Year 5 Project Homework:
Investigating thelife cycles of plants in different environments
Date project given: Friday 11th November 2016
Date due in: Friday2nd December 2016
In Science we have been looking at the life cycles of trees and flowers which grown in our local environment.
Can you find out about plants and trees which grow in different environments?
Can you find out about their life cycles and parts of the plants and flowers? Are they the same or different to plants which grow near us?
Choose any of the following environments to investigate:
-Prehistoric plants and trees.
You will be able to find information about this topic by reading books from home or in the local library, research on the internet or in magazines, or by asking adults at home what they know about this topic.
I would like you to present what you have found out in an information booklet including:
Front page
Contents Page
(Remember I am looking for your own work and not just pages printed straight off the internet from a website.)
Once you start this project, if you have any questions about it, remember to come and ask me. You will have the chance to share it with the rest of the class once your project is completed.
Year 5 Project Homework:
Investigating thelife cycles of plants in different environments
Date project given: Friday 11th November 2016
Date due in: Friday 2nd December 2016
In Science we have been looking at the life cycles of trees and flowers which grown in our local environment.
Can you find out about plants and trees which grow in different environments?
Can you find out about their life cycles and parts of the plants and flowers? Are they the same or different to plants which grow near us?
Choose any of the following environments to investigate:
-Prehistoric plants and trees.
You will be able to find information about this topic by reading books from home or in the local library, research on the internet or in magazines, or by asking adults at home what they know about this topic.
I would like you to present what you have found out in an information booklet including:
Front page
Contents Page
(Remember I am looking for your own work and not just pages printed straight off the internet from a website.)
Once you start this project, if you have any questions about it, remember to come and ask me. You will have the chance to share it with the rest of the class once your project is completed.