Construction Framing
BobJonesHigh School / Teacher: / Wes Stroud650 Hughes Road / Email: /
Madison, AL 35758 / Phone: / 256-772-2547 ext. 150
I. / Course Description: / This course is for students interested in learning skills related to designing and building objects from wood. The course will focus on how to plan and build wood projects using drafting equipment and woodworking tools.
II. / Program Name: / AgriConstruction
III. / Course Goals: / Students will:
- Develop an understanding of the career opportunities in Construction Framing.
- Develop an understanding of safety and its importance in the field of Construction Framing.
- Develop an understanding of the different types and grades of lumber used in the Construction Framing field.
- Develop an understanding on how to calculate lumber in the Construction Framing field.
- Develop an understanding of necessary tools used in Construction Framing.
- Develop an understanding of how to design a floor system for a structure in Construction Framing.
- Develop an understanding of how to design a wall framing system for a structure in Construction Framing.
- Develop an understanding of how to design a ceiling framing system for a structure in Construction Framing.
- Identify types of stairs used in a structure in Construction Framing.
- Identify types of roofs on a structure in Construction Framing.
- Develop and understanding of the types of materials used for roof system for a structure in Construction Framing
IV. / Classroom Expectations: / BobJonesHigh School expects students to pursue their academic work with honesty and integrity, while behaving in a manner acceptable to the faculty and parents. Students should be in their assigned seats with pencil, paper, folder, and any assignments. Students should not talk while the teacher or another student is talking. Students should raise their hand before asking or answering a question. Students should follow all safety rules and wear safety glasses at all times when in the shop or lab.
V. / BJ Grading Policy: / The teacher will record student’s grades periodically in the teacher’s grade book. Student’s work will be evaluated as follows:
Evaluation Criteria:
Unit test, Speeches, Reports, and Projects……………..70%
Daily evaluations (Homework, Quizzes, Group Work, Lab Reports and Activities)…………………………………………30%
Note: Final Exam counts 20% of course grade.
Grading Scale:
90% - 100% = A
80% - 89% = B
70% - 79% = C
65% - 69% = D
Below 65% = F
VI. / BJ Make-up Test Policy: / Students who are absent for excused reasons will be permitted to make up missed work. It is the students responsibility to get work assignments the day he/she returns to school and complete the assignments according to a time frame determined by the teacher within two weeks of the date of the last absence. Grades of zero will be assigned for assignments missed because of unexcused absences.
Make-up test will only be given to a student who has an excused absence. The student must make arrangements with their teacher to take a make-up test.
See page 9-13 in the student handbook/planner
VII. / Text and Other Required Reading: / Modern Woodworking is the textbook
VIII. / Materials and Supplies Needed: / Student requirements include a note folder with loose leaf, paper, pencil, $30.00 shop fee.
IX. / Prerequisite: / None
X. / CTSO / The National FFA Organization
XI. / Essential Questions: / What is the importance of building construction in the Agriscience Industry?
XII. / Culminating Products: / Students will gain an understanding on the impact of the wood/lumber industry on their lives and the USA economy.
XIII. / Student Industry Credentials: / No Industry Credentials available
Students will however be required to take a Mid-Term and Final
Course Outline
Career Opportunities
Student will:
- Compare various career opportunities associated with frame construction.
Examples:engineer, construction foreman, carpenter
- Demonstrate job site safety in construction framing.
Grades and Types of Lumber
- Compare applications of hardwood and softwood lumber used in framing structures.
- Identifying grades of lumber
Examples:appearance grade, timber grade, dimension grade
- Identifying defects that affect lumber grade
Examples:knot, wane, split, check, warp
Estimating Materials
- Calculate a bill of materials for the framing of a wood structure.
Floor Systems
- Contrast advantages of concrete flooring systems with wood flooring systems.
- Design a floor framing system for a structure.
- Describing the purpose of a sill used in structures
- Demonstrating proper layout of joist headers and floor joists used in structures
- Contrasting various subfloor materials used in structures
Examples:tongue and groove plywood, plywood, oriented strand board, shiplap boards
- Demonstrating proper installation of subfloor materials used in structures
Wall Framing
- Design a wall framing system for a structure.
- Contrasting the use of wood and metal wall framing components
- Describing the use of a sole plate in structures
- Demonstrating the proper construction of corner posts with and without blocking
- Demonstrating the proper use and installation of full, cripple, and trimmer studs
- Demonstrating the proper installation of a double top plate in structures
- Demonstrating the proper installation of rough openings for doors and windows, including headers
- Demonstrating proper techniques for bracing a wall
- Compare various wall sheathing materials for structures.
Examples:foamboard, oriented strand board, insulating board, plywood
- Explain the importance of vapor barriers used in wall framing.
- Comparing the advantages of plastic and building felt
Ceiling Framing
- Design a ceiling framing system for a structure.
- Demonstrating the proper installation of ceiling joists
- Explaining the use of headers in two-story structures
- Demonstrating the proper installation of rough openings for stairs, attic access, and chimneys
Stair Construction
- Identify types of stairs used in structures.
- Contrasting materials used in stair construction
- Calculating the total rise, number and size of risers, and number and size of treads for a stairway
- Demonstrate the procedure for laying out and cutting stringers.
- Demonstrate the procedure for installing handrails.
Roof Framing
- Identify types of roofs used on structures.
Examples:hip, gable, gambrel, shed
- Compare conventional and truss roof systems for structures.
- Laying out common, hip, and valley rafters
- Laying out a truss using a framing square
- Demonstrating the proper installation of rough openings for vents, skylights, and chimneys
- Compare various decking materials for roof systems.
Examples:tongue and groove plywood, plywood, oriented strand board
Roofing Materials
- Describe types of materials used for roof systems.
Examples:felt, shingles, metal roofing, roll roofing
- Demonstrate proper installation of roofing materials on structures.
Week 1 /
Week 2 / SafetyWeek 3 / Hand Tools
Week 4 / Planning and Designing/Estimating Materials
Week 5 / Grades and Types of Lumber
Week 6 / Woodworking Power Tools/Projects
Week 7 / Woodworking Power Tools/Projects
Week 8 / Wood Finishes and Finishing
Week 9 / Wood Joints/Power Tools
Week 10 / Planning and Designing a Home
Week 11 / Planning and Designing a Home
Week 12 / Floor Systems
Week 13 / Wall Framing
Week 14 / Ceiling Framing
Week 15 / Stair Construction
Week 16 / Roof Framing
Week 17 / Roofing Materials
18 / Semester Review and Exam
- Dates subject to change.
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