Geneseo Performing Arts Council (GPAC)
Summer Camp Scholarship Application Directions
Please read the following directions regarding applying for camp scholarships through GPAC.
Every year GPAC is proud to provide scholarship assistance to students attending District 228 schools who will be entering Grade 7 through Grade 12, to attend Vocal, Fine Arts and Band Camp programs over the summer break. Our directors and the members of GPAC value the guidance, leadership and quality programs offered by various organizations during the summer months and feel that the camp experience is an important part of continuing to develop musicianship and fine arts skills over the summer.
In order to be considered for a scholarship, the following criteria must be met:
1)Students must be entering 7th grade in the fall or be between grade 8 through senior year. Scholarships are not provided for students entering 6th grade or graduating seniors.
2)Student plan to be enrolled band or choir for the upcoming year OR students plan to participate in Speech, Theater, Musical or Fine Arts in the fall.
3)Student must be attending and enrolled in a fine arts camp or camp directly related to the fine arts for this upcoming summer. Camps can include band, vocal, theater, speech or art related camps.
- Scholarships will not be used for summer lessons or for non-educational music trips.
- Scholarship checks provided by GPAC will be made out to the camp, and not to the student. The name of the camp or organization to which the check needs to be made must be provided.
4)All questions must be answered completely, blank spaces will void the application.
5)All applications must be submitted and emailed to the link provided no later than May 10, 2018. If a family does not have access to complete and return the application by email, applications may be picked up from the directors and may be mailed to the GPAC Address below. Mailed applications must be postmarked by May 10th to be considered.
6)Completed applications may be emailed to OR they may be mailed in care of GPAC P.O. Box 233, Geneseo, IL 61254. Applications may also be dropped off at the GPAC information table at the All Unit Choir Performance on May 7th or the all Unit Band Performance on May 10th.
Geneseo Performing Arts Council (GPAC)
Summer Camp Scholarship Application
Student Name: ______/ Parent Name: ______Grade Student will enter in the fall: ______/ Address: ______
Type of Camp (band/vocal/theater): ______/ Parent Phone: ______
If camp is for band, what instrument(s) is the student planning to play:
______/ Parent Email: ______
Name of Camp Student will be attending: ______
In student’s own words please answer the following brief questions: A separate piece of paper may be used and attached:
1)Why do you want to attend this camp? What is your goal for attendance?
2)What do you hope to learn from camp?
3)How do you plan to apply your newly acquired knowledge in your classes next year?
4)What aspect of camp are you looking forward to the most?
Student Signature: ______
Parent Signature:______
1)Please return complete form either by mail or email no later than May 10th. Forms may be emailed to or they may be mailed in care of Tara Flies / GPAC, PO Box 233, Geneseo, IL 61254. Applications may also be dropped off at the GPAC information table at the All Unit Choir Performance on May 7th or the all Unit Band Performance on May 10th.