ORDINANCE # 2014-6




Section 1. Article X of Chapter 50 entitled “Signage Regulations” is repealed.

Section 2. Article X of Chapter 50 is recreated to read as follows:

Article X. Signage Regulations

Sec. 50-971. Purpose.

The purpose of this article is to establish regulations for signs for all properties within the village. This article regulates the location, type, size and height of signs located in the village. This article is also designed to promote the implementation of the comprehensive plan of the village, particularly in regard to the implementation of the desired overall character of the community and its constituent zoning districts.

(Ord. of 4-3-2006, § 17.509)

Sec. 50-972. Sign permits.

(a)Exceptions. The following types of signs are permitted in all zoning districts without a sign permit. Such signs shall not count as part of the maximum permitted sign area as regulated by tables 50-10 and 50-11.

(1)Address numerals and nameplates, altogether not exceeding two square feet in area, for each residential, commercial or industrial building.

(2)Legal notices.

(3)Signs established by, or by order of, any governmental agency, such as traffic control, parking restrictions, information and notices, except as regulated under Sec. 50-977 (c), “Incidental and Directional Signs.”

(4)Memorial signs, tablets, names of buildings and date of erection when cut into any masonry surface or when constructed of metal and affixed flat against a structure.

(5)On-premises directional signs that include no advertising, according to the definition and use regulations contained in this article.

(6)Window signs placed inside commercial buildings and not covering more than 25 percent of the interior window area. No equipment, furniture or other items, including signage, shall cause more than 25 percent of any window area to be visually obstructed.

(7)Temporary signs, including community information signs, which conform to the requirements of this article. (Ord. #2009-06 effective 7-16-09)

(8)Temporary signs or banners when authorized by the village board and/or plan commission.

(9) Political and campaign signs, provided that such signs, along with permitted temporary signs under Section 50-978 not exceed a total area of 32 square feet.

(b)Permit required. No person shall erect, alter or relocate within the village any sign without first obtaining a sign permit, unless specifically exempted by this chapter.


(1) Sign Permit Only. Each person seeking a sign permit shall complete a village sign permit application and shall file the application with the village clerk, together with an application fee, as determined by the village board. A completed application shall include plans and specifications showing sign placement, dimensions, materials and required details of construction, including weight and anchorage. Immediately after filing, the clerk shall refer the application to the zoning administrator and/or building inspector, who shall, at the earliest practicable time and within ten days after receipt, either issue a permit for the sign or deliver to the applicant written notification that the application has been denied stating the reasons for denial. (Ord. #2009-06 effective 7-16-09)

(2) Sign Permit with Site Plan Review. When signage is reviewed as part of a Site Plan Review process under Article IV of this Chapter, then a sign permit application and fee shall be filed as specified in (c) (1) above.

Sec. 50-973. Definitions.

The following words, terms, and phrases, when used in this article, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:

Abandoned sign means a sign that no longer correctly directs or exhorts any person or advertises a business, lessor, owner, product, activity conducted or product available on the premises where the sign is displayed.

Area of copy means the entire area within a single, continuous perimeter that encloses the extreme limits of an advertising message, announcement or decoration of a sign.

Area of sign means the area of the largest single face of the sign within a perimeter which forms the outside shape, but excluding the necessary supports or uprights on which the signs may be placed. The area of a sign consisting of more than one section or module shall be the total area of all sections or modules. Any irregular shaped sign area shall be computed using the actual sign face surface. In the case of wall signs, the area of copy will be used. In the case of a three-dimensional sign or iconic display, the area shall be computed by means of the smallest cube or box that the sign or iconic display would fit into, together with any material or color forming an integral part of the display. The supporting structure or bracing of a sign shall not be counted as a part of the display.

Building frontage means the linear width of the exterior portion of the structure housing the principal uses and facing a street. Circulatory and access drives or parking areas are not considered streets for the purposes of this article.

Bulletin means a sign that accommodates changeable symbols and/or wording and that displays information on activities and events on the premises or in the community.

Business sign means a sign that directs attention to a business, commodity, service or entertainment conducted, sold, offered or manufactured upon the premises where the sign is located.

Canopy, marquee, or awning sign means any sign attached to or constructed in or on a canopy, marquee, or awning and which does not extend horizontally beyond the edges of such canopy or marquee. Such a sign shall be counted as a projecting sign.

Community information sign means a sign that is limited to the display of information that would be customarily and culturally of general interest to the residents of the village regarding scheduled public events and public activities. Advertising of a project or a private or restricted activity for individual profit shall be prohibited. The area of such a sign shall not be included in determining the maximum regulated area of signage on the subject property.

Directional sign, off-premises, means a sign that indicates only the name of, direction toward and/or distance to an activity.

Directional sign, on-premises, means a sign that provides direction or orientation for pedestrian or vehicular traffic.

Freestanding sign means a self-supporting sign resting on or supported by poles, standards or any other type of base on the ground. The term "freestanding sign" includes monument signs, pylon signs, V-shaped signs, and freestanding iconic displays.

Ground level means the average elevation of the ground upon which the sign supports are placed. When the sign supports rest upon a berm or other area elevated above the surrounding ground, the average elevation of the base of such berm or other area shall be considered to be the ground level.

Iconic display means a two- or three-dimensional structure containing a visual representation of the product(s) or service(s) offered on the premises.

Identification sign means a sign that is limited to displaying the name, address and contact information of a building, institution or person and information regarding activities or events on the premises.

Incidental sign means a sign that provides supplementary information related to the premises on which it is located.

Mobile or portable sign means a sign mounted on a frame or chassis, designed to be easily relocated, including vehicles and/or trailers whose principal commercial use is for signage.

Monument sign means a freestanding sign whose lowermost edge is located within one foot of ground level.

Movable signage board means a self-supporting sign displayed during business hours.

Multi-tenant building means a non-residential building having a common entrance for two or more tenants, whether a freestanding building or under the same roof as a shopping center.

Multi-tenant development means a non-residential development site having two or more tenants, whether the buildings on the site are attached or detached.

Off-premise advertising sign means a sign that directs attention to a business, commodity, service or entertainment conducted, sold or offered elsewhere than upon the premises where the sign is located. Off-premise advertising signs include billboards.

Political or campaign sign means a sign announcing candidates seeking political office and/or political issues and data pertinent thereto.

Projecting sign means a sign, other than a wall sign, which is attached to and projects from a structure or building face a distance of more than 18 inches. The term “projecting sign” includes canopy, marquee, awning, and related signs; and, iconic displays projecting from the building face.

Pylon sign means a freestanding sign erected upon one or more pylons or posts.

Sign means any object, device, display, structure or part thereof which is used to advertise, identify, display, direct or attract attention to an object, person, institution, organization, business, product, service, event, noncommercial message, or location by any means, including words, letters, figures, designs, symbols, fixtures, colors, illumination or projected images. Signs do not include the flag or emblem of any nation, organization of nations, state, city, religious, fraternal or civic organization, merchandise or pictures or models of products or services incorporated in a window display, or works of art which in no way identify a product. Traffic control and other public agency signs located within a right-of-way are not included within this definition and are not regulated by the provisions of this chapter.

Street frontage means the distance along which the property line of a lot adjoins a street.

Temporary sign means a sign or advertising display intended to be displayed for a limited period of time. The term "temporary sign" includes retailers' signs temporarily displayed for the purpose of informing the public of a "sale" or special offer and community information signs as defined above. If a sign display area is permanent but the message displayed is subject to periodic changes, the sign shall not be considered temporary. A mobile or portable sign shall not be considered a temporary sign or used for such a purpose. (Ord. #2009-06 effective 7-16-09)

V-shaped sign means a sign containing two faces of equal size, positioned at an interior angle subtending less than 121 degrees at the point of juncture of the individual faces.

Wall sign means a sign mounted upon and parallel to a building facade or other vertical building surface, projecting outward from such surface no more than 18 inches.

Wayfinding sign means an off-premise directional sign, coordinated by the Village or an organization approved by the Village, as part of a wayfinding signage program designed to provide direction to civic, commercial, or cultural destinations.

Sec. 50-974. Sign prohibitions and limitations, all districts.

(a)No sign shall use any word, phrase, symbol, shape, form or character in such a manner as to interfere with moving traffic, nor shall any sign incorporate any signage, designs, colors or patterns characteristic of street or traffic control signs or signals.

(b)No fluttering, undulating, swinging, rotating or otherwise moving signs, pennants or other commercial decorations shall be permitted except for time and/or temperature signs, and except for on-premise scrolling messages, traveling at a rate of at least 16 light columns per second and no faster than 32 columns per second.

(c)Except for time and/or temperature signs, no illuminated flashing or changeable message signs shall be permitted, unless each message remains in a fixed position for at least 6 seconds, and the change in message is accomplished in one second or less.

(d)All illuminated signs shall comply with the state electrical code.

(e)No mobile or portable signs shall be permitted.

(f)Except as authorized by this article, off-premises directional signs shall be permitted within public rights-of-way only if designed to convey information relating to the general interest to the residents of the village regarding public institutions and/or scheduled public events or activities for governmentally owned public institutions, schools, and churches. (Ord. #2009-06 effective 7-16-09)

(g)No billboards or other off-premise advertising signs shall be permitted within the village limits, except as authorized by the statutes of the state.

(h)No inflatable signs shall be permitted.

(i)No commercial advertising message shall be placed on any fence owned by the village.

Sec. 50-975. Sign location requirements.

(a)No sign shall be erected or maintained at any location where, by reason of its position, wording, illumination, size, shape or color it may obstruct, impair, obscure, interfere with the view of or be confused with, any authorized traffic control sign, signal or device, or be erected contrary to any provision of this Code.

(b)No sign shall be located within a required buffer yard or within a permanently protected green space area, according to the definitions of these terms in Section 50-11.

(c)No sign shall be mounted on a building roof or extend above the roof, if attached to a building.

(d)No sign, temporary or otherwise, shall be affixed to a tree or utility pole or situated within a public right of way, except as authorized by this article or as authorized by the village public works director.

(e) Community information signs shall not be placed more than thirty (30) days preceding and shall be removed within 72 hours after the public event or activity has closed.

(f) Wayfinding signs may be authorized by the Village Board in the context of a wayfinding signage program coordinated by the Village or by an organization approved by the Village Board.

Sec. 50-976. Sign provisions, residential districts.

(a) In all residential zoning districts signs shall be subject to the following regulations:

(1)For each residential lot containing one or two dwelling units, one wall identification sign, not to exceed two square feet in area, is permitted for each dwelling unit. The identification sign may include one or more of the following: name, address and/or home occupation description.

(2)For each multifamily or institutional residential lot containing three or more dwelling units, one wall and one freestanding identification sign per street frontage are permitted, according to the following schedule:

Units Per Lot / Maximum Signage Permitted
3 to 4 units / 8 sq. ft. maximum area per sign
5 ft. maximum height for each freestanding sign.
5 to 8 units / 16 sq. ft. maximum area per sign
5 ft. maximum height for each freestanding sign.
9 or more units / 24 sq. ft. maximum area per sign
8 ft. maximum height for each freestanding sign.

(3)For each subdivision development, one monument identification sign, up to 32 square feet in area and not exceeding a height of eight (8) feet, is permitted per subdivision entrance, for no more than two (2) entrances. Alternatively, permanent subdivision identification signs may also be permitted if included in an approved site plan. Detailed plans of proposed signs must be submitted, along with a sign permit application and fee, at the time of subdivision review.