Parish Clerk:Mr I Colclough

Rainbows End, 17 Lightwood Road, Yoxall, BURTON UPON TRENT. DE13 8QD

Tel: 07751 603031.Email

Web Site:

Notice of General Meeting.

There will be a meeting of

Curborough, Elmhurst, Farewell and Chorley Parish Council

on Tuesday 11th July 2017 at 7.30pm

at The Mission Hall, Elmhurst.

A G E N D A.

  1. Apologies for absence.
  2. a) In accordance with Section 31 of the Localism Act 2011, members to declare any Disclosable Pecuniary Interest in items on this agenda. b) Clerk to report any written requests for dispensations in respect of items on this agenda.
  3. Chairman’s Opening Remarks.
  4. Public Forum (5 minutes allocated. Can be extended at chairman’s discretion)
  5. To resolve that the minutes of the Annual Meeting held on 11th May 2017 at Chorley are a correct record.

6.Clerks Report

a) To consider correspondence received – See appendix A

b) Finance.

i) Financial statement.

ii) Payments received.

iii) Accounts for Payment - See appendix B

c) Parish precept anomaly – report from Clerk.

  1. To receive County and District Councillors Reports.
  2. To receive a general update on the sale of The Elmhurst Community Hall.
  3. Any other items for information.

Signed Parish Clerk. Date 6th July 2017

Curborough and Elmhurst Sub Committee

1.Declarations of Interest

2.Minutes of Planning Sub-Committee/sand Divisional meetings held since 11th May 2017.

3.PlanningApplications Received.

4.Planning Application granted.

5.Planning –other matters.

6.Highways / footpath issues.

7.To receive an update on the purchase of the red telephone box at Elmhurst.

8.Any other items for information.

Farewell and Chorley Sub Committee

  1. Declarations of Interest
  2. Minutes of Planning Sub-Committee/s and Divisional meetings held since 11th May 2017
  3. PlanningApplications Received.
  4. Planning Application granted.
  5. Planning – other matters.
  6. Highways / footpath issues.
  7. Any other items for information.

Close of meeting -Next Meeting – 14th September 2017 at Chorley.

Signed Parish Clerk. Date 6th July 2017

Appendix A.

  1. SPCA news – several issues.

Appendix B. 1. Clerks salary, income tax and expenses