Educational Benefit Review Process DRAFT 4-08

IEP Annual Review Date: Page #:__1__ of __2____ School: Regional 17 Grade: 4

Present Level of Academic Achievement & Functional Performance, Including Strengths & Interests
pp. 4 & 5 / Concerns/ Needs Requiring Specially Designed Instruction
pp. 4 & 5 / Impact on Involvement Progress in the General Education Curriculum
pp. 4 & 5 / Goals & Objectives/
Accommodations & Modifications
pp. 7 & 8 / Services & Placement/ Sites
p. 11 / Progress on Goals & Objectives
p. 7
LA-WJIII- Broad Reading
Reading Comp SS- 83
Letter Word ID SS- 85
Reading Fluency SS-80
Passage Comp. SS-83
Word Attack SS- 93
Story Recall SS-103
Story Recall Delayed SS-126
Frustration Level 28
Instructional Level Intervention Book-Harcourt- Sounds of Sunshine (almost completed)
Wilson Reading Program Steps 6.4
WJIII-Broad Math-SS 98
Calculation SS-107
Math Fluency SS-75
Applied Problems SS-98
Readability of Math texts book affects his math performance
Voc. Reading comp skills
Enjoys nonfiction texts
Math computations skills
Inquisitive / LA
Decoding skills sight vocabulary encoding skills
Writing mechanics written responses to comprehension questions
Math fluency multi-step word problems requires assistance reading math tests and chapter tests / Difficulty with distractibility hyperactivity and impulsivity impact his language arts performance to the extent that he requires services/modifications
He demonstrates a significant relative weakness in broad reading which impacts his academic areas.
For math / L. Arts
Goal: Will improve his decoding and encoding skills- 85%
-will be able to decode multisyllabic words with consonant- ie syllables and the consonant-ie syllable exception- 85%
-will be able to decode words with the sounds of c and g, ge and –dge, tch and ch, ph, tion and sion and contractions- 85%
-will be able to decode words with r controlled syllables-85%
-will be able to decode words with the vowel/digraph/dipthong syllable type including words with the following sounds (ai, ay, ee, ey, oa, oe, ue, oi, oy, au, aw, ou, ow, oo, ea, eu, ew, and ui)- 85%
-will be able to encode words with ge, -dge, tch, -ch, tion and sion and common contractions-85%
-will be able to encode one and two syllable words with r-controlled syllables-85%
-will be able to use spelling, option, procedures to determine the spelling of long a, long e, long o, and long u, sounds- 85%
-will be able to spell words with oi, oy, au, aw, ou, oo, ew, and ui-85%
Goal: will improve his written language skills- 80%
-when given open-ended literal and inferential reading comprehension questions, will write his response in complete sentences and will be able to support his written response s by locating specific information form a passage-3/4
-will develop a 3 paragraph essay for expository text including an introductory paragraph a main idea paragraph and a concluding paragraph-3/4
-will edit and proofread his written work for spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and grammar-3/4
Math: Goal:-will improve his math computation and problem solving skills- 85%
Objective- will be able to state his multiplication and division facts (0-12) both orally and in written form.-95%
-will be able to solve and explain problems involving elapsed time and conversations of measures of time-85%
-will be able to solve multi-step word problems by identifying the appropriate operations and number sentences and solving the problems in written form-80%
-will be able to complete grade-appropriate computations with whole numbers fractions and decimals-80% / 5x42/ week
LA (site 2)
5x42 (site 1)
5x84 (site 1)
5x42 (site 1)
3x35 (site 1)
3x35 (site 2)
Other academic/non-academic
1x30 (site 2)
Present Level of Academic Achievement & Functional Performance, Including Strengths & Interests
pp. 4 & 5 / Concerns/ Needs Requiring Specially Designed Instruction
pp. 4 & 5 / Impact on Involvement Progress in the General Education Curriculum
pp. 4 & 5 / Goals & Objectives/
Accommodations & Modifications
pp. 7 & 8 / Services & Placement/ Sites
p. 11 / Progress on Goals & Objectives
p. 7
BASC- a typically in clinically significant range. Hyperactivity, attention problems and learning problems in at-risk rang on teacher checklist
Age appropriate
Working on coping skills to appropriately manage social and academic situations in school
Sense of humor improvement with accepting assistance when needed and coping with frustration in order to maintain work participation / Organization planning / Difficulty with organization impacts his classroom performance in the areas of homework and organization of his daily work
Difficulty handling structured and unstructured situations in terms of impulsive behaviors and maintaining sufficient boundaries with peers. Needs to indicate to teacher when having difficulty rather than waiting for his cues to be interpreted
These difficulties impact his ability to complete tasks in school and to interact effectively with his peers / Other Academic/Non-Academic
Goal: will improve his organizational skills-80%
-will be able to independently record his homework assignments and gather the materials needed to complete the assignments- 4/5
-will be able to complete a long-term project/report when given a plan or a schedule with clearly defined subtasks and deadlines for each substask-80%
Goal: will show increased coping skills in response to academic and social challenges
-when challenged by difficult work, he will independently request assistance from his teacher-90%
-in unstructured situations will respect others’ physical boundaries by maintaining adequate personal space-80%
-will utilize positive and appropriate means for gaining attention from staff and peers 80%
-give one paper or section at a time
-clear work area
-preferential seating
-break between tasks
-cue expected behavior
-positive reinforcement
-check work in progress
-concrete examples
-review directions
-reader for district-wide math assessments
-no spelling penalty
-behavior chart
-structure transitions
-post routines
-tests read when needed
-alternate reading text
-oral reminders
-have student re-state information
-chapter tests may have to be modified

Adapted from California State Department of Education