Delivering the Whole School Child Protection Training Package (2016)
Please ensure that the basic package is/has been delivered:
Emotional Context
Training in child protection can raise sensitive issues for group members and trainers alike. Within the group there may be adult survivors of childhood abuse, there also may be others who are experiencing abuse as an adult. Some participants may have anxieties around past professional/personal responses to child protection concerns. These issues need to be acknowledged and addressed at the beginning of training sessions. Trainers will need to acknowledge feelings, give supportive suggestions for managing emotions and identify sources of help outside the session.
Before the Session Begins
The trainer may want to establish some principles with the group:
CP training may touch upon the personal and professional experience of individuals. Participants need to be sensitive and respectful of others.
The group needs to respect the principle of confidentiality.
Where there may be differences in views, these will be heard sensitively or questioned in a way which is constructive and enabling to the process of the group
Some participants may not feel able to take part in particular aspects of an exercise and this should be respected
Co-training in child protection reflects best practice. The trainer may wish to consider enlisting the support of the Deputy Designated Person or a colleague.
Preparation Checklist
Familiarise yourself with all the materials. Select and prepare your presentation
Make sure you have a copy of /access to: School Child Protection Policy; School Child Protection Recording and Monitoring Form; North Yorkshire.
AND consider how you will manage disclosures of abuse during your training
Basic Package
PowerPoint: Please note that the slides come with trainer notes/suggested uses. To access these click on view, then click on notes page
- Aims and objectives
- Definitions of Abuse
- Recognising concerns: Signs and Symptoms
- Sources of stress/vulnerability (incl. Domestic Abuse)
- Responding to Disclosures
- Confidentiality
- Basic procedure/flowchart
- CP in Specific Circumstances
Standard Handouts:
1. Child development
2. Warning signs
3. Recording and monitoring
4. Healthy Sexual Development
5. Worried about a child’s sexual behaviour
6. Allegations against staff & volunteers
7. Female Genital Mutilation
Additional material the trainer may wish to consider including and/or use in refresher training:
- Daniel Pelka case study
- NYSCBprocedures“Safeguarding children in specific circumstances” e.g. Bullying & Cyber bullying, private fostering, sexually active underage young people, sexually exploited children
Rosemary Cannell 01609 534974
Karen Lewis 01609 534200
Dave Peat01609 535646 (on extended leave to April 2017)
Susan Crawford01609 532152
Julie Kaye01609 532508