Name: Period:
Computer Ethics
Directions: Log into the website listed above. You will need to scroll to the bottom of the page to access the different links for each section. Please answer all the questions by typing in the gray shaded boxes. Some questions are strictly your personal opinion, so there is no right or wrong answer. Be sure to answer all questions. Save to your MyDocuments.
Learning the Importance of Computer Ethics
1. “Information technology ethics” deals with?
2. Johnson’s 3 P’s of technology ethics are?
3. Most codes of ethical behavior describe actions as “ethical” that do one or more of the following:
4. An ethical action is one that does not…?
5. Answer one of the two questions found under “Questions To Think About”?
It’s OK I Won’t Get Caught
6. What does the phrase, “ethics is about responsibility” mean to you?
7. What is your reaction to the statement…”unfortunately too many people think that one of the greatest sins today is getting caught”?
8. Answers one of the two questions under “Questions to Think About”?
9. What is property?
10. What is intellectual property?
11. Why is copyright important?
12. Why is computer software protected by copyright?
Software Piracy
13. Software piracy is defined as?
14. Software that requires you to pay a reasonable fee is called? While is software that you can use without paying any type of fee.
15. The leads the battle against software piracy.
10 Big Myths (Use the Drop Down to choose True or False for each statement).
16. Anything copyrighted has to have a copyright notice.
17. There is no copyright violation if I don’t charge for it.
18. Anything posted on Usenet is free to use.
19. I can post anyone else’s work.
20. I don’t have to defend my copyright in order to keep it.
21. I can’t copyright my name.
22. Copyright is dealt with mainly br criminal law.
23. Copyright dealing with over 10 copies and $2500 is a misdemeanor.
24. It is important to get permission from an author before using his work.
25. What you create and send br e-mail is copyrighted.
Concept of Fair Use
26. Fair Use is defined as?
27. What is necessary when publishing others materials on the Internet?
28. Why is it important to read the licensing information that comes with Clip Art that you purchase?
29. What does the term censorship mean?
30. Few things are truly censored in the U.S. because of?
31. Congress passed the in 1995.
32. Because of court battles waged by the and many provisions of the 1995 act were found to be unconstitutional,
33. One of the greatest flaws of the 1995 act us?
Privacy On The Internet
34. Encryption is?
35. What does the phrase “use common sense when using the Internet” mean to you?
36. When is stealing a password illegal?
37. Why would you want to create a “long” password?
38. What is one of the most important rules to follow when dealing with passwords?
39. Answer one of the “Questions to Ask yourself.”
40. What is good definition for plagiarism?
41. Give two reasons that students use plagiarism?
42. What does the phrase “plagiarism is a gray area” mean to you?
Rumor Mongering
43. How can rumors be harmful?
44. What correlation is there to rumors and the Internet?
45. Answer one of the “Questions to Think About”?
46. What similarities are there between a human and a computer virus?
47. How are computer viruses spread?
48. What can you do to maintain the health of a computer from viruses?
49. Two famous viruses are?
Computer Police
50. Why is it hard to police cyberspace?
51. What is SPA and why are they important?
Ten Commandments
52. Choose any three of the “Ten Commandments of Computer Ethics” and explain in your own words what they mean to you.