Procurement Plan (including contract packaging)
I General
1.1 Project information:
Country: China
Sub-Borrower: Xi’an Municipal Government
Project Name: Xi’an Urban Transport Project
Loan/Credit No: 7558 -CN
Project ID: P092631
Project Implementing Agencies:
· XDRC: PMO in Xi’an Foreign Loan Management Office under Xi’an Development and Reform Commission. (XDRC) for overall project preparation, oversight and coordination.
· IIC: Xi’an Infrastructure Investment General Co. (IIC) for overall project management, supervision and debt repayment.
· MPWMC: Xi'an Municipal Civil Administration Bureau for Road Networks –Xi’an city component (RNC)
· Huxian County Government: Huxian County Construction Bureau and Huxian DRC for Road Networks –Huxian component (RNH)
· XMCB and XPTC Xi’an Municipal Communications Bureau (XMCB) and Xi’an Public Transport General Company (XPTC) for public transport component (PT)
· XPSB: Xi’an Public Security Bureau Traffic Police Detachment (XPSB) for Traffic Management component (TM)
· XEPB: Xi’an Municipal Environment Protection Bureau (XEPB) for Air Quality Management component (AQM)
· XMCHB Xi’an Municipal Culture Heritage Bureau (XMCHB) for Culture Heritage – Ancient Roads in Han Chang’an city-Weiyang Palace component (CH1)
· XCSWC: PMO in Xi’an Municipal City Wall Scenery Spot Committee (XCWSC) for Culture Heritage – Ming City Bicycle Network component (CH2)
1.2 Bank’s approval date of the Procurement Plan: Original_of 2007; Revision 1: Dec.7of 2009;Revision 2:Aug.12of 2010;Revision 3: Feb.15of 2011;Revision 4:Apr.10 of 2011;Revision 5:Aug.15 of 2012
Period covered by the Procurement Plan (PP): 2012 -2013, The PP in the first year is ready to be implemented. The PP for rest years is only indicative subject to the adjustment approved by the Bank later. The cost estimate in original PP is based on the feasibility study (Huxian project is based on cost estimate of preliminary design). The cost estimates in the revised PP will be replaced by cost estimate based on the preliminary design and detailed construction design whenever the preliminary design and detailed construction design are completed.
1.3 Date of General Procurement Notice(GPN): July 14,2008
Advertisement for SPN:
All ICB regardless of contract value and consultant contract above $200,000 shall be at least on a national newspaper and dgMarket & UNDB on line
All NCB contracts above $2 million for Works and above $300,000 for Goods, all consultant contracts for firms regardless of contract value shall be at least on a national newspaper.
All NCB contracts below $2 million for Works and below $300,000 for Goods shall be at least on a provincial newspaper.
Disclosure information for bid/proposal evaluation and contract award:
Bid evaluation and contract award information for all ICB procurement of works and goods, for all QCBS, QBS, CQS and SSS procurement of consultant services shall be published on UNDB on line and dgMarket in accordance with the stipulations in Bank’s procurement Guidelines.
Disclosure of bid evaluation and contract award information for all NCB and Shopping procurement of works and goods will follow local procedures.
1.4 Procurement Method Threshold for Goods and Works and non-consulting services.
Procurement Method / Civil Works /Supply and Install / Goods / Non-Consultant Services1. / ICB / >$25 million / >$3,000,000 / NA
2. / NCB / <$25 million / <$3,000,000 / NA
3. / Shopping / NA / <$100,000 / NA
Note: NA = Not Applicable for the project
1.5 Prequalification:
Bidders for contract value >$20 million under ICB Works shall be prequalified in accordance with the provisions of paragraphs 2.9 and 2.10 of the Procurement Guidelines. No prequalification, but post qualification, for all goods and NCB works under the project.
1.6 Domestic Preference:
Domestic preference applies for ICB goods procurement only. No domestic preference for works contracts and NCB/Shopping contracts.
1.7 Procurement Method Thresholds for Selection of Consultants and Training
Selection Method / Consultant Firm including trainings offered by the firm(if any) / Individual Consultant / Training (for those not included in consultant services)1. / QCBS/QBS/FBS / >$300,000 / NA / NA
2. / CQ / <$300,000 / NA / NA
3 / Section V of guidelines / NA / Any value / NA
1.8 Short list comprising entirely of national consultants:
Short list of consultants for services, estimated to cost less than $ 500,000 equivalent per contract, may comprise entirely of national consultants in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 2.7 of the Consultant Guidelines.
1.9 Prior Review Thresholds for Goods, Works, Non-consulting Services, Consultant Firm, Individual Consultant and Training
Procurement Decisions subject to Prior Review by the Bank as stated in Appendix 1 to the Guidelines for Procurement:
Procurement Category / Prior Review Threshold1. / Works / >$10 million / First and Second NCB contract / All design & drawings
2. / Goods / >$1million / First and Second Shopping contract
3. / Non-Consultant Services / NA / NA
4. / Consultant Firm / >$100,000 / First contract / All TOR
5. / Individuel Consultant / >$50,000 / First contract / All TOR
6. / Training / NA / NA / All TOR
In addition, the procurement for first contracts for each implementing agency and for each type procurement method, all drawings for civil works and all TOR for consultant services regardless of contract value shall also be sent to the Bank for prior review.
II Reference to (if any) Project Operational/Procurement Manual: Procurement Manual prepared by IIC is distributed to all procurement staff for reference.
III Any Other Special Procurement Arrangements: NA.
VI Procurement Packages with Methods and Time Schedule
All TOR, preliminary design, detailed construction design and drawings used for bidding documents/request for proposals shall be submitted to the Bank for prior review for all contracts including contracts subject to Bank post review.
Prequalification applies for ICB works contracts and post qualification applies for NCB works and goods procurement.
Contract Numbering Principles:
RN Road Network
1. RNC : Road Network in Xi’an City,
2. RNH : Road Network in Huxian,
PT: Public Transport
3. PT1: Bus Interchange,
4. PT2: Bus Priority lanes,
5. PT3: Bus Maintenance Depot,
TM: Traffic Management,
6. TM1: Area Traffic Control (ATC)
7. TM2: Road Safety
8. TM3: Enforcement & Road User Education (RUE)
9. TM4: Parking
10. TM5: Traffic Facilities
AQ:Air Quality Management,
11. AQ1: Air Quality Monitoring Center
12. AQ2: MV Emission Inspection
13. AQ3: Air Quality Monitoring Network
14. AQ4: Information Management and Data Analysis
15. AQ5. TA for MV Emission Control
CH: Cultural Heritage
16. CH1: Han Chang'an Weiyang Palace Han Dynasty Roads
17. CH2: Ming City Bicycle Route
ID: Institutional Development
1 One U.S dollar is in equivalence of 6.3 Yuan RMB
No. / Contract No. / Contract name / Cost EstimatesUSD million/
RMB 10K / Signed Contract Price
(RMB 10K) / Procurement method / Bank Review Method (Prior review / post review) / Estimated Date of Bid Submission / Actual contract signing Date / Contract duration months
1. / RNC11 / Yuxiangmen Interchange
0.86 km / 12.77/8042 / 7830.6 / NCB
Works / Prior review / 2009-10 / 2009-12-25 / 15
2. / RNC12 / Changlemen Interchange 0.8km / 7.13/7998.62 / 7998.61 / NCB Works / Prior review / 2012-4 / 2012-8-3 / 12
3. / RNC13-1 / Hanguang Gate-Zhuque Gate / 34.22/21560.93 / ICB Works to be procured based on a slice and package approach subject to prequalification / Prior review / 2012-10 / 18
RNC13-2 / South Gate / 27.14/17095.37 / 12615.74 / 2012-8 / 18
RNC13-3 / Wenchang Gate-Heping Gate / 39.61/24953.49 / 2012-10 / 18
4. / RNC21 / 2nd Ring Road North-East Interchange(StageⅠ) 1.3 km / 11.76/7410 / 6896.8 / NCB Works / Prior review / 2008-10 / 2008-11-30 / 18
5. / RNC22 / 2nd Ring Road South-East Interchange - 1.08 km / 11.18/7044 / 7895.8 / NCB Works / Prior review / 2009-7 / 2009-8-10 / 12
6. / RNC31 / Tai Bai Nan-Zhang Ba Interchange
2.05 km / 30.61/19285 / 16343.9 / ICB Works / Prior review / 2012-10 / 2013-1-25 / 24
Total / 174.42/113389.41 / 59581.45
1. All six contracts are civil works construction contracts. Equipment for pumping stations, lighting, ventilation and safety in RNC11, RNC12, and RNC13 is included in the civil works contracts.
Contract packages for the Road Network Subcomponent in Huxian (RNH)
No. / Contract No. / Contract name / Cost EstimatesUSD million/
RMB 10K / Signed Contract Price
(RMB 10K) / Procurement method / Bank Review Method (Prior review / post review) / Estimated Date of Bid Submission / Actual contract signing Date / Contract duration months
1 / RNH5 / Meipi Road 3.6km / 4.57/2878 / 3097.7 / NCB Works / Prior review / 2009-9 / 2009-11-17 / 12
2 / RNH3 / Lvgong Road 2.8km / 4.93/3108 / 2800.3 / NCB Works / Prior review / 2009-9 / 2009-11-17 / 12
3 / RNH4 / Railway Crossing (Underpass) on Lvgong Road 0.75km / 3.60/2266 / 2818 / NCB Works / Post review / 2010 / 2010-5-28 / 18
4 / RNH1 / Xincheng Road 5.1km / 11.70/7374 / 9795.29 / NCB Works / Prior review / 2011-6 / 2012-6-30 / 18
Total / 24.80/15626 / 18511.29
1. Pumps are included in RNH4
Contract packages for Public Transport Component
PT 1 Bus Rapid Transit
No. / Contract No. / Contract name / Cost EstimatesUSD million/
RMB 10K / Cost actually
(RMB 10K) / Procurement methods / Prior review or post review / Estimated Date of Bid Submission / Actual contract signing year / Contract duration months
1 / PT1.1 / South Bus Interchange Civil Works / 2.68/1686 / NCB Works / Post
review / 2013-6 / 18
2 / PT1.2 / Textile Town Bus Interchange Civil Works / 4.44/2795 / 3077.79 / NCB Works / Prior
review / 2011 / 2011-3-15 / 18
3 / PT1.3 / South Bus Interchange Facilities: Bus Performance Testing Equipments / 0.80/507 / NCB Goods / Post review / 2013-12 / 6
4 / PT1.5 / Textile Town Bus Interchange Facilities: Bus Interchange Facilities and Bus Performance Testing Equipments / 0.80/507 / 483.61 / NCB Goods / prior review / 2012-12 / 2012-12-19 / 26
5 / PT1.6 / Office Facilities of Textile Town Bus Interchange / 0.88/55.6 / 51.86 / NCB Goods / Post review / 2012-12 / 2013-2-26 / 13
6 / PT1.7 / Furniture of Textile Town Bus Interchange / 0.41/258 / 245.27 / NCB Goods / Post review / 2012-12 / 2013-2-26 / 14
Total / 10.11/5808.6 / 3858.53
PT2 Bus Priority Lanes
No. / Contract No. / Contract name / Cost EstimatesUSD million/ RMB 10K / Cost actually
(RMB 10K) / Procurement methods / Prior review or post review / Estimated Date of Bid Submission / Actual contract signing year / Contract duration months
1 / PT2.7 / Youyi R 9.97km, 13 stops / 1.77/1113 / NCB Works / post review / 2014 / 10
2 / PT2.14 / East and West Changan Street,College City Changan district ,17.5km / 2.70/1700 / NCB Works / post review / 2014 / 10
Total / 4.47/2813
Notes:The detailed implementation plan of this sub-project will be adjusted in mid-term review.
PT3 Bus Depot --- Bus Depot
No. / Contract No. / Contract name / Cost EstimatesUSD million/ RMB 10K / Cost actually
(RMB 10K) / Procurement methods / Prior review or post review / Estimated Date of Bid Submission / Actual contract signing year / Contract duration months
1 / PT3.1 / Xinzhu Depot Civil works / 12.57/7921 / NCB
Works / prior review / 2013-7 / 17
2 / PT3.2 / Automatic telescopic gate, washing station and petrol station / 0.30/190 / NCB
Goods / Post review / 2013-10 / 6
3 / *PT3.3 / Bus Performance Testing Equipments / 0.29/181 / NCB
Goods / post review / 2013-10 / 6
4 / *PT3.4 / Bus Repairing Testing Equipments / 0.35/223 / NCB
Goods / post review / 2013-10 / 6
5 / PT3.5 / Bus repairing machines、tools / 0.27/169 / NCB
Goods / post review / 2013-10 / 6
6 / PT3.6 / Office facility / 0.32/200 / NCB
Goods / post review / 2013-10 / 6
7 / PT3.7 / Office furniture / 0.23/144 / NCB
Goods / Post review / 2013-10 / 6
8 / PT3.8 / Management facility / 0.18/112 / NCB
Goods / Post review / 2013-10 / 6
9 / PT3.9 / Houweizai(West of the town) Depot Civil works) / 5.56/3500 / NCB
Works / Post review / 2013-11
10 / PT3.9 / office furnitures,office facilities equipment of gas station and repairing equipment on Houweizai(West of the town) public transportation station / 0.79/500 / NCB
Goods / Post review / 2014
Total / 20.86/13140
*Notes: Xinzhu Bus Depot is also in land acquisition phase, PT3.3 and PT3.4 contract packages will not be combined at present as the preliminary design has not started.
Contract packages for Traffic Management Component –
TM 1 Area Traffic Control
No / Contract No. / Contract name / Cost EstimatesUSD million/ RMB 10K / Cost actually
(RMB 10K) / Procurement methods / Prior or post review / Estimated Date of Bid Submission / Actual contract signing year / Contract duration months
1 / TM11 / ATC, signals & controllers for 200 road junctions & associated equipment / 10.09/6359 / ICB Goods / Prior review / 2013-10 / 24
2 / TM12 / 200 road junction channelizations (see Note 1) / 5.62/3541 / NCB works / Post review / 2013-11 / 24
3 / TM13 / CCTV traffic monitoring cameras / 2.67/1685 / 1636 / ICB
Goods / Prior review / 2011-1 / 2011-8-31 / 24
TM13-1 / Engineering Project Supervisor / 0.05/33 / 69.27 / CQS
Service / Post review / 2011-4 / 2011-12-26 / 24
4 / TM14 / Wireless network of communications system for ATC,CCTV,VMS / 1.52/958 / NCB Goods / Post review / 2013-9 / 12
Total / 19.96/12576 / 1705.27
1. Includes 177 junctions mostly within MWC ATC, plus 23 junction allowance for other components.
2. Implementation of ATC is split into four contracts (TM 11-14) as experience has shown this is most efficient way to implement ATC
TM 2 Road Safety
No. / Contract No. / Contract name / Cost EstimatesUSD million/ RMB 10K / Signed Contract Price (RMB 10K) / Procurement methods / Prior review or post review / Estimated Date of Bid Submission / Actual contract signing year / Contract duration months
1 / TM21 / Traffic accident on-scene fast investigation system / 0.22/141 / 139.8745 / NCB Goods / Post
review / 2013-5-20 / 16
2 / TM22 / Accident Remedial Measures -Engineering, Enforcement, Education arising from AAS TA / 0.75/470 / NCB Goods / post review / 2013-7 / 18
3 / TM23 / Accident investigation vehicle / 2.05/1293 / 1233.97 / ICB Goods / Prior review / 2010 / 2010-12-20 / 18
Total / 3.02/1904 / 1373.8445
TM3 Enforcement and RUE