Queen’s Project on

international Development

Development Initiatives Alliance (DIA)

Parental Consent Form

Queen’s Project on International Development is a student-run non-profit organization operating out of Queen’s University’s Engineering Society since 1990. QPID hosts a variety of initiatives at Queen’s campus, in the Kingston community, and in Canada and internationally. In Kingston, QPID runs Seek, Engage and Empower workshops in high school classrooms that actively engage students with development issues both local and global. QPID holds an annual Youth Forum held in March for high school students on the Queen’s Campus to attend various workshops and hear from speakers allowing students to discuss issues and actively participate in interactive activities.

The Development Initiatives Alliance is an opportunity for high school students in the Kingston region to learn, engage and create positive social change within their community. Several students from each high school will meet on a bi-weekly basis to discuss development issues, and interact with new ideas. The students will collaborate on a group project in which they will create social change in their community on a topic that they are passionate about. This is an opportunity for student leaders who want to create change, an opportunity to work with other students with similar interests, and allows students to work with a non-profit organization.

Proudly, your son / daughter wishes to be considered for membership on the Development Initiatives Alliance. This form is to solicit your consent and give him / her permission to serve in that capacity.

By signing below, you indicate the following:

·  I understand that my son / daughter will need to meet the following requirements for this position:

Attend bi-weekly meetings, beginning November 10, 2011;

Provide or otherwise arrange safe transportation to and from the meetings.

·  I understand that my son / daughter will be expected to:

Participate actively in discussions, debates, and dialogue on issues the council chooses to engage in.

·  I understand that my son / daughter will not be compensated for their participation in the council.


Applicant’s Name Applicant’s Signature


Parent / Guardian’s Name Parent / Guardian’s Signature Date