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Ettlinger Kunststoffmaschinen GmbH records double-digit growth

Ettlinger at Fakuma 2017:

Ettlinger Kunststoffmaschinen GmbH records double-digit growth

Ettlinger Kunststoffmaschinen GmbH remains on a growth trajectory. In particular, business with high performance melt filters is growing steadily at more than 10%. © Ettlinger / Thorsten Ettlinger (left) and Volker Neuber, Managing Directors, Ettlinger Kunststoffmaschinen GmbH.
© Ettlinger

Königsbrunn and Friedrichshafen/Germany, October 17, 2017 – Ettlinger Kunststoffmaschinen GmbH, founded in 1983 and today a global player, has its headquarters in Königsbrunn, not far from Augsburg. Its core competency is the development and manufacture of injection molding machines and high performance melt filters. Around 400 Ettlinger melt filters and 300 injection molding machines are presently installed worldwide. The company records sales in the double-digit million range with long-term average growth of between 5% and 10% per annum.

Ettlinger’s business strategy is meanwhile more successful than ever, as Managing Director Volker Neuber confirmed at Fakuma 2017: “We’ve been reporting good growth rates with our systems for years. Our filters, especially, generate a steady flow of business, for instance with existing customers who frequently reorder equipment as part of a project to optimize their own machinery. We’re also seeing an encouraging increase among new clients who have now been convinced of the benefits of our technology for the first time. The number of newly installed filters rose again by more than 10% in 2016, with the emphasis on the Asian region and in particular PET processors. As far as injection molding machines are concerned, we’re continuing to focus on the proven two-stage injection principle that enables very large moldings to be produced. We only recently shipped yet another 2500 ton pallet manufacturing machine to a regular customer in Saudia Arabia.”

Ettlinger currently employs around 30 people at the parent facility in Königsbrunn and at the sales and service subsidiary in Tyrone, Atlanta (USA). “Due to our growing success in Asia, and notably in countries like China and Japan, we’ll be opening another subsidiary in China early in 2018, to allow us to provide prompt consulting, after-sales service and spare parts directly in the local markets,” Neuber adds.

The srm series of injection molding machines

… can be supplied with clamping forces of up to 30,000 kN and a maximum shot volume of 180,000 cm³. These machines are particularly suitable for the production of polymer moldings up to 100 kilograms in weight such as pallets, fittings, manholes or sewer systems, not only from virgin material but also from recycled material or mixed plastics. Plasticization of the material in the extruder and the injection of the melt into the mold take place separately from one another on the two-stage injection unit which is common to all machines in this series. Although their drives are only small, high shot volumes and short cycle times are not a problem, yet the clamping system manages with less clamping force. As a result of this, the machines consume much less energy overall and they are up to 40% shorter compared to conventional models. As twin-platen machines, they also have a large opening space with no tie bars, providing optimal accessibility for removing moldings or changing the mold.

The high performance melt filters

… are designed for continuous filtration of heavily contaminated feedstock. These self-cleaning filters work with a rotating, perforated drum, through which there is a continuous flow of melt from the outside to the inside. Different screen sizes can be selected depending on the application. A scraper continuously removes the contaminants that are held back on the surface and feeds them to an exit screw or discharge shaft. This enables the filter to be used fully automatically and without any disruptions over a period of weeks and months without having to replace the screen. The advantages of this closed design are the constant melt pressure at the filter outlet leading to more reliable processing, excellent durability, ultra-low melt losses – recognized throughout the industry – and good mixing and homogenizing of the melts.

The ERF series is optimized for separating foreign particles from heavily contaminated polymers, even for highly complex post-consumer applications. Paper, aluminum, wood, silicones or high-melting polymer composites can be reliably removed from all standard polymer materials containing up to 18% contaminants. These filters save space thanks to their compact design and are available in three different sizes for throughputs of up to 6000 kg/h.

The ECO series, by contrast, is ideal for filtering virgin or recycled polymers containing up to 1.5% contaminants during compounding or the extrusion of films, sheets and other semifinished products. They remove gels and agglomerates from virgin polyolefins and reduce the number of specks in the end product, leading to better product qualities. Since ECO filters are also suited for easy-flowing materials such as PET or PA, they can be used in the manufacture of thermoform sheets, for instance, or of packaging tape from 100% PET bottle flake or PET fines. They are offered in two sizes for throughputs of up to 2500 kg/h.


More information on Ettlinger

Karsten Bräunig, Manager Sales

Ettlinger Kunststoffmaschinen GmbH, Messerschmittring 49, D-86343 Königsbrunn

Phone: +49 8231 34908 -12, Fax: -28, e-mail:

Editorial contact and specimen copies:

Dr. Jörg Wolters, Konsens PR GmbH & Co. KG

Hans-Kudlich-Strasse 25, D-64823 Gross-Umstadt –

Phone: +49 (0) 60 78 / 93 63 - 0, Fax: - 20, e-mail:

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Ettlinger Kunststoffmaschinen GmbH, Messerschmittring 49, D-86343 Königsbrunn
Phone: +49 (0)8231 34908-00, Fax: - 28, e-mail: –