Western Tidewater Swim Association
Team Manager 4.0P Setup
1. Manager 4.0 is the WTSA standard version. This guide is written based on software update 4.0H. All teams should have upgraded from previous versions of TM and should be running TM 4.0P. Teams should periodically check for new maintenance updates during the season. These maintenance updates do not normally contain significant changes that would effect using this guide. TM 4.0Pg also contains some reports that will be necessary when setting up for the divisional championship meets.
2. The Basic issues for consideration when standardizing the data format for WTSA are:
- That a standard data format promotes the free exchange of data between teams and eases the creation of championship meets.
- The Key Data that must be standard is the team name and definition of the events.
3. Ensure the Release number of TM 4.0 is 4.0Pg. The release number can be found in the lower left hand corner when the program is open and should look similar to:
4. If you do not need to update your program proceed to step
a. Ensure the WTSA CD is in the drive (or you downloaded the file from the website). Select the CD drive (d for example) (or the location of the file) then select the Team Manager folder and select the SwimTM4Update.zip file. Then follow the onscreen instructions.
5. If you have used Team Manager (TM) before, it is recommended that you start by performing a backup of your team’s database. If this is the first time you are setting up TM proceeded to step 3.
a. To backup your database:
i. Select File > Backup from the main menu.
ii. The backup screen will open. Select a Backup Drive and Backup Directory to save the file in and press OK.
iii. Press Yes when asked to confirm storage location.
iv. Press OK to exit after a box pops up that says your backup was successfully completed.
6. The next step is to change/verify the Age-Up and System Settings. Select Setup > Preferences > System Preferences from the main menu.
a. The System Preferences window will open.
b. Set the following System Preferences:
i. Gender Designations
1. Select - Male/Female (M/F)
ii. Athletic Browser Options
1. Select - Show Ages
2. Select – Show Birth Date
3. Deselect – Show School Year
iii. Select – Last Name First
iv. Automated Reminders
1. You can select a periodicity for your system to conduct backups and also look for updates from Hy-Tek (optional).
v. Team/Swimmer Defaults:
1. Default Team Registration – Select - OTH
2. Default Team Type – Select – REC
3. Default Country – Select – USA
vi. Meet Age-Up Date
1. Enter Jun 1, 2010 (Note – the WTSA age-up date is always Jun 1 of the current season)
vii. System Age-Up Date
1. Enter Jun 1, 2010
2. Press the Ageup button
3. Press Yes to confirm the Ageup.
c. Press OK to exit the Systems Preference Window.
7. The next step is to change/validate the Team Set-up.
a. Select Teams from the Main menu to open the Team Browser.
b. Select Add if you want to enter a new team (Note – you will do this if you are using TM for the first time, or if you have previous year team(s) in your database and you want to add a new team for this season.), or Edit if you want to just change/verify an existing team’s record. Either way, the Team Maintenance box will open.
i. The following are the WTSA standards for team information:
Enter the Team Code (this is the standard designator from the front of the WTSA Guidebook (e.g. NSC)
ii. Enter the Team Long Name from the front of the WTSA Guidebook. (e.g. Nansemond Swim Club or Marlin Swim Club).
iii. Enter the “Short” Name. This is the team’s nickname such as ‘Sharks’ or ‘Marlins’.
iv. Team Registration – Select - OTH
v. Team Type – Select - REC
vi. Mailing and Telephone Information is your team’s address and phone information.
vii. Leave the State and LSC Blocks Blank.
viii. Country – Select – USA or Leave Blank
ix. Minimum Age Eligibility – Enter - 0.
x. Press OK and go back to the main menu.
8. This step is only for the first time you create a meet with TM 4.0. If this is not your first meet then skip to step 7. This step standardizes the meet events for all teams. With the use of MM 2.0 a new generic meet file is needed.
a. From the Main Menu select file > import > meet events. Select the “MeetEvents-demomeet-1Jun2008-001.zip. Or from another internet connected computer, go to www.offtheblocks.com/wtsa and download it onto your team flashdrive. Then insert the flashdrive into your team computer and obtain the file from the flashdrive.
b. A box should display the number of entries imported.
9. From the Main Menu, select Meets and look for a meet called “Demo Meet” (should be dated 1 Jun 09) in the Meet Name column.
a. If you have this meet in your database already, skip to section 6. If you don’t see it, follow the instructions in step 6 of this instruction.
10. Setting up Meets.
a. You will use the Demo meet to create the meets used throughout the season. Open the Meets menu from the main menu.
b. The meets page will open and you should see the demo meet listed (under Start Date 1-Jun-09).
c. Select Add and the Meet Maintenance window will open. Enter your first meet for the season in the following blocks (leave other blocks blank):
i. Enter the Meet Name in the league standard format (eg. xx@BB2010)
ii. Enter the Location of the meet.
iii. Course is S.
iv. Enter the start date of the meet. The end date will be the same.
v. Age up date should be age-up for the league (June 1 of the current year).
vi. Select the Use Since Date box.
vii. Use times Since should be the date of your first meet for the current year, or the date of your time trials.
viii. Press OK.
d. Repeat this procedure to set up all your swim meets.
e. Once completed press cancel.
11. You will next need to copy the events for the meet(s) you have created. On the menu that lists all the meets, highlight the new meet you want to build events for. Select Events from the meets menu. Select Copy Events from the menu.
a. You should get a Copy Events box. Use any meet from last season and copy events from that meet. Ensure All Events and Both are selected. Press OK.
b. When the box reopens it should show - Entry Events Leave Entry Events selected and press Close.
c. Now all the events will appear in the events list and be available for entries.
Now you should be ready to enter your swimmers into events for a particular meet per normal Team Manager procedures.
****For all coaches, when entering your swimmers please take note that heats will be swum fastest to slowest (meaning scoring heat will be swum first, ex. Heats will be swum any heats there after)
****Please enter heats and lanes for all of your swimmers. Please take note home team will always occupy lanes 1,3, and 5; whereas away teams will always occupy lanes 2, 4, and 6. Heat 1 of every event is always reserved for the scoring heat, and every heat thereafter is an exhibition heat.