Unit 1 Terms & Review: Independence Movements in the Americas
Term Cards:
People / Events / VocabularyGeorge Washington
Simon Bolivar
Bernardo O’Higgins
Jose de San Martin
Toussaint L’Ouveture
Dom Pedro
Thomas Jefferson
Miguel Hidalgo
Agustin de Iturbide
Hapsburgs vs. Bourbons
Baron de Kalb
Marquis de Lafayette
Jean-Jacques Dessalines
45 TOTAL TERMS!!! / Enlightenment period in Europe
Napoleon’s invasions in Europe
Colonization of the New World
Colombian Exchange
Conflict in Boston
American Revolution
Continental Congresses (1st&2nd)
L.A. social hierarchy
French-Indian War
Haitian Revolution
Brazilian Revolution
L.A. Revolutions (similarities)
Effects of Revolution in U.S.
Effects of Revolutions in L.A.
Slavery post-Rev in the Americas / Cliff Dwellers
Mound Builders
Eastern Woodland Groups
Guerilla Warfare
US Declaration of Ind.
US Constitution
Treaty of Tordesillas
Federalists vs. Anti-Federalists
Intolerable Acts
Constitutional Monarchy
Proclamation Line of 1763
1783 Treaty of Paris
· LA = Latin America
· For large events, like the revolutions, focus on causes/effects
· Be prepared to compare/contrast similar topics between different regions
· For European events, like Enlightenment & Napoleon, focus on how they affected the Americas
Questions for review:
1. How did the first Natives arrive in North America? What was their purpose for migration? Where did they spread? How were they categorized?
2. Describe the process of European colonization, including the goals/purpose of each country.
3. Explain why the Haitian Revolution is often referred to as “a revolution within a revolution.”
4. Compare and contrast the reasons for the rise of independence movements in two Latin American countries
5. With regards to slavery, describe the similarities between post-revolution North & South America
6. Analyze the impact of independence on the economies and societies of two countries from the Americas.
7. Compare and contrast the contributions of two different leaders to two different processes of independence.
8. To what extent were the wars of independence in Latin America due to the grievances of the Creoles against the peninsular Spaniards? Support your answer with reference to one independence movement.
9. How did the French-Indian War impact the start of the American Revolution, as well as, our alliance with France?
10. Regarding the causes of revolutions, what do the independence movements in the Americas have in common?
11. Analyze the role of foreign intervention in two independence movements from two countries of the region.
12. Why is the Brazilian Revolution referred to as a “bloodless revolt?” Explain specifics!
13. Analyze the reasons for colonial victory in the American Revolution.
14. Some often refer to the social effects of the American Revolution as a “role reversal.” What does this statement mean? Did it bring enough change to warrant the name “Revolution?”