Model Resolution Language
WHEREAS, researchers have found that the act of changing clocks between standard time and daylight saving time each year harms health by increasing heart attacks (Sleep Medicine, 2012 and New England Journal of Medicine, 2008),
WHEREAS, researchers have found that the act of changing clocks harms safety by increasing traffic accidents (American Economic Association, 2016) and workplace injuries (Journal of Applied Psychology, 2009), and increased suicide rates in the days immediately after the switch (Sleep and Biological Rhythms, 2008); and
WHEREAS, researchers have found that the act of changing clocks harms productivity and the economy by decreasing workplace productivity (Journal of Applied Psychology, 2012), hurting the stock market (Journal of Psychological reports, 2011) and harming retail sales (JP Morgan Chase Institute, 2012); and
WHEREAS researchers have determined that remaining in Daylight Saving Time year round will reduce pedestrian deaths and reduce motor vehicle occupant deaths (Rutgers University, 2004), may decrease robberies (The Review of Economics and Statistics, 2015), and may reduce childhood obesity among children (Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 2014 and Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 2012) and increase physical activity for adults (Journal of Environmental Psychology, 2017);
WHEREAS, The federal Uniform Time Act of 1966, requires states to use daylight savings time for nearly eight months of the year and standard time for the remainder, except that it gives states the option to practice standard time year round (15 U.S.C. Sec. 260a(a)) and it gives states the option to switch to another time zone, but it does not give states the option to practice daylight saving time year round; and
WHEREAS, By applying daylight saving time uniformly, the state could avoid any inconsistencies in time application that would otherwise impact and confuse the broadcasting, rail, airline, and motor coach industries; and
WHEREAS, many states are interested in using daylight savings time year round. California has passed a similar resolution with nearly unanimous bipartisan support, [ADD OTHER STATE NAMES AS THEY PAS RESOLUTIONS], and in [2017 or INSERT YEAR], [20 or UPDATE NUMBER FROM TIMEZONEREPORT.COM] have introduced bills to stay on the same time year round. When given the option to practice daylight saving time year round, many states may choose to adopt that option, preserving the uniformity of time across the United States;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Legislature of the state of [INSERT STATE NAME] that
the State respectfully memorializes the United States Congress and the President of the United States to enact legislation that would allow a state to adopt Daylight Saving Time year round; and be it further
RESOLVED that, given the high level of interest in stopping annual clock changes, that the State respectfully suggests the United States should change what is currently "Daylight Saving Time" to the new "Standard Time" and stay with that time year-round. At a minimum, the State respectfully urges the United States to set a date by which all states may choose to switch to year round Daylight Saving Time. Setting a data will minimize confusion and disruption to transportation and commerce while maximizing states’ right to choose. Be it further
RESOLVED, That the Chief Clerk of the Assembly transmit copies of this resolution to the President and Vice President of the United States, to the Speaker of the House of Representatives, and to each Senator and Representative from [INSERT NAME OF STATE] in the Congress of the United States.