Schools Carbon Reduction Strategy Consultation Results
A final version of the Schools Carbon Reduction Strategy has now been produced to take into account the responses raised through this consultation. The Strategy document has now been approved by the Oxfordshire County Council Climate Change Board.
A copy of the final Strategy is now available on the E-consult website or a copy can be obtained by contacting
- Responses
Responses were received from 32 schools (11% of schools). Responses shown by school type, and stakeholder type, below
- Results
26 out of 32 responding schools felt the “support activities identified in the Draft Schools Carbon Reduction Strategy are appropriate to help schools reach the goal of being able to measure, understand and take action to reduce their overall carbon footprint”
21 out of 32 schools felt the matrix was helpful in identifying a clear path for schools to follow to undertake carbon reduction
A number of specific issues were raised by schools. The most common comments are summarised below along with the suggested response in the Strategy.
Principle issues raised in consultation / Suggested response in Strategy- Concern over limited further opportunities for carbon reduction for those schools who have taken early action
- Concern over limited opportunities for carbon reduction for those schools in listed, or otherwise difficult to modify, buildings
Benchmarking to be made available to help schools to compare their performance with others in similar building types.
- Concern over economics of investing in energy efficiency for very small schools
Equalities Impact Assessment (to include very small schools sites) to be carried out as part of work to generate financial mechanism. EQIA to assess and mitigate where possible, any undesirable adverse affect on particular stakeholder groups.
- Need for further detail on potential financial mechanisms and funding opportunities
Consultation to be carried out by Contracts and Traded Services group (of Schools Forum) once financial mechanism related to CRC has been clarified.
Communications plan to be developed and agreed with Schools Forum to include training opportunities for governors and head teachers to cover financial mechanism and funding opportunities.
Surveys provided to schools to be reviewed to ensure they are underpinned with clear, up to date advice about payback times and potential funding opportunities.
- Clear outline of details of the professional advice schools will receive required
SLA’s to be available on Schools Carbon website and links circulated via Schools News.
- Schools Forum Comments
Comments from Schools Forum were gathered at the 7th October 2010 meeting. Comments, along with suggested responses in consultation are shown below:
The need to recognise that some schools may have limited ability to make additional carbon savings because of early action they have undertaken / As aboveThe need for specific, practical advice about the application of renewable energy to sites / To be integrated into Strategy. SLA to be produced showing support schools can expect on renewable energy
Financial implications of the Strategy should be considered as part of the Contracts and Traded Services sub group of the Schools Forum. / Timetable for development of financial mechanism to be produced in conjunction with Contracts and Traded Services committee.
- Amends to the CRC
Since the writing of the Schools Carbon Reduction Strategy and consultation, the Comprehensive Spending Review on 20th October 2010 has announced changes to the Carbon Reduction Commitment Energy Efficiency Scheme (CRC).
The CRC will no longer act as a carbon trading scheme but will operate more like a tax on energy consumption (see extract below).
2.108 The CRC Energy Efficiency scheme will be simplified to reduce the burden on businesses,with the first allowance sales for 2011-12 emissions now taking place in 2012 rather than 2011.
Revenues from allowance sales totalling £1 billion a year by 2014-15 will be used to support thepublic finances, including spending on the environment, rather than recycled to participants.
Further decisions on allowance sales are a matter for the Budget process.
(Pg. 62 Spending Review 2010)
This policy announcement will be updated in the Strategy document. The finer details of this and therefore the precise implications for both the County Council and schools are yet to be made clear.
As schools are keen to have a clearer understanding of the financial implications of work around energy efficiency, a timetable for developing thefinancial mechanism, and the communications plan to be associated with this, will be created with the Contracts and Services sub committee.
Annex 1: Methodology of Schools Carbon Reduction Consultation
The draft Schools Carbon Reduction Strategy and a series of questions were uploaded to the OxfordshireCounty Council portal “E-consult”. The consultation was open for 3 weeks between 4th and 22nd October 2010
Responses were invited to the consultation via the following means:
- Governor Support Service email to all Clerks of governors for forwarding to Chairs
- Direct email to head teachers via OxfordshireCountyCouncil email list (inc academies), including reminder week before closing
- Finance Managers via school admin emails,including reminder week before closing
- Chairs of Head Teachers Associationsemailed re. survey
- Via email to Schools Forum Members,
- Attendance at Schools Forum, and Traded Services meetings
- Emailed direct to schools inputting into the extended version of the July carbon survey
- Verbally viaCarole Thompson at Oxfordshire Governors Association Exec.Meeting
- Article highlighting consultation in Schools News x 2