Clubs may opt to accept the following or devise their own rules based on a similar format.
Where variances are made available, clubs must nominate their version of the rule.
The Pitch
The pitch shall be rectangular in shape. The length of the touchline shall be greater than the length of the goal line.
The minimum size of a field will be 45mt x 30mt.
The maximum size of a field will be 60mt x 45mt.
The Penalty areas will be 7mt max and no less than 5mts. A Penalty mark is placed at the apex of the circle.
The centre circle is 3mt
Lines shall be marked 80mm wide minimum
All goals must comply with Football NSW goal post safety bulletins and comply with Australian Standards for portable goal posts.
Where possible, technical areas for substitutions may be marked.
Other than the Goal Keeper, players are not permitted to touch the ball inside the penalty area.
A penalty kick will be awarded if the defending players infringe, a free kick from the apex of the goal circle will be awarded if the attacking team infringe.
The goalsmust be made from suitable safe material. Width must not exceed 3mt and height must not exceed 2mt. Please see Football NSW Goal Post Safety Bulletins.
The Ball
The ball used must comply with the BDSFA Inc Bye Laws for correct ball size, weight etc for the age group of the players.
Registration Of Players
All players must be registered with the Club, using the prescribed form, and with the BDSFA Inc 7 days prior to their first match. All participating clubs will download a special Summer Soccer package for their registrations.
The following applies.
- The CMPRegister programme will be used to register all players.
- Existing BDSFA players will be registered as “New Season Registration”
- Players who have not registered for 2007 winter season with the BDSFA Inc will be registered as New Registrations.
- Players who have been registered for another Association within Football NSW will be registered as New Registrations
- Players who do not resemble their photographs must have a new photograph taken.
- All new players must provide proof of DOB as per the Football NSW Identification Rules.
The BDSFA Inc will produce a player registration card for use at all matches.
Registration of Officials
All Officials must be registered with the Club, using the prescribed form, and with the BDSFA Inc 7 days prior to their first match.
- The CMPRegister programme will be used to register all Officials
- Existing BDSFA Officials will be registered as “New Season Registration”
- Officials who have not registered for 2007 winter season with the BDSFA Inc will be registered as New Registrations.
- Officials who have been registered for another Association within Football NSW will be registered as New Registrations
- Officials who do not resemble their photographs must have a new photograph taken.
- All Officials must provide proof of DOB as per the Football NSW Identification Rules.
- All persons officiating teams containing minors must complete the WWC Form. This form is to be kept by the Clubs’ MPIO for a period of at least two years. Rules pertaining to privacy etc must be adhered to.
Number of Players
A maximum of 10 players may be registered per team.
The number of on field players shall not exceed 7, one of whom must be the goalkeeper and 3 substitutes.
Where matches are to be played by younger age groups or on smaller fields, the number of on field players should be reduced to 5, one of whom must be the goalkeeper and 3 substitutes.
Interchange is allowed where the Club Rules stipulate.
All substitutions will take place from the technical area (or designated area) with the permission of the referee. The on field player must leave the field entirely prior to the substitute taking the field of play.
The Goal Keeper may change places with any other player with the permission of the referee.
Note: For infringements of the above, the referee will stop play and award a caution to the player who is about to enter the field of play. The game is re-started by a free kick to thenon-offending team from the place where the ball was located when the referee stopped play.
Players Equipment
A player must not use any equipment, or wear anything (including any type of jewellery) that could be dangerous to himself or another player. Medi-Alert devises are exempt from this rule.
The basic compulsory equipment consists of a numbered shirt, socks and shorts.
Shin pads must be worn and must be a correct fit for the players’ size. They should be entirely covered by the socks and be made of a suitable safe material that provides a reasonable degree of protection.
The Club must determine the preferred footwear, if it is decided that soft trainers or gym shoes are to be worn, care is to be taken that everyone wears similar footwear.
The goalkeeper must wear colours different from everyone else on the field. The Goal Keeper is permitted to wear long trousers or track pants.
Note: For infringements of the above, the referee will stop play and award a caution to the player and remove them from the field of play. The game is re-started by a free kick to thenon-offending team from the place where the ball was located when the referee stopped play.
The Referee
A referee shall be appointed for all matches. The Club may avail itself of the services of the BCSRB or appoint suitable persons.
The referee shall control all aspects of the match and shall make themselves aware of the laws of the game and the reporting procedures for any infringements.
The referee shall be the sole keeper of time unless the rules stipulate a second official centrally times the match.
The decisions of the referee concerning the facts of play are final. The referee may change a decision that is incorrect provided that play has not restarted or the match is not ended.
Duration of the Match
The maximum time shall be two 20-minute halves.
The minimum time shall be two 15-minute halves.
The duration of a half may only be extended to enable a penalty kick to be taken.
Start and Restart of Play.
A coin will be tossed and the winner of the toss will determine which goal it will defend for the first half of the match, the team losing the toss will take the kick off. The second half will commence with both teams changing ends with the team who wins the toss taking the kick off for the second half start.
A Kick Off is the way of starting the match or restarting the match.
- At the start of the match
- After a goal has been scored
- At the start of the second half.
- At the start of any period of extra time.
A goal can be scored directly from the kick off.
- All players will be in their own half
- The opponents of the team kicking off must be at least 3mt away from the ball
- The ball shall be stationary on the centre spot.
- The referee shall signal
- The ball is deemed in play as soon as it moves forward.
- The player kicking off may not touch the ball a second time until another player touches it.
- If a team scores a goal, the kick off will be taken by the non-scoring team.
Note: If the player taking the kick off touches the ball a second time, a free kick will be awarded to the non-offending team. In the event of any other infringement during kick off, the kick off will be re-taken.
For all other stoppages, the referee will re-start play with a dropped ball provided the ball is within the field of play at the time of the stoppage.
The ball is in play when it touches the field after being dropped by the referee. The referee will drop the ball again if a player touches it prior to the ball hitting the ground or if the ball leaves the field of play before being touched by a player.
Ball In and Out of Play
The ball shall be deemed “out of play” when it completely crosses the touch or goal lines or if the referee has stopped play.
The ball is “in play” if it rebounds from the goals directly onto the pitch or it hits the referee and rebounds directly onto the field of play.
Method of Scoring
A goal is scored when the whole of the ball crosses the goal line between the goal posts and the cross bar providing the laws of the game have not been infringed prior.
When the ball crosses the goal line after the referee has signalled half or full time the goal will not count.
Free Kicks
Free kicks will be awarded as per the FIFA Rules of The Game. The referee will signal whether the free kick is direct or indirect.
Other than the kicker, all other players must be 5mt away from the ball during a free kick.
The free kick will be re-taken if players do not observe the above.
The kicker cannot touch the ball a second time unless another player has touched it.
All free kicks must be taken within 5 seconds of the ball being placed or the free kick will be awarded to the opposition.
Penalty Kicks
A penalty kick will be awarded if a player commits an offence within his own penalty area, irrespective of the position of the ball at the time of the infringement providing that the ball is “in play” at the time.
The penalty kick will be taken from the mark at the apex of the goal circle with all other players at least 5mt away from the ball.
Additional time will be allowed to take the penalty kick at the end of each half or at the end of extra time periods.
- The Penalty taker will be nominated
- The goal keeper will remain on his goal line and between the goal posts
- The Penalty taker will not be allowed to touch the ball a second time unless touched by another player.
The Kick In
When a ball is deemed by the referee to have gone out of play via the touchline, the ball is to be returned to play by a “kick in”. The ball will be placed on the touchline at a place to be determined by the referee, the team to whom the kick in is awarded have 5 seconds to kick the ball back into play.
If the kicker takes more than 5 seconds, the referee will award the kick in to the opposition.
- The ball must be stationary on the side line prior to the kick in
- All players must be 5mt from the ball.
- The kicker cannot kick the ball a second time unless another player touches it.
- The ball is deemed in play as soon as it enters the field of play.
Note: if a player kicks the ball a second time before being touched by another player the referee will award a free kick to the opposition. If an opponent impedes a player attempting a kick in they will receive a caution.
The Throw In
When a ball is deemed by the referee to have gone out of play via the touchline, the ball is to be returned to play by a throw in. A player from the team who did not last touch the ball prior to it leaving the field of play will throw the ball back into play. Normal FIFA Rules apply.
Fouls and Misconduct
The BDSFA Inc will produce a Mandatory Penalty for each dismissible offence.
- A player dismissed from the field of play cannot remain on the pitch, or in the technical area. They must vacate the vicinity of the pitch.
- After two minutes, a substitute player may replace the dismissed player.
- All FIFA Laws apply for Fouls and Misconducts.
- Players receiving two cautions will be dismissed from the field of play.
Note: Tournament Directors may utilise the “Team Foul” method in their rules, whereby after a stipulated number of fouls per half, the referee will award penalty kicks for further infringements. Clubs using this method must inform the BDSFA Inc, the referees and the player prior to adoption.
Goal Clearance
A goal clearance will occur when the whole of the ball has crossed the goal line after last being touched by an attacking player. The ball will be placed on the penalty mark at the apex of the penalty circle and kicked into play by the goalkeeper. All players must be 5mt away from the ball.
A Goal cannot be scored direct from a goal clearance.
Corner Kick
A corner kick will occur when the whole of the ball has crossed the goal line after last being touched by a defending player. The ball will be placed on or inside the corner arc and kicked into play. All players must be 5mt away from the ball.
A Goal can be scored direct from a corner kick.
All Summer Soccer Tournaments are subject to the existing BDSFA Inc and Football NSW policies; clubs are responsible for making themselves aware of all policies.
Clubs participating in Summer Soccer should make themselves aware of heat stress index and player safety.
Issues such as Sun Safe should be understood and addressed.
Heat Stress IndexHumidity / 40 / 45 / 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80 / 85 / 90 / 95 / 100
(Cº) / 27 / 27 / 27 / 27 / 27 / 28 / 28 / 28 / 29 / 29 / 29 / 30 / 30 / 31
28 / 28 / 28 / 28 / 29 / 29 / 29 / 30 / 31 / 32 / 32 / 33 / 34 / 35
29 / 29 / 29 / 29 / 30 / 31 / 32 / 32 / 33 / 34 / 36 / 37 / 38 / 39
30 / 30 / 31 / 31 / 32 / 33 / 34 / 35 / 36 / 38 / 39 / 41 / 42 / 44
31 / 31 / 32 / 33 / 34 / 35 / 37 / 38 / 39 / 41 / 43 / 45 / 47 / 49
32 / 33 / 33 / 35 / 36 / 38 / 39 / 41 / 43 / 45 / 47 / 50 / 53 / 56
33 / 34 / 36 / 37 / 38 / 41 / 42 / 44 / 47 / 49 / 52 / 55 / 58
34 / 36 / 38 / 39 / 41 / 43 / 46 / 48 / 51 / 54 / 57
36 / 38 / 40 / 42 / 44 / 47 / 49 / 52 / 56
37 / 41 / 43 / 45 / 47 / 51 / 53 / 57
38 / 43 / 46 / 48 / 51 / 54
39 / 46 / 48 / 51 / 54
40 / 48 / 51 / 55
41 / 51 / 54
42 / 54
43 / 58
Caution / Extreme Caution / Danger / Extreme Danger
Fatigue possible / Sunstroke, muscle cramps, and/or heat exhaustion possible / Sunstroke, muscle cramps, and/or heat exhaustion likely / Heat stroke or sunstroke likely