Lesson 3.2 – Robotics Quiz
Robotics and Automated Systems
I. Short Answer
1. Give a brief history of a robot and explain why robots are used in industry.
2. When robots were first introduced, many people believed that jobs would be lost to these new devices. What are some of the social implications that took place because of robotics?
3. What are the differences between fixed automation and flexible automation?
II. Multiple Choice
4. Modern automated systems use sensors and computer based intelligence to replace the skill and dexterity of the human worker.
A. true
B. false
5. CIM stands for :
A. computer interfaced manufacturing
B. computer integrated manufacturing
C. cad integrated manufacturing
D. none of the above
6. The earliest example of an automated factory in the U.S. was ______.
A. Dinklemire Clock Manufacturing
B. Ford Automobile Manufacturing
C. Wright Airplane Manufacturing
D. none of the above
7. The primary means of a company to improve productivity and remain competitive in the global marketplace is to:
A. hire more assembly line workers
B. fire most of the managers
C. use automation and computer technology
D. improve fringe benefit packages
8. Automation cannot be applied to hazardous or monotonous jobs.
A. true
B. false
9. The primary characteristics of a flexible manufacturing system are that a changeover to produce a different product can be accomplished in a matter of minutes by:
A. computer-controlled production equipment such as CNC
B. an automated materials handling system such as storage, transport and transfer
C. manufacturing control system (including both tool and logistics control)
D. all of the above
10. What is flexible automation?
A. automation that is not reprogrammable
B. multitask capability to be reprogrammed for a different use
C. a collection of display instructions assembled to create an object
D. a process or location for holding data
11. Automated systems convert raw materials into finished products in a shorter period of time than conventional methods of manufacturing.
A. true
B. false
12. In the automobile industry there are highly integrated transfer lines consisting of several dozen workstations. These workstations are used to perform machining operations on engine and transmission components. This is an example of:
A. programmable automation
B. fixed automation
C. flexible automation
D. none of the above
13. Which of the following is a good rationale for robotics?
A. increased productivity
B. improved product quality
C. reduced scrap and waste
D. improved worker safety
E. all of the above
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