
January 8, 2013

Guild Office


Velma Butler, AFT1521A; Annie G. Reed, 911 Teamsters; Stacey Allen, Health Benefits; Joanne Waddell, President – AFT 1521; Leila Menzies, Business Services; Art Brickman, VP IBEW #45; Jim Adams, Building Trades; Sue Carleo, President Valley College; Galen Bullock, SEIU 721; Armida Ornelas, Faculty Guild; Dorothy Bates, Staff Guild 1521A; Don Sparks, Faculty; James Bradley, Local 99; Barbara Harmon, AFT 1521A; Amy Roberts, AFT 1521; Kristin Yokoyama, WFIS; Terri Mendez, WFIS

I.  Call to Order: 9:40 a.m.

II.  Approval of the 1/8/2013 Agenda: Approved

III.  Approval of the 11/13/2012 Minutes: Approved

IV.  Public Comments:

V.  Health Benefit Unit Report

A.  Ed Code 7000 Update – Leila sent out email response from Terry McEntire. Government Code 22895 DOES cover vested retirees but do not have their 10 years. Retirees can still purchase the CalPERS group plan. Committee agreed that a form needs to be created. Include information in Spring Newsletter, which is sent out to everybody. Those persons who are “specially” funded should now recognize this service. This person must be retired and enroll within 120 days. Review Government Code for further details and language. A concern was raised regarding if previous communication was sent out. Per Susan, this issue was indeed communicated in the past. Committee will review a copy of the communication information that was sent to the retirees in order to improve upon.

B.  Medicare Part A Enforcement Update – District is over-paying premiums in error. Leila handed out the memo from Best Best & Krieger Attorneys. Note that those persons hired prior to 1992 are grandfathered from this information. The Committee reviewed the Short Answers on first page of memo. One suggestion was to offer an HRA but does not seem feasible. A Medicare Supplement could be offered but the cost and credits must be reviewed. 200 out of 800 persons voted to opt out to pay for Retiree Benefits. Of the 200, there are very few people who did not pay the correct amount. Bottom line, legal has responded that we cannot enforce our own Board Rule. How many people are in this situation? The actual number is needed. Armida has the list of the 200 names. Do we need to do anything? Susan recommended that we close this issue by writing a letter explaining the follow up and decision made by legal. Communicate that the District doesn’t see this as a matter to explore further. Put on next agenda. We should not have conflicting language in contract. Is this a labor caucus? Does this require an MOU? Let’s review the handout in detail and discuss at next meeting.

C.  Update on Adjuncts Health Benefits Enrollment Process – Leila handed out the Adjunct Annual Enrollment “Health Benefits Bulletin”. Annual enrollment is Mid-May. This bulletin is the Last Annual Enrollment in February. During this period, anyone (eligible) may enroll. NEW process of Annual Enrollment starts in May. What about the NEW May Election period? Need to communicate the NEW May “cycle”. Add language about “Re-affirming” and add a bullet on first page (after January 2014…). A comment was made about the language including rates. We should change language to reflect that rates will “likely” change. Send out the revised copy via email (to everyone). A motion was made to move forward with proposed changes.

VI.  Communications Committee Update

A.  Adjuncts Enrollment Process – next communication piece

& next meeting scheduled on 1/29/2013

VII.  Request For Proposals (RFP’s) - keep this on agenda (WFIS needs to provide timeline for all A & B)

A.  Basic & Voluntary Life Insurance, Accidental Death & Dismemberment – WFIS is in the process of the RFP. WFIS is working with MetLife (collecting the data which includes claims data and other pertinent information. Effective date is 1/1/2014. We need subcommittees to review RFPs. (Ken, Leila, Velma, and Armida)

B.  Vision Coverage - Self-funded plan. Is district looking to save money? We can explore the other vendors with different type of delivery systems – MES/EyeMed, etc. Or shall we review plan designs through VSP, such as their Choice plan? Are the current VSP Benefits viable or can other vendors improve current benefits/providers? Committee has agreed to work with VSP and is not interested in the RFP at this time. WFIS will provide the information. Effective date is 1/1/2014. WFIS will provide timeline to entire committee. Do not need a “SUB” committee. A motion was made to “undo” the RFP for Vision.

C.  Employee Assistance Program (EAP) – The RFP included wrong dates. EAP expires 6/30/2014, not 2013. Wellness would like to come out and speak about their services in detail. Group is in agreement to delay the RFP. Meanwhile, WFIS can invite Horizon to speak about their wellness services. Motion to not send out the RFP for EAP approved.

D.  Committee inquired about Voluntary Programs – such as Voluntary Life and LTC. WFIS will bring information at next meeting.

VIII.  CVS Survey (Caremark) – Do we need to survey our employees/retiree? Retirees are calling with complaints since the change from Medco to CareMark. There are complaints about costs between mail order vs. Pick-Up. Committee discussed the option to send out an extensive or broader satisfaction survey, which would include all health benefits.

IX.  Orientation Task Force Update (next meeting is on 1/29) – There is a challenge with “One-Stop” shop for Orientation process via website. HR is currently updating their system which is more of a “paragraph” style. The alternative is to use the WFIS OERC website. Albert is the contact that can come out on 1/29 to share the new site. Dr. Adriana Barrera should review the group who would up-keep the content vs. the website updates. Let’s not reinvent the wheel if we don’t need to.

X.  Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA) 2014 – What about GASBs? Can this be an option? Ask Liliana from WFIS. Can the individual forfeit their amount into their GASB account? A suggestion was made to present the $3000 option for this year 2013 and end it. Discuss at Labor Caucus.

XI.  Wellness Update

A.  Wellness Resolution - refer to Velma’s handout. Velma reviewed LACCD’s current health risks and ways to improve overall health. (Edits are invited. Please email to Velma). A motion was made to support the resolution for wellness.

B.  Health Fairs - Velma found a vendor who can provide the services.

C.  Group discussed the ADP handouts referencing the card and services.

XII.  Next JLMBC meeting – February 12, 2013

XIII.  Adjourn – 11:28am

XIV.  Labor Caucus Meeting

Next JLMBC Meeting will be held February 12, 2013 at the Guild Office