Peace Resolution Project

Directions: You have been hired by government officials in Israel/Palestine to help come up with a campaign to get Peace among Israelis and Palestinians. Your job is to create a plan for peace. Projects could include: peace poster, a song, poem, community event, peace plan, speech, treaty etc. Your goal is to make both Palestinians and Israelis understand the opposing view and understand each side’s demands for peace. Projects will be graded using the following rubric.

20 points / 17 points / 15 points / 12 points
Evidence of understanding the Arab/Israeli conflict / I included the issues and demands of both sides in a way that shows I have a clear understanding of the conflict between Arabs and Israelis / I included the issues and demands of both sides in a way that shows I have somewhat of a clear understanding of the conflict between Arabs and Israelis / I included the issues and demands of both sides in a way that shows I have
very little understanding of the conflict between Arabs and Israelis / I failed to include the issues and demands of both sides thus I am unable to show any understanding of the conflict between Arabs and Israelis
Quality of Peace Plan / I have created a clear plan for peace between Arabs and Israelis. My audience can clearly understand the purpose and how it will help encourage peace. / I have created a somewhat clear plan for peace between Arabs and Israelis. My audience can somewhat clearly understand the purpose and how it will help encourage peace. / I have created a plan for peace between Arabs and Israelis, but the details are not completely clear or accurate. My audience can somewhat clearly understand the purpose and how it will help encourage peace. / I have created a plan for peace between Arabs and Israelis, but the details are not completely clear or accurate. My audience cannot understand the purpose and how it will help encourage peace.
Vocab usage / I used vocabulary words at all appropriate opportunities and used them correctly. / I used vocabulary words at almost all appropriate opportunities and/or mostly used them correctly. / I used vocabulary words at some appropriate opportunities and/or mostly used them correctly. / I did not use any vocabulary words and/or used them all incorrectly.
Overall quality of project / My project is neat, colorful, well organized and it is evident that I paid attention to detail / My project is neat, colorful, well organized and it is evident that I paid attention to detail, but there are some minor issues / My project is somewhat neat, colorful, well organized and it is somewhat evident that I paid attention to detail.
I had several grammatical errors / My project is not neat, colorful, well organized and it is not evident that I paid attention to detail.
Grammatical errors / I only had 1-2 grammatical errors. / I had 3-5 grammatical errors / I had 6-8 grammatical errors / I had more than 8 grammatical errors