1 Peter 5:2

Be shepherds of God’s flock that is under your care, serving as overseers not because you must but because you are willing as God wants you to be.


The Board of Trustees believes it is essential to make provision for the training of new teachers and wishes to participate in this by making provision for Beginning Teachers on the staff.


  1. To ensure a continuing supply of new teachers to the profession supporting our Christian character.
  2. To provide positions for Beginning Teachers within the staffing of the school.
  3. To provide a mix of age and experience on the staff of the school.
  4. To give qualified teachers the opportunity to pass on their professional skills especially in the role of Tutor Teacher.


  1. As far as possible a Beginning Teacher position will be considered each year.
  2. The “capturing” of these positions will be made from vacancies, which occur after Term 3.
  3. If possible, the positions will be varied throughout the class levels with the exception of the New Entrant level where no Beginning Teacher will be placed.
  4. The selection of a Tutor Teacher will be carefully made to ensure compatibility and the desired professional input.
  5. Release time for tutor Teacher and Beginning Teacher will be made available as will any extra funding necessary for training.
  6. The Board of Trustee appointments Committee will make the selection of the Beginning Teacher and the Board of Trustees will make a shortlist as with other appointments.
  7. The training of Beginning Teachers will follow the guidelines in place and the recommendation for certification remains as a duty of the Principal.
  8. This school will employ only registered teachers with a Bachelor of Teaching Degree & fitting in with our special character.
  9. The Beginning Teacher will qualify for full registration at the end of two years unless the criteria for earlier registration are met.


The Teacher can legally accept a qualifying period shorter than two years in special cases.

Examples of cases likely to be accepted are as follows:

When a teacher is forced to leave a position after completing only five terms and they already clearly meet ‘satisfactory teacher’ criteria.

Where a teacher completes part of their service eg. three terms and then has a substantial break (for overseas travel, for domestic reasons), before returning to teaching. Providing their registrations has not expired, a recommendation for full registration could be made after only three more terms of teaching.

Where a teacher does less than the 12.5 hours per week, for some time, or is employed as a teacher aide, or in a voluntary capacity, before securing a qualifying position – the non-qualifying service may be acceptable as a reason for granting full registration in a shorter period.


Date Adopted:23 March 2004

Review Date:March 2005

March 2009

July 2012


TEL / FAX: 09-444-1983

Email: bsite: