who held R.O.C. citizenship within the past eight years is not eligible for application. The provision specified in the preceding paragraph “eight years” is from the loss of R.O.C. nationality to the first term beginning on the calendar of NYMU.
2. 本人所提供之所有相關資料(包含學歷、護照及其他相關文件之正本及其影本)均為合法有效之文件,如有不符規定或變造之情事,經查屬實即取消入學資格,且不發給任何有關之學分證明。
All the documents I provide (including my diploma, passport, and other related documents) are valid. If it is discovered that I have violated any university regulation, my admission to NYMU will be canceled, my student status revoked, and no transcript will be issued.
3. 本人未曾於中華民國國內各級學校修讀前一學程肄(畢)業,亦未曾從中華民國高中畢(肄)業,或曾遭中華民國國內各大專院校退學。如違反此規定並經查證屬實者,取消其入學資格並註銷學籍。
Foreign students who have already completed in Taiwan the applied degree program or have been expelled from university are not eligible to re-apply for admission. Breaking this rule would result in immediate cancellation of the applicant’s admission or the deprivation of the applicant’s recognized status as NYMU registered students.
4. 上述所陳之任一事項同意授權 貴校查證,如有不實或不符規定等情事,於入學後經查證屬實者,本人願接受 貴校註銷學籍處分,絕無異議。
I authorize Yang Ming University to undertake a verification of the information (including diploma, passport and any photocopies of official documents) I have provided. And if any of it is found to be false after I enter NYMU registered student, I have no objection to be deprived of registered student status.
申請人簽名 監護人簽名
Signature (Full Name)
申請日期 (日/月/年)
Date of application (Day/ Month/ Year)