Innosuisse Start-up Coaching
Application for Core Coaching

Please note: If not already done, we highly recommend that you apply first for an Initial Coaching.

☐ You agree and commit to the following conditions of application

·  Your business idea is innovative and science based

·  Your company is or will be incorporated in Switzerland

·  Your business idea has the potential to create new jobs and expand revenues or sales

·  Your innovative idea is marketable and has growth potential (market potential of at least CHF 50M)

·  Your objective is to reach a multi-million franc turnover within the next five years

·  Your innovation can be protected (Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), know-how, license, competitive advantage, speed to market, etc.)

·  You are fully committed to building your business and you are open to input

Basic Information


First name, last name:




Company specific information

Start-up name:

Business idea (Describe your business idea in a few words. This text might be published e.g. in the Innosuisse annual report):

Area and discipline (Please select only one discipline of one area):

ICT and
Digitalization / Life Science / Engineering / Energy &
Environment / Social Sciences & Business
Please select / Please select. / Please select . / Please select . / Please select .

In which industry is the start-up active or will be active? Please select.

Did you protect your product already (e.g. via patent, trademark, design protection)? Please select

At what stage of development is your start-up? (Please select only one stage)

☐ / Planning
☐ / Founding
☐ / Buildup
☐ / Growth
☐ / Maturity

Idea stage; no prototype in place; company not founded yet / Seed stage; working on proof of concept, prototype and business plan. / A business plan is developed;
company is founded or will be founded soon / Implementation of go-to-market strategy; first sales are generated / Development and implementation of growth strategy; start-up begins to expand / Start-up is on the way to become a solid company with stable ground and resources

Access and motivation

How did you become aware about Innosuisse start-up coaching? (Multiple choices allowed)

☐ World Wide Web

☐ Innosuisse start-up training attended (formerly CTI Entrepreneurship training)

☐ Innosuisse innovation project realized (formerly CTI R&D projects)

☐ Swiss National Science Foundation

☐ Personal contact

☐ Innosuisse Coach:

☐ Other:

Has the application been or will the application be submitted to any other organization?

☐ Yes (organization(s): ) ☐ No

Have you already granted support from other organizations?

☐ No

☐ Bridge (SNSF)

☐ BREF (Gerbert Rüf Stiftung)

☐ Pro Helvetia

☐ Other:

Why did you apply for Innosuisse start-up coaching? (Multiple choices allowed)

☐ Need for support in establishing a start-up

☐ Need for support to internationalize our start-up

☐ Wide array of services available within the Innosuisse start-up coaching

☐ Innosuisse offers personalized coaching tailored to our needs

☐ The Innosuisse start-up coaching is free of charge

☐ Reputation of the Innosuisse start-up coaching

☐ Easier access to R&D projects funded by the Innosuisse

☐ Easier access to (venture) capital

☐ Easier access to networks

☐ Other:

What do you expect from the Core Coaching?

Is your business idea based on the results of one or more research projects that have been supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation?

☐ Yes (SNSF project number(s) / reference(s): ) ☐ No

Is your start-up a spin-off from a higher education and research institution? Please select

Was your business idea driven by the idea of fostering sustainability in one of the following areas? Please select.

☐ Do you want to sign for the newsletter? (Your email address will be sent to

Business Plan

Company and general company status

- Where is your company registered or will be registered? If not registered as yet, when do you plan to register the legal entity?

- What is the domain of activity? Give a brief description.

- What stage of development are you at (proof of concept, prototype, product ready for market launch, commercial product already on the market)?

- How much money have you already raised from non-dilutive (e.g. prizes, grants, CTI project funding) and equity (FFF, seed, series A) funding? From whom?

- How much do you plan to raise in the next 12-24 months?

Problem and solution

- What is the unmet market need? Formulate in one short paragraph the unmet need you intend to address.

- What is the product/service?

- What is the value proposition and unique selling proposition (USP)?

- Where is the innovation?

- What are competing products/services and why is your product/service better than the competing ones?

- How do you plan to differentiate your product/service from them?

- What IP assets do you currently have (e.g. patents, trademarks, copyright etc.)?

- What IP assets do you plan to secure in the next 12 months?

Market and business model

- Describe your target customers and explain why they would buy your product/service.

- What are the key market drivers?

- What is the size of the addressable market for the product/service?

- What is your company´s potential revenue in 5 years? What is the maximum potential?

- How will you bring products/services to the customers (direct/indirect sales channels)?

- How will you make money, i.e. what is your business model?

- What are the main entry barriers?

Team and skills

- Who are the members of the management/founding team and what is their background?

- What is the management/founding team's track record in the industry?

- What percentage of time does each work in the company currently? How will this change in the next 6-12 months?

- What skills and competencies are you currently missing in the team? When and how will you source them?

- Provide details on share distribution among the team members

SWOT analysis

Strengths / Weaknesses
Opportunites / Threats

Proposed milestones

- How do you plan on exploiting the opportunities and mitigating the threats?

- What are the main issues and what are your needs to tackle them?

- Propose some milestone sets (date and description) that you aim for within the next 12 months.

- Propose some milestone sets (date and description) that you aim for within the next 2/3 years.

Company Data[1]

(This section is only to be completed if the company is already founded)

☐ The company is not yet founded.

When was the company founded?

Enter the founding year


How many employees do you employ?


Female: / Male:
Swiss: / Other nationalities:
Total FTE:


Revenues (in million CHF): Please select.

Profitability: Please select.

How much funding did the start-up already receive (in million CHF)? Please select.

What are the companys funding needs (in million CHF)? Please select

Get started for Innosuisse start-up coaching

For confidentiality reasons please send the completed application form to Innosuisse as e-mail attachment via secure e-mail → If available, you can attach additional documents (e.g. business plan) to this secure e-mail.

Please note: The application process for the Core Coaching consists of two steps. If you pass successfully a first evaluation, we will invite you to present your start-up in front of a jury in Bern.


[1] Equal opportunity policy: This information is collected only for statistical reasons. It has no influence on the selection criteria. The information will be impersonalized.