North East Sensory Services
Loan of Hi-tech equipment
Last Review September 2015
Review required in September 2017
1. Introduction3
2. Procedure3
Appendix 1 – Loan agreement - Technology Equipment5
Appendix 2 – Loan agreement - Portable devices7
Appendix 3 – Protocol on internet use9
Appendix 4 – Loan Protocol10
- Introduction
Technology, both specialist and generic,can frequently provide workable solutions which allow people with sight or hearing loss to continue to lead an independent and valued lifestyle and participate in contemporary society.
The Information, Communication and Technology (ICT) support service provides assessment and training to help people develop the skills and techniques they need to use hi tech equipment, software or accessibility features.
The Young Peoples Sensory Service (YPSS) promotes the use of electronic technology to its young service users, mostly through portable devices.
Thepurchase cost ofequipment may be prohibitive for people with limited funds, meaning sometimes service users are unable to get adequate access to the equipment they need to in order to participate. NESS has a limited stock of equipment which it makes available for home trial or for loan on a longer term basis. Loans or trials are made on a discretionary basis and conditions are applied.
- Procedure
Referrals for equipment may be made to the ICT officer or the YPSS team, who will assess the request.Each request will be judged on its merits.
Specialist hi-tech equipment is usually issued for the following reasons:
-to enable a service user to try out certain items to assist them in making a decision to purchase the most suitable piece of equipment
-to bridge a time when equipment is ordered through another source and the service user is waiting for it to arrive
-to undertake an educational course or programme
Portable appliances are usually issued:
-to provide young learners with the opportunity to learn and practice skills to enable independent use of contemporary technology
Equipment may be issued for a limited time or on long-term loan.
When not on loan, the equipment is kept at and maintained ready for use at NESS premises. This is the responsibility of ICT Officer or YPSS team, respectively, who will also maintain an up to date inventory of their loan stock equipment. They will alsoinstall the equipment in Service users’ homes as appropriate and provide instruction on its proper use.
Staff will ensure that the relevant loan agreement (see appendices) is filled out and signed in duplicate, retaining one copy. During the period of the loan, staff are responsible for dealing with any problems they may have and for the maintenance of the equipment.This includes checking internet use of any NESS device to confirm it is not being misused under the terms of the agreement.
At the end of the loan period, staff shall remove the equipment and ensure that it is in good working order, providing the service user with a receipt stating this fact. Equipment that is no longer required should be returned to NESS for servicing and re-issue where possible.
Agreement for the Loan of Technology Equipment
North East Sensory Services agrees to provide:
Description of Equipment here: Model/Inventory number :
Serial number :
From : ...... [Date] ......
To : ...... [Date] ......
This is to enable : ...... [Service user]
to use the facilities provided under the direction of NESS ICT Officer.
The following conditions will apply:
- During this time the equipment remains the property of North East Sensory Services and the client accepts responsibility for its proper use and ensures appropriate care of it.
- In the event of equipment failure, NESS is to be notified immediately, and the equipment will be removed by an authorised worker or returned to our main resource centre in Aberdeen.
- In the event of inappropriate use (see separate paper on Internet Rules of Acceptable Use), the loan arrangement will cease and the equipment will be removed by an authorised worker or returned.
- The client is liable for any damage caused to the equipment through improper use or storage.
- The equipment is for the sole use of the client and for the purpose as described above.
- At the end of the loan period, the equipment will be returned to NESS.
I have read and agree to observe the loan conditions outlined above and accept full liability for the equipment whilst using/keeping it in my home and in other locations e.g. school where appropriate.
Signature :...... Date: ......
Name (print): ......
For North East Sensory Services
Signature : ...... Date: ......
Name (print): ......
Parental Consent (where appropriate)
A parent or guardian’s consent is required for computer users under the age of 16.
Childs First Name: ...... Surname: ......
Address: ......
Date of Birth: ......
I am the parent or guardian of the above child and confirm that he or she has my consent to use the computer equipment and any associated Internet access in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in this document. I have read the terms and conditions and I accept responsibility for the child named above observing these rules. I understand that, if any of the terms and conditions are not complied with, I will be contacted and use of the equipment and any associated software will be stopped immediately.
Signature ...... Tel. Number: ......
Address if different to above: ………………………………………………………
Date: ......
Agreement for the Loan of Portable appliances
North East Sensory Services agrees to provide:
Description of Equipment here:Model/Inventory number :
Serial number :
From :...... [Date] ......
To : ...... [Date] ......
This is to enable : ...... [Service user]
to use the facilities provided under the Young People’s Sensory Service.
The following conditions will apply:
- During this time the equipment remains the property of North East Sensory Services and the client accepts responsibility for its proper use and ensures appropriate care of it.
- In the event of equipment failure, NESS is to be notified immediately, and the equipment will be removed by an authorised worker or returned to our main resource centre in Aberdeen.
- In the event of inappropriate use (see separate paper on Internet Rules of Acceptable Use), the loan arrangement will cease and the equipment will be removed by an authorised worker or returned to our main resource centre in Aberdeen.
- The client is liable for any damage caused to the equipment through improper use or storage.
- The equipment is for the sole use of the client and for the purpose as described above.
- At the end of the loan period, the equipment will be returned to NESS in Aberdeen.
I have read and agree to observe the loan conditions outlined above and accept full liability for the equipment whilst using/keeping it in my home and in other locations e.g. school where appropriate.
Signature :...... Date: ......
Name (print): ......
For North East Sensory Services
Signature : ...... Date: ......
Name (print): ......
Parental Consent (where appropriate)
A parent or guardian’s consent is required for computer users under the age of 16.
Childs First Name: ...... Surname: ......
Date of Birth: ......
I am the parent or guardian of the above child and confirm that he or she has my consent to use the appliance described above and any associated Internet access in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in this document. I have read the terms and conditions and I accept responsibility for the child named above observing these rules. I understand that, if any of the terms and conditions are not complied with, I will be contacted and use of the equipment and any associated software will be stopped immediately.
Signature: ...... Tel. Number: ......
Address if different to above......
Date: ......
Internet Rules of Acceptable Use
When using the Internet, all users are expected to comply with all laws and government regulations concerning copyright, libel, fraud, discrimination and obscenity.
All service users, including young people are responsible for their good behaviour. Using NESS equipment to access to the Internet is a privilege – not a right. It will be given to individuals who act in a considerate and responsible manner, and may be withdrawn if they fail to maintain acceptable standards of use.
Online activities which are not permitted:
- Access, send, copy or display offensive messages or pictures.
- Use obscene or racist language or images.
- Harass, insult or attack others.
- Record/ capture or post images of people without their express permission
- Damage computers, computer systems or computer networks.
- Violate copyright laws.
- Use another user’s account or password.
- Trespass in another user’s folders, work or files.
- Use the network for commercial purposes.
Service users who have NESS portable devices are required to comply with the loan agreement. Authorised staff members may check and review the use of any device on loan to ensure that user is using it responsibly.
There are significant potential hazards for youngsters on social networking and other internet sites. These rules are in place to help keep children and young people safe:
- Primary aged pupils should never use Internet services without close supervision.
- No young person under the age of 16 may use NESS’ devices to access the Internet unsupervised without written permission from a parent or guardian. The parent or guardian assumes responsibility for their safety by doing so.
- In all cases young people should be reminded of their responsibility to use these resources in line with their Loan agreement with NESS.
Protocol for handling hi-tech equipment on loan
The hi-tech equipment is held and maintained by the Information, Communication and Technology (ICT) Officer, with the exception of some portable appliances, which are administered by the Young Peoples’ Sensory Service..
Staff issuing equipment on loan are responsible for ascertaining that the loan is for a purpose covered by NESS’s Loan of Hi-tech Equipment Policy and for ensuring that the appropriate loan agreement is duly filled in.
Staff will make sure that the equipment is in good working order before it is placed in a client’s home. This includes electrical PAT testing and visual inspection where appropriate. This can be arranged with a competent member of staff.
Staff will take the equipment to the client’s home, install it there and provide training on its appropriate use. During the time a piece of equipment is out on loan staff are responsible for its maintenance and solving problems the client might experience with it.
When a loan agreement comes to a close the staff collect the equipment, check that it is in good working order by PAT testing if appropriate and visual inspection.
In case of any damage to the equipment caused by improper use, the matter is to be referred to a member of the management team.