ECO-UNESCO Young Environmentalist Awards 2016
Young Environmentalist Awards 2016Project Submission Form
For Office Use OnlyRegistration Number
Project Received Date
Staff Name
1. [ ] Project Submission Form: This form must be fully completed.2. [ ] Project Record: A visual record of the work your group has done throughout the year along with the relevant evidence of the action e.g. photo scrapbook, PowerPoint presentation, video diary, song, music, app, drama, all worksheets from the YEA Manual.
3. [ ] Group Photo: High resolution photo of your group. This is the official photo used in the shortlist booklet and other promotional materials. Email to .
The submission deadline is 26 February 2016.
All materials should also be posted to ECO-UNESCO and should be labelled with your registration number.
Any 3D pieces, large posters, art/fashion pieces should be photographed. Submit only the photos of these pieces with your form (your registration number should be written clearly on the back of all photographs). Groups should consider showing scale to give a true representation of their project.
Additional materials, such as photos or videos should be put on a memory stick or burned onto a CD and included with your submission. Alternatively, use a media sharing site, such as flicker or YouTube and include the link in your submission. Clearly mark all project files: photographs, videos, DVDs, CDs etc. with your registration number.
Once submitted, projects cannot be returned to entrants. Groups are advised to keep copies of all project materials for their presentation at the ECO-Dens and the Showcase and Awards Ceremony.
ECO-UNESCO takes no responsibility for items lost or damaged in the post. We recommend you send by registered post (as you can track the status) or hand deliver to our office if nearby. Make at least one copy of all project items to safeguard against all eventualities. Proof of postage is not proof of receipt.
Post, or drop in your project to:
ECO-UNESCO, 9 Burgh Quay, Dublin 2
Or email:
Group NameRegistration Number
School/Youth Organisation Name
Project Title
Age Group / Senior (16-18) [ ] Junior (12-15) [ ] Super-Junior (10-12) [ ]
Category / Biodiversity [ ]
Climate Change [ ]
Energy [ ]
Water [ ]
Transport [ ]
Waste [ ]
Eco-Community Development [ ]
Eco-Art & Design [ ]
Eco-Health & Wellbeing [ ]
Eco-Enterprise [ ]
Special Category
Eco-Alu Art & Sustainability in Design [ ]
Local to Global [ ]
Briefly describe your project and what it has achieved (Max 150 words, expand box as appropriate)We will use this in any future publicity material including the website and the People’s Choice Award so make sure you tell us how great your project is! Include information on each of the sections below. Please take a look at the YEA 2015 Shortlisted Booklet for your reference– Available at
- Aims & Objectives:
- Actions (Including awareness-raising actions):
- Achievements:
Please ensure all names are spelt correctly as these names will be used on certificates and in publicity materials.
No. / First Name / Last Name / Age / Gender1
The signature of a parent or guardian is required for young people under 18 years of age.
If participating as part of a group/school/organisation, by signing here the teacher/leader is confirming they have obtained parental permission and are acting as a guardian. You do not need to send us individual consent forms for each young person.
Terms and ConditionsData Protection and Privacy: We will not share the above details with any third party. These details will be maintained within our participant files and we may contact you in the future about other ECO-UNESCO services. All participants are signed up to our monthly e-bulletin newsletter. You may unsubscribe at any time.
Policy on the Use of Photographs and Video: ECO-UNESCO may use images and/or video for our activities, for publications, promotional purposes and on social media and also for general print and online media outlets, social media sites and for general promotional purposes as we see fit.
Medical Assistance: By signing this form, you are authorising ECO-UNESCO to undertake appropriate first aid assistance in case of injury, accident or medical emergency.
I, ______, parent/guardian of ______hereby consent that
______is given full permission to participate in ECO-UNESCO’s Young
Environmentalist Awards and in any activities associated with the programme, be they internal or external.
Signed: ______
Date: ______
You are carrying out a Young Environmentalist Awardsprojectwhich follows the ‘6 Steps to Success’ programme:
- You should complete a Project Report of no more than 3000 words. Please use the questions on this submission form as a guideline to help you structure your Project Report; it will help you ensure your Project Report provides us with a good representation of what your team undertook and achieved.
- All of the questions may not apply to your team or project as each project is unique. You may also want to include some additional information which is not asked for here.
- In your report you should show evidence of team work, research, action and engagement at all 6steps of the project. Please include details of the information you gathered, all of the actions your team took and your learning outcomes.
- Please list all additional materials included and write your registration number on each of them.
How did you get your team together?
What team building exercises did you implement?
Group ContractSkills Analysis
Please include any additional worksheets used, such as a copy of your group contract or skills analysis.
What environmental issue did you choose?
Why is the issue important to your group?
What causes this issue?
What are the local effects of this issue, on the environment and on people?
What are the global effects of this issue, on the environment and on people?
How did you gather information on this issue?
List of your sources of information (e.g. scientific journals, books, websites and magazines)
Include all research, any worksheets used and evidence of brainstorming. Examples include:
- Research worksheets (P.33 of the YEA Manual)
- Interviews, surveys, audits
- Letters from environmental experts who were contacted
- Evidence of any guest speakers (photo, letter, film)
- Cause and effect worksheet (P.35 of the YEA Manual)
What were the main aims of your project?
Aim = intention or aspiration (what you hope to achieve)
What were the main objectives of your project?
Objective = goal (a step on the way to meeting the aim/how you will achieve it)
What were the timeline and key deadlines for carrying out your project?
Who was responsible for what tasks?
Provide evidence of project planning (timelines, deadlines, task lists) and include any worksheets and tools used.
- Project planning worksheets (P.32 of the YEA Manual)
What did your team do?
How did the actions relate to your aims and objectives?
What did your project achieve?
What obstacles did your team face? How did your team overcome these obstacles?
How did your project benefit your local community?
How did your project impact on a global level?
Include evidence of the actions your team have carried out. For example, video diary, photo scrap book, song / music, drama, art, sculpture, website, social media campaign,multimedia pieces, etc.
List all additional pieces below and mark them clearly with your registration number.
Monitoring & Evaluation
How was the progress of the project towards its aims and objectives monitored?
How did your team know if the project achieved its aims?
Innovation and creativity score highly!Remember you can raise awareness within your school/youth group, the wider community and external schools, groups and organisations. Use local, regional and national media (e.g. radio, newspapers and TV).
How did you raise awareness about your project?
What social or digital media did you use?
Include examples of any posters, leaflets or other material used to raise awareness and photos of awareness raising days/activities,newspaper clippings,social media campaigns, websites, apps etc.
Please note every team member needs to complete this evaluation sheet.
Think about what you already knew and what you’ve learned during the Young Environmentalist Awards action project. Then evaluate your skills knowledge and understanding in each of the following topic areas Before and After:
1 = No understanding or skills
3 = Some understanding or skills
5 = A lot of understanding or skills
Before Action Project / Assessment of Understanding, Knowledge and SkillsRelated to You / After Action Project
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / My ability to work as part of a team / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / My understanding of the environment and environmental issues / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / My action and research skills / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / My ability to relate environmental research to an action project / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / My ability to understand the global links that my project has / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / Personal development relating to communication skills and raising awareness / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
About Your Project
Why is the chosen issue important to you?
Can your project be replicated in other local areas, if so, how?
About You
What did you learn by doing this project?
What skills did you develop?
About YourTeam
What did you enjoy about working as part of a team?
What was your favourite aspect of doing this project?
About the Broader School/Community
What benefits do you think this project has brought to your friends, school/youth group and community?
Do you do anything differently or think differently now than you did before the project?
Think about what your students/young people already knew and what they have learned during the Young Environmentalist Awards action project. Then evaluate their skills, development and confidence in each of the following topic areas Before and After:
1 = No understanding or skills
3 = Some understanding or skills
5 = A lot of understanding or skills
Before Action Project / Assessment of Understanding, Knowledge and SkillsRelated to Young People / After Action Projcet
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / Ability of learners to investigate issues / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / Ability to relate research to action / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / Learner’s environmental awareness / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / Levels of initiative shown by young people / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / Reflection skills and critical thinking / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / Young people’s problem solving skills / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / Teamwork and interpersonal skills development / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / Environmental awareness/environmental responsibility / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Please outline how your team developed personally over the life of the project.
Were the aims and objectives fulfilled?
Please give examples of personal environmental actions/behaviour of your team members on issues outside of their project area.
Please identify, if applicable, where the project contacted and affected those in the wider class/school/youth group/community, and at what level of interest – social or environmental awareness raising, personal action etc.
Please outline how useful undertaking this project was, how easy or difficult you found it, where difficulties arose, where you required additional support.
Any further comments?
Marking Criteria / Description / MarksGet a team together
(10 marks) /
- Evidence of how your team planned to work together and develop skills
Select an environmental issue
(30 marks) /
- Evidence of how you selected the environmental issue
- Evidence of knowledge of the environmental issue (research and investigation)
- Evidence of understanding cause and effect of an environmental issue (i.e. human interaction with the environment)
- Evidence of linking local to global
Develop an action plan
(30 marks) /
- Evidence of project planning
- Evidence of aims and objectives
- Evidence of problem solving/plan reviews
Carry out action plan
(30 marks) /
- Evidence of action carried out
- Relevance of action to project aims and objectives
Raise Awareness
(30 marks) /
- Evidence of awareness raising
- within the wider community
- with external organisations / 10
Personal Development
(20 marks) /
- Evidence of
- learner development (skills and future action) / 10
ECO-UNESCO | 9 Burgh Quay | Dublin 2
Tel: 01 6625491 | Email: | Web:
ECO-UNESCO Young Environmentalist Awards 2016
ECO-UNESCO | 9 Burgh Quay | Dublin 2
Tel: 01 6625491 | Email: | Web: