Dear Chorus Parents and Students,

As you are most likely already aware, all high schools in Paulding County are transitioning to a 4x4 block schedule next year. We want to assure all of you that we are working diligently with the staff and administration at our school to make this adjustment as smooth as possible. The purpose of this letter is to give you as many facts as possible to assist you when creating your student’s high school schedule and registering for classes.

We want to begin by clarifying a few points:

1. Chorus will continue to be offered as a yearlong elective. It is expected and intended that a student will be in chorus both semester if they sign up for chorus.

2. Yes, you will still be able to take all of your required classes, including most AP course and stay in chorus for all 4 years of high school.

3. It will be more difficult (not impossible) to remain in multiple yearlong electives (chorus/band, drama/ band, art/band etc.)

4. Taking some classes online or during summer school will be one way to free up additional room in your schedule in order to be able to take multiple yearlong electives. This will not be necessary for students that are just planning to take chorus and experiment with a few other electives.

Registering for high school courses can be a stressful time. Meeting graduation requirements, taking desired electives, advanced level classes, and participating in musical organizations are all common concerns of every student. Making good decisions now will ensure the student’s interest in learning, exposure to career and college choices, and placement with students of like interests and abilities.

The 4x4 block schedule will allow students to take eight courses per year for four years. This schedule allows students to take four core academic classes and four electives each year. Be reminded that colleges and universities have varied requirements for foreign language, which is generally a two year requirement. Chorus satisfies not only the required Fine Arts credit needed for graduation, but when taken for multiple years, allows students to complete the Fine Arts pathway.

To try and help everyone understand the difference between a 7 period and a 4x4 block schedule, here is an easy way to look at it:

Over the course of 4 years in high school, the 7 period day (current schedule) offers students the chance to accumulate 28 high school credits/units. The 4x4 block schedule will allow students to accumulate 32 credits/units over the course of 4 years. On the block schedule, chorus counts as 2 units per year, leaving 6 additional units per year available for all other course requirements and electives. This is the same number of other enrolled classes (6) that students currently are able to take in addition to chorus on a 7 period schedule. The extra elective available is simply filled by an additional chorus course. With careful planning, students should have no trouble fitting chorus in their schedules for all four years.

Below is an example of a typical schedule for chorus students on block scheduling each year:

Fall SemesterSpring Semester

English Math

ScienceSocial Studies


Elective 1 (Foreign Lang/CTAE/P.E./Health) Elective 2 (Foreign Lang/CTAE/P.E./Health)

We want to do everything possible to help our students stay enrolled in the chorus program. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about the block schedule. We will do everything that we can do to help!


Mrs. Lokhorst

EPHS Choral Director