H&D Sector NGO Working Group Meeting

Notes of the meeting held at FPA Offices 203-209 Willis StWellington31 August 2006

Present; Marion Blake, Gill Greer, Louise Carr, Jo Fitzpatrick, Joanne Hayes, Jacki Richardson, Carole Maraku, Anna Seatter, Angela Baldwin
Apologies; Kawshi de Silva, Damien Zelas,
Minutes: Anne Bristol
Item / Discussion / Action
Apologies / Apologies read
Welcome / Marion welcomed all to the meeting.
Further Agenda items - Other Business
Gill only here for part meeting (funeral attendance)
Action Points of the meeting held 30 June 2006 / Action Points form the Agenda of the meeting
Secretariat Tasks / The advertised vacancy of secretariat received two applicants. These applicants were interviewed prior to the meeting by Marion, Jo and Joanne. Feedback on the interviews was given by the interview panel and it was felt that the candidate put forward by Careering Options was the preferred person for the position.
Alan Chapman – Alan had declined to attend the meeting following an invitation from the Chair. Those present acknowledged the work Alan had done on behalf of the group. / Marion to check with Careering Options on referees and report writing skills of the candidate.
Contract Advisory Group Meeting / Gill and Allan attended the Contract Advisory Group meeting. Overall it was felt that the MoH attendees at the meeting were unprepared for the meeting. There were no introductions and so those who attended where not sure of who was there.
Christine Horrill and Rose Wall was very helpful and requested a copy of the overhead presentation on the summary of DHBs. Christine and , however will soon be on maternity leave.
It is critical that NGOs are included in MoH training.
It was suggested that as part of MoH professional development training around meeting procedures and understanding of NGO culture would be benefifical. / Anna will pick up with Christine Horrill to find out who will be her replacement while she is on maternity leave. Secretariat may need to pick up and ask how NGOs will be further involved in training.
DHBNZ – Preparation / The document - NGO forum Health & Disability Sector – Statement of Intent - was in agenda papers
This background paper had been put together by Ruth Wiltshire as a starter for the converation about how the DHBNZ and the working group can work togother. A converstion followed about how this may be achieved, what would be the outcome and what would happen if we had a relationship with DHBNZ vs MoH and how could we advance a workprogramme with DHBNZ?
DHBNZ Julian InchRuth Wiltshire attending / Julian and Ruth joined the meeting.
Summary of discussion.The H&D sector NGOs and the DHBs are a diverse group of agencies. There are already a number of projects or areas of work coming up or underway to encourage DHBs to work with and understand NGOs. We are beginning to explore a high level framework that could include a collection of work that NGOs could slot in to. We need to build the confidence of the sector and evolve some processes to see what works and what doesn’t. Julian commented that the NGO is non-everything! It is timely for the sector to consider clustering, grouping and organising. There is a need for local and national networks and it is critical that these be cross-sector. Whatever we do has to be underpinned by strong relationships and our current funding from the Ministry could be enhanced by DHBs. Participation in planning needs to include a community organisation perspective but we do need to distinguish between experts and representatives. The community sector does have interests in common and there are targeted priorities from government. There is also a need to distinguish between what is being done and how it will be done. Updating information needs to be systemic as this has been quite ad hoc in the past. There are some great models about on how to share information. We need to respect the fierce independence of organisations. Julian is suggesting that the NGOs need an infrustructure to provide a focal point which will enable connections. The group however is concerned that social ‘good’ drives the agenda rather than a strategic government approach. Collaborative thinking would enable the sector to identify and influence key decision makers. This is only the beginning of what will probably be many conversations. / Ruth and Kirsty to meet and draw up a paper/plan to summarise the situation to date and identify a way forward.
MoH Analyst Training / Working group members required on Wednesday 27/9 from 11.30am – 12noon for this training / Angela and Louise will do this – Carole to check her diary for availability and advise
Strategic Plan / The Strategic Plan document was in the papers. There are four strategic goals which will need monitoring and reporting back to the forum. It would be useful to set up a template so that as work is undertaken it can be related back to the plan therefore making it easier to prepare the narrative for reporting. Working Group meeting agenda will attempt to follow strategic plan therefore actions will be recorded in minutes. / Devise a template table to cross reference to strategic plan goals. Working Group meeting Agendas to follow SP goals.
Portfolios / It would be more useful to allocate portfolios following the working group elections to be held in October.
It is important that the people who are part of the working group are committed and must be willing to put the time and effort into the work that needs to be completed. Also that they have the support of their organisation. / Portfolios to be allocated at November meeting.
Forum / Agenda practically finalised except for Linda’s topic for presentation. It was suggested that no more than four people be on the panel. The offer from Howard Lee at Central TAS to be on the panel will be declined as required number already organised. / Gill to follow up with Linda re title of presentation.
Anna to advise Howard Lee panel numbers limited.
Voting Procedure - Jo / Email will call for nominations – Current Reps & Vacancies
Disability Services Louise advised she will not be standing for re election to the working group
Jacki – standing
1 vacancy
Donna – Jo will contact Donna
Mental Health
Marion – will stand again
1 vacancy
Personal Health
Jenny – up for re election
1 vacancy
Pacific Health
Dahlia – resigning
Ida ?
2 vacancies
Public Health
Kawshi – standing
1 vacancy
Gill Greer - Farewell / Gill needed to leave the meeting and said it had been a privilege to be part of the group and thanked everyone and acknowledged the work the group has undertaken. Marion paid tribute to Gill for work accomplished and leadership shown while she has been part of the working group and gave her a gift on behalf of everyone to remind her of New Zealand while she is in London. Carole described Gill as a role model to her.
Gill acknowledged and thanked everyone for their kind words and the gift she will treasure. Gill also thanked Joanne for the work she had done as part of her secondment to the Ministry of Health. / Gill wishes to keep in touch with everyone her new email address will be
Workforce Report / Kirsty Peel has produced a list of actions and linkages from the NGO workfforce report for the grup to to follow up and a table of the circulation list. The document has still to be sent to DDGs of MoH Directorates. / Circulate to MoH Directorate DDGs
Unions – PSA, Service workers, NZ Maori Nurses (through Hineroa at MHC), Healthcare Aotearoa, NZ College of Psychiatrists, NZ College of GPs.
Workforce Champions Meeting / Marion and Kirsty attended the Workforce Champion’s meeting to follow on from Workforce Report document.
Meeting with Stephen McKernan / Marion, Jacki, Joanne and Carole attended this meeting and Stephen was very welcoming. It was felt that Stephen was someone we could work with and he is interested in using the NGO working group as a refernce point. Thisrelationship should be nutured and a regular meeting should be set up. / Write a letter suggestingquarterly meeting based on sharing information
Cross-Directorate Interest group / Anna reported that this group is currently undertaking a stocktake of work programmes that affect NGOs. There is a deadline of today. A report will be available to send out to the sector. The report will firstly go to Stephen McKernan for approval. Its release will probably be in the next few weeks. This work will enable to Ministry to see gaps and also let the sector know that there are things happening.
Primary healthcare Task Force / Louise reported on the Taskforce – The group is to ensure that there is active participation of all sector participants in the four workstreams reporting to it.
The workstreams are:
Funding and accountability
Service development
Infrastructure and sector development
Change management
A process has begun to set up Expert Advisory Groups for each of these workstreams. Nominations are being called for, for each of the groups and some national organizations are already actively canvassing their members about these. / Jaonne will take Louise’s place on the taskforce. Louise will still be available to step in if required.
NGO Working Group TOR / The group set up to work on this have not yet met. Circulate TOR with additions. / To be on the 29th September Agenda
MoH Secondment – Primary Healthcare Strategy / Joannecompleted a two month secondment to the MoH and attended nine back to back meetings throughout the country which resulted in recommendations to the minister on the place of NGOs in the Primary Care Sector.
The group expressed their gratitude to Joannefor the work she put into this.
PHONZ / Marion has spoken with Sue Inesonby telephone and will meet with her this month for further discussion. / Meeting with Sue Ineson
Other Business / The Committee for the Study of the NZ Non-Profit Sector invites you to the launch of the JohnsHopkinsUniversity working paper
Defining the Non-Profit Sector: New Zealandon Friday 29 September 2006, 3.30-5.00pm
at the Loaves and Fishes, Wellington Cathedral of St Paul cnr Molesworth & Hill Sts, Thorndon, Wellington.
Guest Speakers:
  • Garth Nowland-Foreman, Committee Chair
  • Hon Luamanuvao Winnie Laban, Minister for the Community & Voluntary Sector
  • A member of the MasseyUniversity research team
/ WG Attendance at this launch 3.30 – 5pm 29 September
Agenda for meeting 29 September 2006 / Forum
Workforce development
Strategic Plan