Kingdom Animalia Notes

All animals are multicellular, eukaryotic and heterotrophic.

*Phylum ______


-Important Facts-

1. Body is asymmetrical

2. Body plan has no distinct tissues

3. Adults are sessile

4. Get food by filter-feeding

*Phylum ______


-Important Facts-

1. Body is radially symmetrical

2. Have two different body plans: Medusa and Polyp

3. Have special stinging cells called cnidocytes

*Phylum ______


-Important Facts-

1. Body is radially symmetrical

2. Move by using cilia

*Phylum ______


-Important Facts-

1. Body is bilaterally symmetrical

2. Body plan is always flat

3. Are called the flatworms

4. Bodies are unsegmented

5. Many are parasites

*Phylum ______


*Phylum ______


-Important Facts-

1. Body is bilaterally symmetrical

2. Are called the roundworms

3. Bodies are unsegmented

4. Most are parasitic

*Phylum ______


-Important Facts-

1. Body is usually asymmetrical

2. Have a two part body plan called the head-foot and the visceral mass

3. Three important classes: Class Cephalopoda (squids, octopuses, etc.)

Class Bivalvia (clams, oysters, etc.)

Class Gastropoda (snails, slugs, etc.)

*Phylum ______


-Important Facts-

1. Body is bilaterally symmetrical

2. Are called the segmented worms

3. More details to follow on this group

*Phylum ______


-Important Facts-

1. Body is bilaterally symmetrical

2. Have segmented bodies

3. Have jointed appendages

4. Have an exoskeleton (made of chiton)

5. Have compound eyes

6. 3 Important Sub-groups: Class Arachnida (spiders, ticks, etc.)

Subphylum Crustacea (crabs, lobsters, shrimp, etc.)

Class Insecta (all insects- 3 part body plan with head,

thorax and abdomen, 3 pairs of legs, usually 2 pairs of wings-More details to follow on this group)

*Phylum ______


-Important Facts-

1. Body is radially symmetrical

2. Have a 5 part body plan

3. Most have tube feet and a water-vascular system

4. Have “spiny skin”

*Phylum ______


-Important Facts-

1. Body is bilaterally symmetrical

2. Includes all vertebrates (organisms with backbones)

3. Important Sub-Groups:

a. Class Agnatha (jawless fish like lamprey)

b. Class Chondrichthyes (cartilaginous fish like sharks)

c. Class Osteichthyes (boney fish like bass, flounder)

d. Class Amphibia (amphibians like frogs, toads, salamanders-More

details to follow on this group)

  1. Class Reptilia (reptiles like snakes, turtles, lizards, etc.)
  2. Class Aves (birds like robins, cardinals, penguins, ostriches, etc.)
  3. Class Mammalia (mammals like humans, dogs, rabbits, dolphins, etc.

More details to follow on this group)