Agenda #9
May 8th - May 16th
Ms. Fennelly
Block E / Block FMonday
May 8
Day 1 / Classwork
Reading Check Quiz: “The Weekend”
Current Events: Patrick N. and Julianna
Finish The Suicide Tourist
You Must:Complete “Suicide Tourist” HW Questions. Start “Monday” by reading “Campbell” and “Anna.” / Classwork
Reading Check Quiz: “The Weekend”
Current Events: Patrick N. and Julianna
Finish The Suicide Tourist
You Must: Complete “Suicide Tourist” HW Questions. Start “Monday” by reading “Campbell” and “Anna.”
May 9
Day 2 / Classwork
Suicide Touristquestions (HW #3) DUE
Post Suggestions for Character Chart
Computer Lab-working on Kohlberg Essay
(Pushing Due Date to Friday)
You Must:Finish “Monday”by reading “Sara 2002,” “Jesse,” “Brian,” and “Campbell”
You Should: Work on Essay / Day 2.
No class today.
May 10
Day 3 / Day 3.
No class today.
Homework (same as Tuesday’s)
You Must: Finish “Monday” by reading “Sara 2002,” “Jesse,” “Brian,” and “Campbell”
You Should: Work on Essay / Classwork
Suicide Touristquestions (HW #3) DUE
Post Suggestions for Character Chart
Computer Lab-working on Kohlberg Essay
(Pushing Due Date to Friday)
You Must: Finish “Monday” by reading “Sara 2002,” “Jesse,” “Brian,” and “Campbell”
You Should: Work on Essay
May 11
Day 4 / Classwork
“Monday”-Reading Check Quiz
Events Presenters:Ian and Courtney
Last Discussion on Kohlberg Paper
Start Sicko (30 minutes)
You Must:Read all of “Tuesday” by (no reading check) and finish paper / Classwork
“Monday”-Reading Check Quiz
Events Presenters: Ian and Courtney
Last Discussion on Kohlberg Paper
Start Sicko
You Must: Read all of “Tuesday” by (no reading check) and finish paper
May 12
Day 5 / Classwork
Kohlberg Essay DUE
Events:Rose, Will D,and Drew
ContinueSicko (45 minutes)
You Must:Read all of “Wednesday” and Finish Sicko (it’s online) / Classwork
Kohlberg Essay DUE
Events: Rose, Will D,and Drew
Continue Sicko (45 Minutes)
You Must: Read all of “Wednesday” and Finish Sicko (it’s online)
May 15
Day 6 / Classwork
“Tuesday and Wednesday” Reading Check Quiz
Literary Discussion #3 toprepare for unit test.Add to DSJ #3 (can use on TEST!).
Assign Last Paper/SLD -A Senior’s Farewell.
You Must: Finish the Book and start studying for the test-you can use DSJ #3, so get that ready. / Classwork
“Tuesday and Wednesday” Reading Check Quiz
Literary Discussion #3 to prepare for unit test.Add to DSJ #3 (can use on TEST!).
Assign Last Paper/SLD -A Senior’s Farewell.
You Must: Finish the Book and start studying for the test-you can use DSJ #3, so get that ready.
May 16
Day 7 / In Class
Discuss the end of the book-why would she do that?
Start The Mask you Live In (40 minutes)
You Must: studying for the test-you can use DSJ #3, so get that ready. / In Class
Discuss the end of the book-why would she do that?
Start The Mask you Live In (40 minutes)
You Must: studying for the test-you can use DSJ #3, so get that ready.
Last Events: Nikki, Jack P., and Maya B.
Last Films
Final reflection