State of Alaska
Department of Health and Social Services / Behavioral Health
FY 18 First Episode Psychosis Quarterly Report
Organization / Program Name:
Date submitted: Grant Number:
Quarter (check one):
July 1 – Sept 30 Oct 1 – Dec 31 Jan 1 – March 31 April 1 – June 30
1. Describe the training provided for staff in the FEP Coordinated Specialty Care Model.
2. Describe progress made with the development of a stakeholder group and any public education/community outreach provided.
3. Describe progress with the development of program guidelines and structure for the program including staffing and components of treatment.
4. Describe the development of referral sources.
5. Identify the number of clients engaged and treated per quarter and year-to-date.
6. Report on Performance Measures (to be defined with DBH Program Manager).
First Episode Psychosis Quarterly Report 1/27/17 Page 1 of 1