Note that this does not include all conceivable steps or actions and these are estimated timelines representing calendar days.
STEP 1:Review/Intake (Up to 10 Days)
Senior Director or designee receivesAppeal through EthicsPointand reviews Appeal for jurisdiction; if accepted, assignsAppeal to a PTM Rep. *If the Appeal is for a Staff Termination due to Reduction in Force/Job Elimination (due to Organizational Restructuring or Budget Constraints), then it is referred to the Executive Vice President of Administration & Finance through the Associate Vice President of Human Resources for a final decision. If the Appeal is for a Faculty Termination due to Reduction in Force/Job Elimination (due to Organizational Restructuring or Budget Constraint), then it is referred to the Provost or the Executive Vice President of Research through the Associate Vice President of Human Resources for a final decision. Appeals for Faculty members may also be submitted to the Faculty Status and Grievance Committee. (5 days)
PTM Rep. notifies Appealing Party of receipt of appeal and provides a copy of the appeal to the person against whom the appeal is brought (Respondent). (5days)
Parties may participate in the selection of the Board of Review panel members.(5 days)
Parties participate in a briefing a week prior to the date of the hearing where the Hearing Officer reviews relevant documentation, witnesses, advisors, and other information about the process.All documentation, witness information, and name of advisor (if applicable) must be presented at the time of the briefing. (5 days)
STEP 3: HEARING (Up to 20 Days)
The Hearing is conducted:
- Opening statements first from the Appealing Party, then Respondent
- Appealing Party puts on case and calls any witnesses, then Respondent; both parties can question each witness called
- Closing statements first from Respondent, then from the Appealing Party
-The Board of Review panel deliberates and determines recommendations for the report
STEP 4: FINDINGS(Up to 20 days)
The Hearing Officer draftsa report consisting of a summary of testimony, documentation, and recommendations to the appropriate Institute official for review and final decision.**The Associate Vice President of Human Resources makes the final decision for all staff suspension or demotion appeals. ***The President makes the final decision for involuntary staff terminations.(10 days)
The appropriate Institute official reviews the report and issues a final decision in writing to both parties.(10 days)
Copies of the report, documentation, and final decision will be provided to Performance and Talent Management.
***Note that the Appealing Party may appeal the President’s decision by submitting a written appeal to the Board of Regents within 20 business days of the President’s decision, as provided by Article IX of the bylaws of the Board of Regents.
Updated 5.27.10