September 18, 2014

  • At 5:30 PM, the meeting was called to order by Tracy Burton
  • At 5:35 PM the meeting minutes were passed around and read by Tracy. A motion was made to accept the minutes as printed. The motion was seconded and carried.
  • 5:40 the Treasurers Report was read, discussed and then a motion was made to accept as written. The motion to accept the report was then Seconded and accepted.
  • At 5:45 the Principal’s Report was given by Jenna Sharp.
  • Proficiency Levels for 2013-2014 were reported
  • Teacher Changes were announced
  • Grants for the school were discussed
  • Upcoming events were presented
  • 5:50 PM Old Business
  • Review of Medieval Madness Income vs. Output
  • T-Shirt Sales amounts were not reported at this time
  • Discussion about the “Name Your Sign” was had, as well as the pros and cons economically
  • It was suggested that Student Leadership write Thank You cards to MM Sponsors
  • New Business
  • Ms. Sparks requested RIF Books for $2000.00. A motion was made to fund RIF Books, seconded and carried
  • Fundraiser-Talk of the second yearly fundraiser was initiated and ideas began being shared. Tracy stated that a decision will need to be made by the next PTO Meeting in October
  • 6:19 the Meeting was adjourned
  • September 28th at 12:19 PM President Tracy Burton emailed PTO Officers requesting feedback and approval for a drawing for a chance to win $50 Gift Card. The rules for the Gift Card would be that the person must attend the October and November PTO Meeting to meet eligibility to win the Gift Card. This was an emergency vote; as the decision had to be made in time to advertise before the October PTO Meeting. The $50 Gift Card was unanimously agreed upon and the vote passed.