Bloomington Kennedy High School
Course Expectations for Geology
Mr. David Doty Room 206
Voice Mail Number 681-5121 Home Phone 612-866-9625
Course Description
The science of geology studies the history and structure of the earth and the forces which shape it. Topics
will include: geologic time, the structure of the earth, rocks and minerals, plate tectonics, volcanoes and earthquakes, and weathering and erosion. Special emphasis will be placed on Minnesota geology and geologic history. There will be 1-2 field trips.
Materials Needed
Students should have a wide-ruled notebook (just for science), a folder (just for science), a set of
colored pencils and an inexpensive calculator.
Grades are determined by the total number of points earned during the quarter. Points are earned
from written assignments, homework, lab reports, quizzes, tests, and group projects. Points earned
through participation in the above activities are expressed as a percentage of the total possible
points. Letter grades are then determined as follows:
A = 92-100%B+ = 88-89%C+= 78-79%D+= 68-69%F=
A-= 90-91%B = 82-87%C = 72-77%D = 62-67% below 60%
B- = 80-81%C- = 70-71%D-= 60-61%
No student will fail the class if they show they are trying to do their best! This includes
following all behavioral expectations, completing all assignments, and taking all tests. All class
scores are computer-entered, will be posted on the wall in the classroom, and will usually be
updated each week to keep students informed of their progress. Parents-your student should be
able to tell you each week what their grade in science is! All they have to do is look on the
wall! Students will also be given individual grade sheets on a regular basis. If you never see
one of these, please call me. You may also access grades from the Kennedy web site.
Homework is assigned every Monday and is due that Friday. The assignment usually consists of
a packet or an assignment from the textbook with an accompanying worksheet . The assignments
should not take more than an hour or two to complete thoroughly. The most common reason for
D’s and F’s in my class is failure to do homework!! Homework also includes studying for
tests!!! My homework assignments will usually be posted on my TeacherWeb web site
(access this from the Kennedy web site under “staff”) When your student says “no
homework today”, you can always check my website.
Makeup Work
Tests must be made up before or after school only. Transportation arrangements are the
responsibility of the student. Tests not made up within two weeks become a zero. Quizzes and
video worksheets may not be made up. Generally, missed labs may not be made up. There will
be opportunities for extra credit. This will be explained fully to the students. There will be deadlines
for completing makeup work, after which the uncompleted work becomes a zero.
Lab Fees
Unfortunately, we have a minimal supplies budget, but must still purchase consumable suppliesin order to run a lab- based program. Therefore, we charge a $15.00 lab fee to help us purchase these materials. Please send this to school as soon as possible. Checks should be made out to:ISD #271. If you feel like contributing more, that would be EXCELLENT!!!! Your contribution is tax deductible. Students qualifying for
free and reduced hot lunch are exempt from this fee if they sign and return the fee waiver form.
Thanks for your support. If you have already paid a lab fee this year, you do not have to pay again.
Do you have a computer with internet access at home? ______
Behavioral Expectations and Class Rules
A. Be on time. If you are not in the room when the bell rings, you are tardy and will be subject to
the school tardy policy. Tardiness is a disruption to the educational process!!
B. Be prepared for class. Please bring your science notebook, science folder, a pen, and a pencil
to class every day whether you think you need them or not. Textbooks, if assigned, will
remain at home.
C. Show respect.
1) for yourself
2) for each other
3) for teachers, administrators, and other staff members
4) for property (building, grounds, textbooks, desks, equipment, neighborhood)
D. Follow school rules. See student handbook. This applies to hats, coats, phones, personal
electronics, etc. You may lose them, if you are not careful! In accordance with National
Science Safety Standards, no eating or drinking can be allowed in the classroom!!
E. You are dismissed by the teacher, not the bell. On lab days the room must be clean before
the class is dismissed. You must have a pass to use the bathroom (3 per qtr)
Open Door
My door is always open to any student or parent who wishes to speak with me. My job is to help
my students succeed and I would be happy to work individually, after school, with anyone who needs extra help. Parents-please feel free to call the school and leave a message on my voicemail or if you have a computer you can e-mail me. I promise I will get back to you. I have includedmy home number if you cannot reach me in any other way. ( see front page) My e-mail: Kennedy web site is:
Parent/Guardian Acknowledgement (This is the first homework assignment worth 10 points. Please sign and return one copy and keep one copy at home.)
I have reviewed these expectations with my son/daughter in preparation for the 2012-2013 school year
Date ______Signatures
Parent’s daytime phone numberStudent
Comments or Concerns ______