University of Connecticut

Employee Resources



The cultural centers provide advocacy and support to those seeking assistance with issues of harassment and discrimination based on gender, sexual orientation, and/or race/ethnicity. Advocacy and support can take the form of providing an overview of the options and resources available, short-term crisis intervention, and/or providing general assistance.

Women’s Center – 860-486-4738

The mission of the Women’s Center is to advocate, educate, and provide support services for the achievement of women’s equity at the University and within the community at large. Special attention is focused on women who face additional challenges due to their race, nationality, class, sexual identity, religion, age, and physical or mental ability.

Asian American Cultural Center – 860-486-0830

Serves as an informational resource center regarding the Asian American experience and to create an appreciation and understanding of the diverse Asian cultures represented within the community. The Center serves as a cultural liaison to the University community.

African American Cultural Center – 860-486-3433

Promotes cultural preservation, quality leadership, and academic excellence through a unique approach to cultural advocacy, academic support, and community outreach.

Puerto Rican Latin American Cultural Center – 860-486-1135

The Center’s mission is to improve the general welfare of Latinos and to promote awareness, understanding, and appreciation of the richness and diversity of Latin American cultures. Offers educational, cultural, and social programs, which enhance student, faculty, and staff recruitment and retention as well as the multicultural climate of our community.

Rainbow Center – 860-486-5821

The mission of the Center is to serve the diversity of the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Questioning, and Allied community and to provide resources and services to the wider community of students, faculty, staff, and local residents. To ensure that everyone has the opportunity to learn, work, and grow in a supportive and safe environment. To act as an accessible and safe space for reporting incidents of harassment and discrimination. To reduce the effects of alienation experienced by community members by diminishing negative behaviors and or attitudes towards the GLBTQ community through the use of education and advocacy.

CEUI Union

Provides support, advocacy and Union contract protection.

Leslie Maddocks, Secretary-Treasurer and Chief Steward – 800-622-3359, extension 713


for additional Resources

AFSCME Clerical Union

Provides support, advocacy and Union contract protection.

Thursa Isaac, Local 562 President, 203-592-4476

UCPEA (University of Connecticut Professional Employees Association)


AAUP Union

Provides support, advocacy and Union contract enforcement.

Leslie Gemme, 860-487-0450

Human Resources (Labor Relations)

In response to requests by supervisors, this unit provides advice and guidance on various employee issues including performance management, progressive discipline, the grievance process, performance evaluations, and contractual interpretation to support effective, appropriate and contractually consistent supervisory actions.


Office of Diversity & Equity

The Office of Diversity and Equity is the University’s neutral internal unit responsible for investigating complaints of discrimination.


Office of Audit, Compliance & Ethics

The Office of Audit, Compliance & Ethics (OACE) serves as a valuable resource for compliance-related information and training. The OACE is also responsible for investigations of compliance inquiries received through the University’s confidential REPORTLINE.

OACE – 860-486-4526

REPORTLINE – 888-685-2637

Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

The EAP is a free and confidential assessment, brief counseling and referral service available to all employees through the UConn Health Center EAP. It is designed to assist in the identification and resolution of any personal problem that may be affecting job performance. To speak with an EAP counselor regarding services call 860-679-2877 or toll-free (in CT) 800-852-4392. Counselors are available between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Personal appointments are available at the UConn Health Center EAP office or at an affiliate office convenient to you.

Public Safety/University Police

Physical assault, threatening or harassing behavior, or any other violation of the law should be reported to the UConn Police Department. Training programs on workplace violence and crime prevention can be presented to your department. Requests can be submitted online or by calling 860-486-4800 (Storrs Campus), and request to speak with the Community Police Unit.

Public Safety Department, Waterbury/Torrington – 203-236-9950 or 911