Name______Period ______Date ______
Chapter 7 - Lesson 3 "Buddhism and India's Golden Age" p.232 -239
• Belief system: A teacher called the Buddha developed a new religion that focused on
helping people to escape suffering.
• Government: The Maurya rulers united northern India into the first great Indian empire.
• Culture: About 500 years after Asoka's death, a new ruler united northern India and began
a golden age of culture.
WORD / Definition / Picture / other representation / LearningTarget #
p. 233
p. 233
p. 233
p. 234
p. 235
p. 236
The Rise of Buddhism p. 233 – 235
The Rise of BuddhismThe Rise of Buddhism / 1. What is the major religion practiced in India today?
2. Other religions, besides Buddhism, started in India as well.
One of these religions is Jainism. Jains practice / teach
ahimsa. What is ahimsa and what do Jains believe / practice?
3. Buddhism began in India as well. Buddhism is based on the
teachings of Siddhartha Gautama.
Who was Siddhartha Gautama?
What did he give up? / What was he searching for?
4. Siddhartha starved himself for six years as part of a sacrifice
as he looked for answers. He sat under a fig tree until he
found understanding. This gave him insight into what is
called the Four Noble Truths. List the Four Noble Truths.
5. What is the Eight-fold path & how does it help lead to nirvana?
6. After Buddha died, what happened to the followers?
7. What is the dharma?
8. What is the symbol for dharma that is used on the flag of
9. Buddhism split into many branches. What do some of the
branches stress?
Changes to Indian Life / 4. Describe the early religion of the Aryans - now called Brahmanism.
- who did they worship?
The Maurya Empire p.235 – 239
The Maurya Empire / 10. Chandragupta Maurya controlled most of the Indiansubcontinent. How did Chandragupta Maurya control his
empire? Who ran the government?
The Maurya Empire p.235 – 239
The Maurya Empire / 11. The GREATEST Maurya king was Chandragupta'sgrandson Asoka.
How did Asoka rule the empire?
Who's teachings did Asoka use while ruling? Why do you
think he chose these teachings while ruling?
12. What are THREE accomplishments /things that happened
during Asoka's time as a ruler?
13. Explain the changes to Hinduism and how/ why Buddhism
declined in India.
The Golden Age of the Guptas p.237 – 239
After Asoka died, the empire was ruled by poor rulers and eventually they were invaded. 500 years later, the Gupta family began to take control. Chandra Gupta I became king (no relation to Chandragupta Maurya).
Chandra Gupta's grandson, Chandra Gupta II, was the greatest ruler of the family. It was during Chandra Gupta II reign that India had a Golden Age, which was a time of great accomplishment.
The Golden Age of the Guptas p.237 – 239
The Golden Age of the Guptas / 14. Describe and give examples of the accomplishments thathappened during India's Golden Age in areas of:
15. How did trade help spread the culture from India to other
parts of the world?
Lesson Summary p.239
• A new religion called Buddhism taught people to escape suffering by following a path of
right living.
• Influenced by Buddhism, King Asoka tried to rule with peace, law and good works.
• Under Gupta rule, India had a golden age. The arts, science, metallurgy & trade prospered.
Why it matters now. . .
The spread of Hinduism and Buddhism shaped Aisian cultures. Many Asian people still practice those religions today.