SCLS ILS Committee Minutes
October 11,2017
9:30 a.m.
Action Items:
Approved the CMC recommendation that the following Collection Codes BKJFIBI(BOOKS JU FIC BILINGUAL) andBKJNFBI(BOOKS JU NFIC BILINGUAL) be added to Koha. (minutes)
Approved the CMC recommendation that the Cloned Serials Titles Policy be discontinued. (minutes)
Approved the CMC recommendation that we add the phrase “All non-local vinyl sound recordings” as a bullet point under the Sound Recordings section of the Levels of Cataloging Policy. (minutes)
Approved the CMC recommendation that we add “vinyl” under Description and that we replace “CD” with “sound recording” under Contents in the Sound Recordings Searching and Matching Policy. (minutes)
Approved the CMC recommendation that we add the phrase “Vinyl: include (vinyl) in the title” as a bullet point under Required Fields: Title in the Sound Recordings BSE policy. (minutes)
Approved travel funding for ILS Evaluation Site visits up to $10,000 from ILS contingency.
Present: E. Foley, ACL,C. Borck, WID (2); A. Noel, BRD (3);E. Glade, PCPL (4); E. Judd, SKC (5); E. Norton, MCM (6); H. Cox, MCF (7); T. Herold, DCL (9, 10); S. Lee,MAD (11, 13); M. Navarre Saaf, MAD (12); B. Faherty, MID (8),
SCLS Staff Present: V. Teal Lovely, A. Gannaway
(The number following each individual indicates the cluster they represent)
Call to Order: V. Teal Lovely called the meeting to order at 10:08 a.m.
- Introduction of guests/visitors. None
- Changes/Additions to the Agenda. Add report from ILS Evaluation lead Group under Reports
- Requests to address the Committee. None
Approval of previous meeting minutes: E. Nortonmoved approval of the July 12, 2017. S. Lee seconded. Motion carried.
Action Items
- The CMC recommends that the following Collection Codes BKJFIBI(BOOKS JU FIC BILINGUAL) andBKJNFBI(BOOKS JU NFIC BILINGUAL) be added to Koha. (minutes). Approved.
- The CMC recommends that the Cloned Serials Titles Policy be discontinued. (minutes). Approved.
- The CMC recommends that we add the phrase “All non-local vinyl sound recordings” as a bullet point under the Sound Recordings section of the Levels of Cataloging Policy. (minutes) Approved.
- The CMC recommends that we add “vinyl” under Description and that we replace “CD” with “sound recording” under Contents in the Sound Recordings Searching and Matching Policy. (minutes). Approved.
- The CMC recommends that we add the phrase “Vinyl: include (vinyl) in the title” as a bullet point under Required Fields: Title in the Sound Recordings BSE policy. (minutes). Approved.
- Approve travel funding for ILS Evaluation Site visits. T. Herold moved approval to spend up to $10,000 from contingency for ILS demos in and out of state. A. Noel seconded. Motion carried.
- Ideas for 2018: Technology Plan: ILS section: In 2018 we will be migrating to the LibLime codebase fusion unless another ILS is selected.We will be looking at a new Mobile App and Digital library cards. The budget includes funding for Linked Data. However, before any of this can happen, we need to complete the ILS evaluation.SCLS will receiveadditional state aid funding in 2018 and 2019. It is earmarked to support lifelong learning, broadband/internet and workforce development. If anyone has additional suggestions, please contact V. Teal Lovely.
- Determine how the final ILS evaluation will be conducted: It was suggested that we get input from clusters and bring it back to the December ILS Committee meeting. Pricing will be available by the time of vote. Do we think there will be three choices or should we have the Lead Work Group narrow it to two instead? If there is a clear preference, then it would be a vote to migrate or stay with Koha. What about libraries that don’t want to migrate at all? It would be best if we don’t provide three choices. It is important to state that a vote to stay with Liblime, will be a vote for Bibliovation because we will be migrating anyway. It is possible that we may decide that neither of the new options will work.It was reported that some directors are asking why we are evaluating other systems now. We will explain this to directors at the All Directors meeting. V. Teal Lovely will provide a cheat sheet to the ILS Committee to provide to the Clusters for info about why SCLS is doing the evaluations. The ILS Committeereached consensus that it should be a weighted vote, not a vote by Cluster representatives. How will the options be presented? We will follow what the Lead Group decides. The Lead Group will provide explanations for why the decisions were made. The ILS Committee will vote on the final evaluation format at the December meeting.
- Meeting calendar for 2018 (to be approved at December meeting).
- Developing a policy for Application Development by third parties (including libraries): Many vendors will allow a library or consortium to develop applications or APIs. SCLS wants to make sure anything we do is secure. If someone in a library writes some kind of code or script that accesses the ILS database,it becomes a security issue. We need a process to vet the code – we may need to pay an outside consultant to look at the code.Where does the code live? SCLS server? In the cloud? How do we guarantee it is secure? MID wrote a digital card application and online registration, which SCLS determined was logging into KOHA and populating data. From an SCLS perspective, our obligation to our libraries is to make sure that things are secure and that we don’t have a data breach. LibLime offered to look at the code for MID,at no charge to us, which could potentially be integrated into KOHA. We will not be integrating it until we know it is secure. A policy is needed. SCLS will draft a policy and present it at a future meeting.
- October ILS Report:
b.Report from the CSC Subcommittee – September 12 meeting. (minutes)
c.Report from the CMC Subcommittee – September 13 meeting. (minutes)
d.Report from the PAC Subcommittee – September 20 meeting. (minutes)
e.ILS Evaluation Lead Group: They just met today. Each member of the Lead Work Group will be a liaison toa module group. The module groups will meet via webinar after the Liblime demo. They will provide questions for the vendors, provide work flow and scenarios for on-site visits, and identify priorities for each module. They may get input from non-module group attendees. There is a site visit group working on selecting dates and locations with input from vendors. There are a couple of possible sites in WI and IL. The Lead Group will be working on big picture priorities, including those of the SCLS staff and the module groups and will put it in a final report. They will host a special meeting in December for Directors to attend before the evaluation vote.
There are some things that each vendor did not complete and they will provide a webinar to complete the check lists. There was discussion that SirsiDynixACQ and Circ, were not covered as well as could be. We will also provide an opportunity for them to provide another demo. V. Teal Lovely proposed that we have H. Oliversen provide the circulation portion of the LibLime demo. The vendor does not know the setup of our system and probably couldn’t demonstrate it as well. The group agreed that this makes sense as we want a good demo and we do not want to waste the attendees’ time. This demo will be the baseline for which to compare the other vendors’ software. V. Teal Lovely will send an announcement to everyone to let them know that H. Oliversen will be providing the Circ portion and why.
Items from clusters: E. Judd asked that we reconsider the generic records. It is hard to tell what an item attached to a generic record is on receipts or to find the due date, title or call number for patrons. This topic will be referred to the CMCto look into other options after the ILS Evaluation process is complete. It was pointed out that some libraries include the title and call number information in the item record and doing this may help the situation until the CMC can discuss other options.
Plan for Next meeting: December 6, 2017
- Approve 2018 Technology Plan: ILS section
- Action: Approve ILS Evaluation ballot
- 2018 Calendar
Meeting evaluation and summary
Adjournment: 11:34 a.m.
Calendar of Events
SCLS staff is available to attend cluster meetings to share information and answer questions pertaining to this committee meeting and other departmental projects.