Meeting of the Community Service Committee
Held on the 7th July 2011.
Status note: These minutes are draft until approved at the next meeting. If amendments are made they will be referred to at the next meeting. The minutes on the web site will always be the draft minutes and may exclude attachments that make the file size too large. If necessary the reader should therefore refer to the following meetings minutes or speak to the chairman.
R. A. Crowe, G. Brooks, R. M. T. Bruce, W. M. G. Evans, J. F. Gadsby, J. S. Nelson,
None received.
1) NewarkParishChurch Christmas Tree Festival. (November) John Nelson has agreed to take this project on board, but he will need help from the artistic members of the Club, Jenny Gadsby has offered to help and we will ask other members to participate. The committee need to establish if there are any decorations left from last year, and their whereabouts. It was agreed to ask the Club for £50-00 towards new items of decoration, it was also agreed to ask for ideas for the theme to be used.
2) Seniors Day Out. (December) Paul Smith has agreed to run the project once again. It was agreed that this committee would ensure that Paul has all the necessary help.
3) Community Awards. (January) Rob Crowe to head up this project. It was decided that we would ask the Club to forward any names to the committee for evaluation, it was pointed out that although the District Council still run their Community Awards the Town Council had stopped holding this event due to the fact that recipients for the awards could not be found. 1 name was given to the committee this will be discussed with any other names put forward.
4) Childs Play. (May) It was noted that last year’s event raised 6.5k after expenses. Jenny Gadsby is to head up this event for us, she is waiting to be called to the next meeting of the committee. The following items were noted, a) more Rotarians were needed to steward the walk, b) the timing of the Mayday Bank Holiday could be a factor in the amount of walkers attending, c) the comments of the Vocational Committee were noted and will be implemented where necessary. (cost £100-00)
5) Blood Pressure Awareness Day. (April) No report from David Buckley. It was suggested that we should approach St John Ambulance to ensure that they do not hold a similar event on the same day. The comments of the Vocational Committee were noted regarding the boards that members sign to help with the event. (cost £30-00)
6) Kids Out. (June) We are to contact Newark Castle Club to ascertain what will be happening next year. It was suggested that if Castle don’t hold the event we should try and run it ourselves. (cost if joint venture £250-00 if just Newark Club unknown)
7) Children of Courage. Awaiting report from Denis Power-Neads (no costs available)
8) Olympics. Denis Power-Neads had requested that we ask if one of the AAAA members could be considered for the carrying of the Olympic Torch, Rob Crowe followed this up with District only to find that the closing date for applications was 31st May 2011. District will require stewards etc to man various Olympic Projects in the District, information to follow.
9) Schools Dictionaries. Rob Crowe had followed up with Castle Club as to which schools were approached by them, and was informed that all schools were asked. On attending a Governors meeting at BishopAlexanderSchool they reported that they had not received this offer. Rob Crowe to follow up with Castle.
10) St John Ambulance Awards. The e-mail from Nigel Holt was read and discussed and it was felt by the committee that we were too late to nominate any one this year.
A. O. B. There was no other business to report.
The dates for the next two meetings were arranged as follows.
Thursday August 4th 2011
Thursday September 1st 2011