The Advocacy & Reauthorization Committee met via conference call on Tuesday, February 10, 2015 at1:00PM EST, 12:00PM CST, 11:00AM MST, 10:00AM PST, 9:00AM AKST.
Those participating on the call were: B.J. Granbery (Co-chair—MT); Mike Radke (Co-chair—MI); Melina Wright (Co-chair—IL); Margaret MacKinnon (AK); Sam Ornelas (NM); Jeremy Marks (OH); Debbie Owens (TN); Lynn Sodat (VA); Gayle Pauley (WA); Julia Martin (Brustein & Manasevit—DC), and Bob Harmon (NASTID CEO—WA).
Topics identified for the agenda were:
1. Federal Update—Julia Martin (Brustein & Manasevit)
I. Congressional updates
a. Movement on ESEA Reauthorization
i. Alexander bill shared in January
1. 3 hearings so far
2. Biggest controversies:
1. Frequency of testing
1. More and more organizations, including Washington Post, coming down in favor of keeping current testing
2. Seems to be leaning toward keeping current testing – note Kline bill also maintains current requirements
2. Title I portability
1. Not as major an issue yet, but given recent CAP report seems primed for controversy
3. Alexander and Murray say they will work together in a bipartisan way to get legislation done
4. Still need to craft final bill text, introduce, and mark up in Senate before it can go to the floor for a vote
ii. Kline bill introduced first week of February (HR 5)
1. Nearly identical to HR 5 from last Congress
1. Does not include controversial evaluation requirement on teacher/principal evaluations
2. Many similarities to Alexander bill – differences are minor in most cases (e.g. raising Sec. 1003 set-aside to 7%, as opposed to 8% in Alexander bill)
3. Markup held on 2/11 in House Committee
4. Complaints about lack of bipartisan process
5. Scheduled for House floor action week of 2/24
b. Debate ramping up on school nutrition
i. First Lady Michelle Obama gave interview to Cooking Light magazine where she talked about importance of maintaining current standards
1. Her involvement continues to be problematic because it angers far-right conservatives
ii. Arizona created broadest exemption from new a la carte sales standards – now all bake sales/fundraisers are exempt per Superintendent’s order
II. Administration Updates
a. SIG Rule finalized (will take effect in March)
ii. Implement language from the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2014 (Congress later clarified as they did not think the draft rules took the spirit of their changes)
iii. Two new turnaround models:
1. LEA can use a State-determined school improvement intervention model that meets the definition of a “whole-school reform model.”
2. LEA may use SIG funds to implement an evidence-based, whole-school reform model in partnership with a whole-school reform model developer.
iv. Rural LEAs can modify one requirement of transformation or turnaround models for additional flexibility.
v. Revises the current SIG requirements to strengthen program implementation based on “lessons learned” and input from stakeholders by:
1. Adding an intervention model that focuses on improving educational outcomes in preschool and early grades;
2. Adding an LEA requirement to demonstrate the appropriateness of the chosen intervention model;
3. Adding an LEA requirement to continuously engage families and the community;
4. Adding an LEA requirement to monitor and support intervention implementation;
5. Adding an LEA requirement to regularly review external providers’ performance and hold external providers accountable;
6. Eliminating the “rule of nine,” which limited the number of transformation models that could be implemented; and
7. Revising reporting requirements.
2. Organizations for Collaboration - discuss NASTID’s positions on reauthorization (Top 5 with descriptions listed here)
The Committee confirmed the 5 organizations which were identified via the survey conducted last fall as: CCSSO, NAESP, NAFEPA, EdTrust, and CEF. Following discussion, members decided that we should send out communications signed by President Marcus Cheeks which would include a cover letter citing an issue on which we might find common ground and use that to establish a relationship between NASTID and each of the five listed organizations. Our recently developed ESEA Reauthorization Priorities will be attached. Julia will identify the specific issues for inclusion into the letter. Bob will drat the letter for the review of the three Committee co-chairs.
3. Hot Topics - (deferred from last meeting)
The top four “hot topics” listed below were identified via a survey of Committee members last fall. Indicated beside each of the four, the Committee either kept the phrase “as is” or made clarifications as to intent.
· Strengthen program evaluationàOK “as is”
· Formula v. competitive or block fundingàSupport Title I, Part A as a formula grant
· Clearer guidance on community eligibility provision/poverty dataàOK “as is”
· State accountability v. federally mandated accountabilityàIncrease flexibility for states to implement accountability
4. Preserving formula grants over block-granting and competitive grants - (deferred from last meeting)
This item was discussed as a part of item 3 above.
5. Discussion of Alexander and Kline bills
This item was deferred to the next meeting. Julia Martin compiled a document (Committee language and notes on reauthorization issues) to inform further consideration by the Committee. This document resulted from our lunch discussion on February 3, 2015 in Salt Lake City prior to the Conference.
The notes from the January 13, 2015 Committee Meeting are availablehere.
Next Meeting is Tuesday, March 10, 2015 at1:00PM EST, 12:00PM CST, 11:00AM MST, 10:00AM PST, 9:00AM AKST.
So far, the agenda for March includes:
· Discussion of Alexander and Kline bills—The summaries of the Alexander and Kline bills are available on the Committee files page.
· Collaboration with CCSSO, NAESP, NAFEPA, EdTrust, and CEF—Julia’s observations via email (subsequent to the February meeting) are included here for your review and further discussion.