VIHE Bhakti-Sastri Course


Homework Questions

and Answers

(Chapters 1 -18)



с_ / CONTENTS / )
Chapter One / 1
Chapter Two / 2
Chapter Three / 3
Chapter Four / 4
Chapter Five / 5
Chapter Six / 7
Chapter Seven / 8
Chapter Eight / 9
Chapter Nine / 10
Chapter Ten / 12
Chapter Eleven / 13
Chapter Twelve / 14
Chapter Thirteen / 15
Chapter Fourteen / 17
Chapter Fifteen / 18
Chapter Sixteen / 19
Chapter Seventeen / 20
Chapter Eighteen / 21
List of / Required Bhagavad-gita Verses to Learn for
Bhakti-Sastri Examination:
1.1 / 2.7 / 2.13 2.14 2.20 / 3.13 / 3.27 3.43
4.2 / 4.8 / 4.9 4.34 5.29 / 6.47 / 7.3 7.14
8.5 / 9.2 / 9.3 9.14 9.26 / 9.27 / 10.8 10.9
10.10 / 10.11 / 10.41 11.55 13.22 / 14.4 / 15.15 16.23
18.54 / 18.55 / 18.57 18.61 18.65 / 18.66
Copyright © VIHE All Right / s Reserved
No part / of this publication may be reproduced in any way without the prior agreement
of the publisher.


Verses 1-13

1.Why is the Bhagavad Gita the perfect theistic science?

2.What are the reasons for Dhrtarastra's fears about the outcome of the battle?

3.What is Duryodhana's purpose in speaking to Dronacarya?

4.Name four powerful fighters on the side of the Kauravas, and four on the side of the Pandavas.

5.Write in one sentence the conclusion of this introductory section.

Verses 14-27

1.Describe the significance of the blowing of conchshells on both the sides.

2.State any three signs pointing to the Pandava's victory.

3.Discuss the significance of addressing Krsna as "Hrsikesa" in verses 1.15 and 24.

4.Summarize the main point of the purport to verse 1.22.

5.What evoked Arjuna's compassion on the battlefield? Verses 28-36

1.Explain the basic cause of Arjuna's illusion.

2.Summarize the main point of the purport to verse 1.30.

3.Explain the significance of Arjuna's addressing Krsna as "Govinda".

4.List the six type of aggressors.

5.Cite three references describing the nature of a ksatriya. Verses 37-46

1.List the reasons Arjuna gives in this section for not fighting.

2.What is the significance of the word "varna sankara" used in this section?

3.Explain the significance of doing prescribed duties.

4.What is the relation between family elders, womenfolk, family traditions, and the maintenance of a society?

5.Summarize the conclusion of the purport to verse i .40.

2 B.Sastri B.G. Homework


Verses 1-11

1.What words does Krsna use to describe Arjuna's compassion?

2.Define the three phases of understanding the Absolute truth in relation to the analogy of the sun.

3.Summarize Arjuna's arguments in this section for not fighting.

4.What does a "Panditah" not lament for?

5.Summarize the main point of the purport to verse 2.7. Verses 12-19

1.Summarize Srila Prabhupada's arguments against the Mayavada philosophy in the purports to verses 2.12-13.

2.How can we percieve the eternal nature of the soul and the temporary nature of the body in day-to-day life? Quote the relevant verse.

3.Why should one perform his duty despite the hardships of climatic conditions?

4.Define "sat" and "asat." To what do they refer?

5.Analyze the difference between a living body and a dead body. Verses 20-30

1.Describe the six transformations of the material body.

2.Explain the analogies of the "surgeon" and the "justice of peace".

3.List ten qualities of the spirit soul.

4.Summarize Krsna's argument against Arjuna's compassion in this section.

5.Why is the soul described as "amazing"?

Verses 31-37

1.State Krsna's arguments in this section to get Arjuna to fight.

2.Define "ksatriya".

3.Why does a battle cause a ksatriya pleasure?

4.Why is infamy worse than death for a ksatriya?

5.What are the two types of "sva dharmas"? What are their purposes?

B.Sastri B.G, Homework

Verses 38-53

1.Give a simple definition of "sankhya" and "buddhi yoga".

2.What is "vyavasayatmika" intelligence?

3.What is the relationship between the Vedas and Krsna consciousness?

4.Why do devotees become indifferent to ritualistic performances?

5.Explain the analogy of the well.

6.Summarize the main points of the purports to the verses 2.39-40.

Verses 54-72

1.Explain the analogies of the "tortoise" and the "ocean".

2.Describe the process of "falldown".

3.What is the process of overcoming the desires for sense gratification?

4.Who is a "muni"? Who is a "sthita-dhir muni"?

5.Explain the activities of Maharaja Ambarisa.


Verses 1-9

1.What is Arjuna's understanding of buddhi yoga?

2.Explain the relationship between buddhi yoga and sankhya yoga.

3.Explain the term "mithyacarah".

4.What are the two benefits of performing prescribed duties for the satisfaction of the Supreme Lord?

5.State in one or two sentences, the conclusion of this section. Verses 10-16

1.Who are demigods? What are they supposed to do? Why are they worshiped?

2.How can we satisfy the demigods?

3.How does "yajna" purify all our activities?

4.Explain the analogy of the "vaccine".

5.How is the ritual of "yajna" an indirect practice of Krsna consciousness?

B.Sastri B.C. Homework

Verses 17-32

1.Why does a self-realized person have no more duties to perform? Why should he still perform prescribed duties?

2.What should one who is not self-realized do? Why?

3.Summarize the main point of the verse and purport to 3.22.

4.Explain the terms "acarya" and "tattva-vit."

5.What happens if one is faithful and non-envious towards the teachings of the Supreme Personality of Godhead? What happens to one who is envious?

Verses 33-43

1.Present in one or two sentences, the case that Srila Prabhupada makes for varnasrama in Krsna consciousness.

2.Explain the analogy of the "milk".

3.State the three degrees of lust covering the soul.

4.Explain the origin and the workings of lust.

5.How can an aspiring transcendentalist conquer lust?


Verses 1-10

1.Explain the significance of "parampara".

2.Why does Krsna speak the Bhagavad-gita to Arjuna7

3.Summarize the main points of the verse and purports to 4.5-6.

4.State several reasons why Krsna appears on Earth? What is the main reason?

5.What are the three major pitfalls on the transcendental path? How can one overcome them? Verses 11-15

1.How does Krsna reciprocate with devotees, yogis or mystics, impersonalists, and fruitive workers?

2.Describe the psychology of a demigod worshiper.

3.To what modes do each of the four varnas belong?

4.Write five elements of the "vamasrama system".

5.Explain the analogy of "rain". Verses 16-24

1. Define "karma," "akarma," and "vikarma".

B.Sastri B.G. Homework

2.How can one understand the principles of religion?

3.List ten symptoms of a man in knowledge.

4.How can work be made into a "transcendental sacrifice"?

5.Write in one sentence the conclusion of this section. Verses 25-33

1.What is the purpose of sacrifice?

2.Explain the "brahmacari yajna."

3.Define five other types of yajnas.

4.Explain the common goal of all the sacrifices.

5.Summarize the main point of the verse and purport to 4.33. Verses 34-42

1.What are the rhree important aspects cf approaching abonafide spiritual master?

2.Summarize Srila Prabhupada's arguments against Mayavada philosophy in the purport to verse


3.Write the "glories of the transcendental knowledge".

4.Explain the analogy of a man thrown in the ocean.

5.Describe the fate of the faithful and the doubter.


Verses 1-6

1.What is the goal of "Sankhya yoga"? What is the goal of "Karma yoga"?

2.List three differences between Vaisnava and Mayavadi sannyasis.

3.Who, according to Krsna, is a sannyasi?

4.Summarize the purport to verse 5.2.

5.Write in one sentence the conclusion of this section.

Verses 7-12

1.Summarize the main points of the purports to verses 5.7-9.

2.Explain the analogy of the lotus leaf.

B.Sastri B.G. Homework

3.List three symptoms of a Krsna conscious person.

4.What is the difference in realization between a Krsna conscious and a bodily conscious person?

5.Describe the platform of perfect peace. Verses 13-16

1.How can one live happily within the city of nine gates?

2.According to the verse 5.14, who is the doer?

3.Explain the term "vibhu."

4.Explain the analogy of the rising sun.

5.Summarize the philosophical thread of this section.

Verses 17-26

1.List the similarities and differences between the individual soul and the Supersoul.

2.Because the Supersoul is present in everyone, is it right to treat a brahmana and a meat-eater as the same?

3.How does an advanced transcendentalist avoid indulgence in material sex pleasure?

4.Explain what is the "highest welfare work"?

5.Summarize the main point of the purport to the verse 5.26.

Verses 27-29

1.Name and define the eight limbs of astanga yoga.

2.List three benefits of astanga yoga?

3.As a yoga system, why is Krsna consciousness preferable to astanga yoga?

4.What is the peace formula?

5.Summarize the conclusions of this chapter in two or three sentences.


Verses 1-9

1.How is sannyasa complimentary to yoga?

2.State the three divisions of the Yoga ladder.

3.Define "yogaruruksu" and "yogarudha" stages of astanga yoga.

4.Analyze the role of the mind in Yoga?

5.Summarize the main points of the verse and purport of 6.8-9.

Verses 10-17

1.Write down five conditions considered imperative to the practice of yoga.

2."A Krsna conscious person is the topmost transcendentalist." Explain.

3.Write a short note on "Brahmacarya vrata," the "vow of celibacy."

4.Summarize the main point of the verse 6.15 and the purport.

5.Describe the importance of regulation in the spiritual practice? Verses 18-32

1.Explain the analogy of the lamp.

2.Explain the analogy of the sparrow.

3.Describe samadhi.

4.Describe six qualities of the true yogi.

5.Summarize the main point of the verse 6.30 and the purport. Verses 33-40

1.Why is the astanga yoga not a feasible process in contemporary times? Give evidence.

2.Define "vairagya" and "paresanubhuti".

3.Summarize Krsna's recommendation to control and engage the mind.

4.Explain the analogy of the "riven cloud."

5.Summarize the main point of the verse 6.40 and the purport.

8 [B.Snstri B.C. Homework Verses 41-47

1.What happens to one who falls down after practicing yoga for a short time?

2.What happens to one who falls down after practicing yoga for a long time?

3.Write down the Sanskrit and English for a verse from the Second Chapter that relates to verses 6.40-43.

4.Cite a story from Srimad Bhagavatam that illustrates the process described in verses 6.41-45.

5.Summarize the purport to verse 6.47.

Verses 1-5

1.Explain the significance of the word "tat chrnu."

2.What is "jnana"? What is "vijnana"?

3.Summarize the verse and purport to 7.3

4.How do the "satvata tantras" describe the "purusa avataras"?

5.How does the living entity forget himself? Verses 6-12

1.Explain how spirit is the basic field of creation?

2.Summarize Srila Prabhupada's argument against the Mayavadi doctrine: "Absolute truth is impersonal," from the purport to 7.7.

3.How does Lord Caitanya's philosophy of "acintya bheda abheda" resolve the apparent conflict between personalism and impersonalism?

4.Give some examples of how the Lord can be percieved through various material and spiritual energies.

5.Explain the philosophical thread through 7.9-12

Verses 13-19

1.Describe the "baddha" stage of the living entity under the three modes of material nature.

2.Describe the significance of the word "mam eva."

3.Describe, "mudha," "naradhama," "mayayapahrta jnana," and "asurim bhavam asritah."

4.Define "sukritinah" and "pure devotional service."

5. Summarize the main points of the verse and purports to 7.17-19. Verses 20-25

1.Explain the significance of the word "hrtajnana."

2.Why do the Vedas recommend demigod worship?

3.Why can't the demigods infuse the living entities with an affinity for worshipping them?

4.Describe the differences between demigod worship and devotion to the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

5.Summarize the main points of the verse and purport to 7.24-25. Verses 26-30

1.Explain the analogy of the "sun and the cloud."

2.Explain the psychology of a materially deluded person.

3.Summarize the main point of the verse 7.27 and the purport.

4.Explain the significance of the word "mam asritya."

5.How is it possible to remember the Lord at death?


Verses 1-8

1.Explain the significance of the word "prayana kale."

2.Describe the Vedic sacrificial process as given in the "Chandogya Upanisad." Why does a Krsna conscious person avoid such sacrifice?

3.Define and explain "adhibhuta," "adhidaiva," and "adhiyajna."

4.Explain the significance of the word "smarana."

5.Summarize the main points of the verses 8.6-8.

Verses 9-13

1.Describe the "acintya" feature of the Lord.

2.Explain the significance of the word "yoga balena."

3.Summarize the philosophical thread through 8.11-13.

4.Summarize Srila Prabhupada's arguments for celibacy in the purport to verse 8.11.


5. How is the "omkara" non-different from Krsna? Verses 14-19

1.Name and define the five ways that a bhakti yogi can engage in.

2.Explain the significance of the word "ananya cetah."

3.How does the devotee have an advantage over the other types of transcendentalists?

4."The life of Brahma seems fantastic and interminable, but from the view point of eternity it is as brief as a lightning flash." Explain.

5.Summarize the main points of the verses 8.17-19. Verses 20-28

1.Describe the Supreme abode of Krsna.

2.What are the auspicious and inauspicious times of leaving the body? What is the result of leaving the body at those times?

3.List ten names of the plenary expansions of the Lord?

4.Explain the significance of the word "kala."

5.How do the devotees prepare for leaving their bodies?


Verses 1-5

1.Explain the word "idam jnanam."

2.Give reasons why Krsna calls this knowledge "raja vidya" and "raja guhyam.

3.Define and describe six other characteristics of this knowledge.

4.What is real faith? How is faith developed in Krsna consciousness?

5.Summarize the main points of the purports to the verses 9.4-5. Verses 6-10

1.Explain the analogy of the wind blowing in the sky.

2.How is the cosmic order completely dependent on Krsna's will.

3.Summarize the main points of the purports to the verses 9.6-8.

4.Explain the significance of the word "udasina vat."

5.Explain the example of the flower in the smriti.

11 Verses 11-15

1.Explain how the Supreme Personality of Godhead is not a common man.

2.Comment on the word "mudha."

3.Summarize Srila Prabhupada's arguments against the mayavadi philosophy in the purports to the verses 9.11-12.

4.Describe a "mahatma."

5.Summarize the main point of the verse 9.14 and the purport.

Verses 16-25

1.Explain how one engaged in the devotional service to Krsna has already performed all the sacrifices.

2.How is everything and everyone a part and parcel of Krsna?

3.Describe some of the ways Krsna is mainfest in the material world.

4.Summarize the main point of the purport to the verses 9.20-21.

5.Describe the philosophical thread through verses 9.22-25. Verses 26-34

1.Summarize the main point of the verse 9.26 and the purport.

2.What level of the yoga ladder does the verse 9.27 indicate?

3.Explain the significance of the words "sadhur eva."

4.How is a devotee purified of any accidental faults?

5.A devotee is already righteous, so why does Krsna say that he becomes righteous? (This was the question asked of Bhaktivinoda Thakur by the demigods.)




Verses 1-7

1.Describe the meaning of the word "Bhagavan."

2.How is Krsna different from the demigods and from the living entities?

3.What is real auspiciousness?

4.Define asammoha, satyam, ksama, sama, ahimsa, and samata.

5.Summarize the verse 10.7 and the purport. Verses 8-11

1.Summarize the arguments and references from the purport to verse 10.8 showing that Krsna is the source of all demigods.

2.Explain Lord Caitanya's analogy of a seed.

3.Define and describe "buddhi yoga."

4.How does Krsna help the less intelligent devotee?

5.Summarize the purport to the verse 10.11. Verse 12-18

1.Cite three Vedic evidences to confirm Arjuna's prayers in verses 10.12-13.

2.What truth does Arjuna want to establish by speaking verse 15?

3.Why does Arjuna ask Krsna to explain his opulences?

4.Summarize the main point of the verse 10. 17 and the purport.

5.Explain the significance of the word "amrtam." Verse 19-38

1.Why is it not possible to comprehend the greatness of Krsna or His opulences?

2.Explain the significance of the word "vibhuti."

3.List and explain any ten opulences of your choice.

4.What is Gayatri? Who is the initiator of Gayatri and how is it available to us?
5. "Name and define the two kinds of expansions of the Lord.

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Verses 39-42

1.How is Krsna the seed of everything?

2.How does a devotee relate to the wonderful and glorious things in the world?

3.Explain the word "asamurdhva."

4.Write in one sentence the conclusion of this section.


Verses 1-8

1.Explain the significance of Arjuna adressing Krsna as "lotus-eyed."

2.State three reasons why Arjuna asked to see the universal form of the Lord.

3.Explain the significance of the word "yogesvara."

4.What is the universal form of the Lord?

5.Summarize the main point of the verse 11.8 and purport. Verse 9-31

1.Give a description of the universal fonn in your own words.

2.What is the import of the repeated use of the word "many" in verse 11.10?

3.What was the change in Arjuna's relationship with the Lord on the revelation of the universal form?

4.What was Arjuna's conclusion about the form of the Lord, upon seeing the universal form?

5.Summarize Arjuna's prayers in verses 11.15-31. Verses 32-34

1.Explain by citing evidence from the Vedas that the Supreme Lord is the destroyer of everything.

2.How did the Lord show that Arjuna's desire to escape the battle was ill founded?

3.Explain the significance of the word "nimitta matram."

4.How can the plan of the Supreme Personality of Godhead be understood in the material world?

5.What is the criterion of perfection?

Verses 35-46

1.Analyze Arjuna's feelings when he starts praying for the second time. What rasa do his prayers correspond to?

2.Explain mahatma, ananta, devesa, and aksaram.

3.Explain the word "nidhanam."

4.What is the main point of the verses 11.41-42 and the purports.

5.Why should a spiritual master be connected with Krsna?

Verses 47-55

1.Who besides Arjuna had seen the universal form of the Lord?

2.What is divine vision? Who can have the divine vision?

3.Explain, "saumya rupah," "manusam rupam," and "su-durdarsam."

4.Summarize Srila Prabhupada's arguments to support the point that the central focus of Bhagavad- gita is Lord Krsna, from the purports to verses 11.52-54.

5.Summarize the main point to verse 11.55 and the purport.