Welcome to this weeks LPC e-bulletin. w/e 26th Feb 2016
The campaign to raise awareness of cuts to community pharmacy funding is gaining momentum.We will be in contact over the next few weeks to let you know what else you can do locally. In the meantime, it would be great for you to print and display this poster (attached) and encourage all staff and customers to sign the online petition against the proposed cuts.
Community Pharmacy Flu advanced service Deadline!
We would like to remind all contractors that the above servicefinishesat the end of February.All pharmacies that still have in their possession unclaimed payments for those vaccinations administered during Februarymust submit these to the NHS BSA by the 5th of March in line with the FP34C process. Failing to do so could result in financial losses for contractors.
EPS Training Dates.
The HSCIC are putting on EPS system training for all Pharmacy systems.This is a national project and the feedback we have had from other areas is that it has been well received.
EPS System Training for Helix and Pharmacy Manager
Monday, 21 March, 2016 19:00 for 19:30 start finishing by 21:30
Holiday Inn, Deane Gate Avenue, Taunton, TA1 2UA
EPS System Training for NexPhase and Lloyds CoMPass
Tuesday, 22 March, 2016 19:00 for 19:30 start finishing by 21:30
Holiday Inn, Deane Gate Avenue, Taunton, TA1 2UA
EPS System Training for Rx ProScript, AAH ProScript Link, Positive Solution Analyst
Wednesday, 23 March, 2016 19:00 for 19:30 start finishing by 21:30
Holiday Inn, Deane Gate Avenue, Taunton, TA1 2UA
To register your PLACE, visit thiswebsite:
CPPE Parkinson’s Disease Focal Point.
Parkinson’s is currently the second most common neurodegenerative condition in the UK. There are approximately 120,000-130,000 diagnosed cases, but many more affected individuals may remain undiagnosed. Come and learn more about Parkinson's and how you can translate your learning into changes in your practice that will benefit patients and carers. A piece of CPD.
Thursday, 10 March, 2016, 19:30 start, finishing by 21:00.
Holiday Inn, Taunton TA1 2UA. Booking Reference: 44231, and your GPhc number.
Book CPPE events at: (login and click on 'Book a workshop') or email: telephone CPPE on 0161 778 4000.Catherine Hilton,MRPharmS
CPPE tutor, Somerset.Places are still available so book now!A light buffet will be served from 7pm.This event is for pharmacists, pre-registration pharmacists and registered pharmacy technicians.
CPPE:Polypharmacy Focal Point Training
Wednesday, 13 April, 2016, 19:30 start, finishing by 21.00
Yeovil Town Football Club BA22 8YF. Booking Reference:44288.
Book CPPE events at: (login and click on 'Book a workshop') or email: or telephone CPPE on 0161 778 4000. (Please note change of event as it was originally scheduled as CPPE Parkinson’s Disease)
CPPE: EHC Emergency Contraceptive Training.
Tuesday 13 September 19:30 start, finishing by 21.30.
Holiday Inn Taunton, Deane Gate Avenue, Taunton, TA1 2UA
Booking ref. 44862.
Book CPPE events at: (login and click on 'Book a workshop') or email: or telephone CPPE on 0161 778 4000.Information on all our up to date news and events can be found via our website and Calendar:
Rotas for Taunton and South Somerset covering the Easter period, are now available to view on our website, along with relevant notes and special medicines listing if applicable. Further information can be found at
Mary Pennington
Administration Officer
Somerset LPC
Tel: +44(0)7714214811
Please note I generally work for the LPC on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings, but will endeavour to return emails outside of these times where possible.
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Like us on Facebook: Somerset LPC