Theta Phi Alpha
[School's name]Colony
Academic Excellence Program
Is charged with the important tasks of motivating pledge sisters to perform well academically, monitoring pledge sisters’ performance, and reporting to National Office. Therefore, when electing the Scholarship Chairman, the colony should select the candidate who can lead by example with her own academic excellence, is willing and able to work with members who need assistance, and can enthusiastically motivate the colony and its pledge sisters to succeed academically.
-Host at least one academic workshop per term for the colony. Topics may include time management, goal setting, study tips, stress management, etc.
-Compile a list of all courses taken (current and past) by colony members and distribute the list to all colony pledge sisters. This information can be used for pledge sisters to get assistance from other pledge sisters with specific courses.
-Compile and distribute colony roster with academic majors, to allow for pledge sisters with the same major to work together as needed.
-Review the National Policy on Academic Excellence at the first meeting of each term.
-Pass around a “Skip Jar” at each business meeting to collect money from sisters who skipped one or more classes the previous week. Money collected will be deposited into Billhighway.
Academic performance shall be a top priority for [School's name] Colony. In line with Theta Phi Alpha’s mission statement, this program will serve as the foundation for furthering the academic interests of all pledge sisters.
Scholarship Chairman shall:
-Complete and submit the Scholarship Report within fifteen (15) days of Colonization weekend and thirty (30) days after the start of each term.
-Implement the Academic Excellence Program, which shall be distributed to all pledge sisters and includesrecognition of academic successes.
-Meet with pledge sisters on Academic Probation to facilitate academic improvement and to monitor progress.
-Work with the Recruitment Chairman and Greek Advisor (or equivalent) to determine if potential new members have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 prior to bid distribution. Women with a cumulative GPA below2.5 are ineligible for membership and, therefore, cannotreceive a bid from Theta Phi Alpha.
-Women with a University documented learning disability may be extended a bid with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0.
-Assist women with a University documented learning disability in submitting proofdocumentation to National Office. Address any questions or concerns with National Office and/or National Scholarship Chairman.
-Collect and oversee pledge sisters’ progress on theacademic goals established at the start of each term.
Pledge Sisters shall:
Maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 to:
- 1) be in good standing with the colony and Fraternity; and,
- 2) hold a non-Executive Board colony office. Failure to regularly maintain the required GPA for membership will result in immediate removal from office and may result in depledging.
-3) be initiated. Women who do not have a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher at the time of installation are ineligible for initiation. Only academically eligible pledge sisters can be counted in the number of members required for installation.
4) Women with a documented learning disability are required to maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 in order to remain in good standing and hold a non-Executive Board colony office. However, this grade waiver is not applicable to executive board offices.
-Executive board officers must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75. Failure to maintain the required GPA for holding an executive board office will result in immediate removal from office.
-Sign the Scholarship Contract (Appendix I) at the start of each term.
-Establish at least two academic goals at the start of each term.
-Complete mandatory study hours weekly and report all study hour completion to the Scholarship Chairman.
-Attend all scheduled classes, including lab classes.
- If a pledge sister skips a class, she shall pay $5 per skipped class. Money shall be placed in the “Skip Jar” at the next schedule business meeting, to be deposited in Billhighway.
- If a pledge sister skips three or more classes per term, she shall be referred to the Colony Advisor; the assigned penalty will be at the discretion of the Colony Advisor based on conversation with the pledge sister.
Recognition of Academic Excellence:
Shall be given at the start of each term based on pledge sisters’ performance during the previous term in the form of an Academic Awards Ceremony. Suggested awards could include:
-Most Improved GPA
-Smarty Pants Award for the pledge sister(s) who earned the highest GPA for the term
-Bookworm Award for the pledge sister who completed the most documented study hours
-Best Freshman GPA
-Best Sophomore GPA
-Best Junior GPA
-Best Senior GPA
-Silver Sister Awards for pledge sisters who earned a GPA within the range of 3.0-3.5
-Gold Sister Awards for pledge sisters who earned a GPA within the range of 3.5-4.0
-Go-Getter Awards for the pledge sister(s) who met their scholastic goals for last term
Other forms of recognition may include:
-Pizza Party for sisters with cumulative GPAs of 3.0 or higher
-The Superstar Challenge. Each pledge sister is given a blank sheet of cardstock paper at the start of the term. At each colony business meeting, pledge sisters who have earned an A on any assignment, paper, project, quiz, or exam will receive a star for each ‘A’ earned the previous week. Proof of grade is required to get the star. The three pledge sisters with the most stars will receive a small item from the Penguin Shoppe and a Shooting Star Award (1st Place), Gold Star Award (2nd Place), or Silver Star Award (3rd Place).
-Publication of academic successes in campus newspaper
-Send congratulatory letters to the parent(s) or legal guardian(s) of pledge sisters who excelled academically
Academic Excuses:
Can be used no more than two times per term but may be used to excuse a pledge sister from any scheduled colony event other than My Sister, My Friend or Ritual. Although effective time management skills are expected of all colony pledge sisters and homework is not a valid excuse for missing colony events, these two academic excuses may be used at any time as a courtesy to pledge sisters whose academic workload prevents participation in a colony event.
Pledge sisters shall be excused from colony events if they conflict with: class, tutoring, group meetings, labs, or academic advising meetings. However, whenever possible, pledge sisters should plan meetings around the colony’s calendar of events.
Colony Event Management:
The colony shall not sponsor or permit activities by the colony or its pledge sisters that disturb classes, disrupt study in the library or other places where a student should enjoy silence, or interrupt faculty and/or student in their academic pursuits. Colony events should reflect on Theta Phi Alpha’s commitment to academic excellence whenever possible.
Goal Setting:
Shall take place at the first business meeting of the term. At least two goals shall be set for the colony and its individual pledge sisters. All goals shall be recorded and submitted to the Scholarship Chairman who will make record of the goals and return to individual members. Progress on colony and pledge sister goals should be evaluated monthly.
Study Hours:
- The Scholarship Chairman shall provide individual time sheets for each sister in the library
- The scholarship chair shall advise each pledge sister of her required number of study hours per week, based on the guidelines below.
- The scholarship chair shall summarize total study hours completed per week of all pledge sisters
- Each pledge sister shall be required to complete study hours based on her cumulative grade point average
- Any pledge sister whose cumulative GPA lies between 3.5 and 4.0 shall complete three (3) study hours per week
- Any pledge sister whose cumulative GPA lies between a 3.0 and 3.49 shall complete four (4) hours per week
- Any pledge sister whose cumulative GPA lies between a 2.5 and 2.99 shall complete five (5) study hours per week
- Any sister whose cumulative GPA falls below 2.5 is on academic probation and is required to complete six (6) study hours per week
- Study hours shall include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Laboratory classes, which may be counted as a minimum of 50% of the time spent. For example, a two hour lab class will count as one study hour.
- Participation in study groups
- Time spent with a tutor
- Time spent in the library or computer lab
- Time spent helping another sister study
- Colony scheduled study hours
- Attending workshops or lectures on things such as study skills, time management, and resume writing
- Attending a fine arts or performing arts event related to a class
- Rehearsal time for performing arts classes
- The study hour week shall begin Sunday at 7:00 pm through the following Sunday ending at 7:00 p.m.
- By the end of every study week, the attendance sheet shall be picked up at the library at 7:00 p.m. Each pledge sister will submit documentation of non-library study hours to Scholarship Chairman, either in person or via e-mail, by 7:00 pm Sunday.
- Any sister who does not complete her mandatory study hours in a given week must complete double hours the following week.
- A sister who does not complete her mandatory study hours for two weeks in a row shall be sent to Standards Board and issued a fine of $2 per missed hour.
To evaluate the colony’s compliance with the Academic Excellence Program and Fraternity requirements, the following items shall be reviewed by the Scholarship Chairman and with the colony when appropriate.
-Did the colony and individual pledge sisters meet the academic goals set at the beginning of the last term? Were GPA-specific goals met by the colony and its members? Why or why not?
-Is the colony calendar supporting or detracting from pledge sisters’ efforts to improve academic performance? What can be done to better promote scholarship in colony programming?
-How are grades distributed among colony pledge sisters (e.g.By class standing, by age,by major, etc.)?
-Which members are consistently struggling academically? Have the appropriate resources been provided to them?
-Are pledge sisters utilizing academic assistance programs on campus?
-Were women removed from office for failure to maintain required GPA? If so, what supports can be provided to ensure officers are academically successful?
-Was recognition of academic excellence successful in motivating members?
The faculty advisor(s) can act asa liaison between the colony and College/University, while assisting the colony and its pledge sisters with a variety of academic issues. For example, a faculty advisormay assist with the creation of academic programming, recommend on-campus resources to aid in academic success, and clarify theCollege’s/University’s policies. The faculty advisor should be involved in the monitoring of the Academic Excellence Program and should maintain a copy for his/her records. The faculty advisor may also assist with pledge sisterswho are on academic probation.
To ensure that all pledge sisters understand academic requirements, the Fraternity’s National Policy on Academic Excellence, the Colony’s Academic Excellence Program, and academic policies of the College/University will be reviewed at the first business meeting of each term. The conditions of Academic Probation with the Fraternity and/or the College/Universitywill also be reviewed.
A woman shall be placed on Academic Probation immediately after the release of grades if her cumulative GPA falls below a 2.5 (except for women with a University-documented learning disability, who must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0).
Shall be given to all pledge sisters on academic probation by the Scholarship Chairman, who may request assistance from the National Scholarship Chairman. Assistance may come in the form of granting a reasonable number of additional “academic excuses,” development of an independent educational program that allows for monitoring the pledge sister’s progress and/or requires utilization of on-campus academic resources, or providing a sample study schedule, list of possible tutors and/or colony study buddy. The Scholarship Chairman and shall meet with the pledge sister(s) on Academic Probation at least twice per month.
Loss of Privileges:
Is effective immediately for members on Academic Probation when GPAs are released. More specifically, women on Academic Probation cannot:
-Attend social events (if they are under 21, they should not be drinking anyway. Social events are not the same as sisterhood events.)
-Be initiated
-Hold office(s)
Members on Academic Probation shall:
-Maintain their right to vote
-Meet with the Scholarship Chairman twice monthly to review academic progress for the term
Women on Academic Probation for two consecutive terms will have their membership reviewed by the Colony Advisor, Colony Consultant, and Director of Colonies,with assistance of theNational Scholarship Chairman.
-Grumble Social to be held before exams
-Over-the-Hump Social to be held after midterm exams
-Mourner’s Dinner to be held the last night before final exams commence. All members dress in black to signify that all other activities must end as you honor your exams.
-Writing Center:
-Tutoring Center:
Appendix I
Scholarship Contract
I, , recognize the importance of academic excellence for my own personal benefit as well as the success of Theta Phi Alpha. I understand that my failure to abide by the stipulationsexpectations of the Academic Excellence Program reflect poorly upon the Fraternity and also on myself. As such, I promise to attend all of my classes, make efficient use out of study hours, and request assistance as needed.
Signature of Pledge SisterDate
Signature of WitnessDate