Mrs. Treamont Grade 8 ELA
Welcome to 8th grade ELA. This year we will work on a combination of related studies. Composition, oral presentations, use of grammar, and class participation will be essential to your studies this year. Our curriculum will incorporate the new Collections textbook, and we will be reading several novels this year. We will also read short stories, poetry, and other types of literature as models to imitate in your writing assignments. Grammar will be an integral part of our ELA class. You are held accountable for correct usage on all assignments. In order to be prepared for this class, please familiarize yourself with the following procedures and rules.
Writing Assignments
Some basic rules to follow for writing assignments:
Ø All ideas and words that are not yours need to be documented (name of book, author, & page number). Plagiarism – Violation of Code of Conduct / AND/ copying homework will result in a zero for both students
Ø Write complete sentences at all times
Ø All papers must be typed- black ink only
Ø Revisions and proofreading are a necessity
Ø E-mail homework as Word attachment or bring in on a flash drive if your printer is broke. No excuses for a broken printer or no ink!
Grading System
Ø Tests/Projects or assignments graded as tests – 35%
Ø Quizzes – 25%
Ø Homework – 20%
Ø Classwork – 10%
Ø Independent Reading/Writing – 10%
Class Rules
1. BE PREPARED! Please bring the following to class every day:
Ø Three-ring binder with loose-leaf paper and dividers
Ø Pocket folder to be used as a Writing Portfolio (will be collected first week of school)
Ø Agenda, Textbook, Workbook and any other specified materials
Ø 2 blue/black pens, 2 red pens, and hi-lighters
2. BE POLITE! Remember that you are responsible for how you conduct yourself at all times.
Ø Maintain good and courteous behavior in class. Misbehavior and excessive talking interrupt learning and make it difficult for those students who sincerely want to learn.
Ø No food, gum, candy or drinks in class
Ø Work is to be handed in on time.
You will receive a “zero” for any missed homework assignment.
Once you have received 3 “zeros” we will contact home.
Ø Share your thoughts, ideas, and opinions with the class. Every person is an important part of our group.
Ø Be on time. You must have a pass to be admitted when late.
4. ABSENCES/MAKE-UP WORK: You are responsible for work missed when you are absent. If you miss class but are in school that day (e.g., a music lesson, student council), stop by my room and check the homework board and/or homework website, check assignments with a classmate, and get any handouts given that day. When absent, you are allowed sufficient time in which to make-up missed work (2 days for every one day absent).
Please keep the top portion for your records and return the signed portion/Parent Contact Information.
I have read and understand the classroom procedures, grading, and homework expectations for our ELA class.
Parent/Guardian Signature: ______
Student Signature:______
Parent Contact Information
Name of Student ______
Name of Parent/Guardian ______
Home Phone Number ______Cell# ______
Email Address ______