February 2014
The Vestry wants the St. Martin's community to have a report from Vestry meetings before the minutes are finalized and posted. This report offers information from the Vestry meeting held on February 19th.
Minutes from the January Vestry meeting were approved and have been posted in the Narthex.
The Treasurer, Tony Deasey, previewed the 2014 Budget presentation prepared for the Annual Meeting.
The Rev. Dr. Frank Sawyer, Head of School, and Louise Knight, School Board Chair, addressed Frank Sawyer’s departure at the end of the school year. Louise praised the work Frank has accomplished during his tenure. The search for a replacement will be coordinated by the Board, staff and parishioners. An interim will likely serve for one academic year.
Curt McFarlin summarized plans for this year’s School auction and requested support from the Vestry for an auction item as well as for the Annual Campaign.
The report from the Mutual Ministry Review conducted on February 1st was discussed. All felt it was a productive event which should be repeated annually.
Rev. Doris discussed her plans for the Annual Meeting, during which she would like the congregation to consider our legacy for St. Martin’s can be. Topics for focus groups will be: the School; Mission and Outreach; and Christian Formation for Adults, Youth and Children.
Mark Zielinski notified the Vestry of Mike Garabedian’s resignation for health reasons, and of John Sodergreen’s willingness to accept a nomination from the floor.
Rev. Doris provided the Vestry with copies of a letter from Natalie Finstad, Director of Tatua, requesting support their outreach work in Kenya. The Outreach Commission is reviewing the request, which will be revisited by the Vestry at the next meeting.
At each meeting, the Vestry acknowledges some of those who are serving St. Martin’s. The Vestry thanks:
· The off-going members: John Cullinane, Rob Fraser, Mike Garabedian, Jim Sacra, and Mark Zielinski
· The organizers of the Chili Cook-off
· The organizers of Bingo Night
· The late David Hays, as a recognition of his life of faith and service
The next Vestry Meeting will be on March 19th.
Yours in Service,
Mark Zielinski
Senior Warden