1. Sample Text: Organization and Assignment of Responsibilities
  2. General
  3. A (Jurisdiction) agency designated as a primary agency serves as the (Jurisdiction) executive agent to accomplish the functional mission. When a primary agency is activated, theprimary agency for the emergency function has operational responsibility for:
  4. Orchestrating the agency support within the functional area forthe city;
  5. Providing an appropriate level of staffing for operations at the EOC;
  6. Activating and sub-tasking support agencies;
  7. Managing mission assignments and coordinating tasks with supportagencies, as well as other necessary organizations and federal agencies;
  8. Supporting and keeping other primary functional agencies and organizational elements informed of functional operational priorities and activities;
  9. Executing contracts and procuring goods and services as needed;
  10. Ensuring financial and property accountability for ESF activities;
  11. Supporting planning for short- and long-term emergency operations;
  12. Reviewing and updating plans and procedures associated with assignedemergency response target capabilities; and
  13. Training and exercising with support agencies to maintain responsecapabilities.
  1. When an emergency function is activated, each support agency for the function has operational responsibility for:
  2. Supporting the emergency functional primary agency, when requested, by conducting operations using its authorities, cognizant expertise, capabilities, or resources;
  3. Supporting the primary agency mission assignments;
  4. Providing status and resource information to the primary agency;
  5. Following established financial and property accountability procedures; and
  6. Supporting planning for short- and long-term emergency operations.
  7. Supporting the review and update of plans and procedures associated withassigned emergency response target capabilities
  8. Participating with Primary Agency in training and exercising to maintain response capabilities.

Source: the District of Columbia’s Emergency Response Plan, updated December, 2005

  1. Responsible Organizations

See Appendix ( ) for Emergency Services Organization.

The Emergency Services Coordination Group is composed of the following positions as assigned to the officials (coordinators) listed below: (See Appendix ( ) for names of the officials.)

  1. Chief of Operations: Emergency Management Director appointed by the Policy Group.
  2. EOC Staff Coordinator: Selected by the Emergency Management Director.
  3. Law Enforcement Service: County Sheriff.
  4. Fire/Rescue Service: Fire Chief.
  5. Health/Medical Service: County Health Department Administrator.
  6. Shelter/Mass Care Service: County American Red Cross Chapter Executive.
  7. Resources Management Service: County Emergency Management Director.
  8. County Maintenance/Public Works/Engineering Services: County Maintenance Foreman.
  9. Independent School District Services (as required): Superintendent(s) of Schools.
  10. Public Utility Services (as required): Managers of companies that provide natural gas, electricity and telephone services within the county.
  11. Manpower Services (as required): To be appointed by the County Emergency Management Director.

Note: In the event one or more of the above listed officials is incapacitated or otherwise unable to function, their assistant/deputy will replace them.

Source: The Oklahoma EOP Master County Plan, July 2006