8th Grade Geometry MSG1 Unit Plan

Day 1
Parallel Lines / Day 2
Parallel Lines Continued
Day 3
Perpendicular Lines / Day 4
Perpendicular Lines Continued
Day 5
Transversals that Cut Parallel Lines
(Angle Properties) / Day 6
Transversals that Cut Parallel Lines
(Angle Properties) Continued
Day 7
Ratios of Segments of Parallel Lines Cut by One or More Transversals / Day 8
Congruency of Geometric Figures
Day 9
End of Unit Task / Day 10

Parallel Lines

Days 1-2

Time: 1.5 hours (1 block period or 2 -50 minute periods)


M8G1. Students will understand and apply the properties of parallel and perpendicular lines and understand the meaning of congruence.

a. Investigate characteristics of parallel and perpendicular lines both algebraically and geometrically.


-projector screen with Geometer’s Sketchpad (for the GSP files for constructions), if these are not available the teacher can do the constructions manually on the board.

-GSP files (included)

-graph paper, a sheet is attached that can be copied for the students if needed

-compass (1 per student)

-ruler (1 per student)

-pictures of Euclid and Descartes (attached), to add interest to the history portions of the lesson

Previous Knowledge:

▪ Students have studied constructions of parallel lines in seventh grade,

M7G1. Students will construct plane figures that meet given conditions.

  1. Perform basic constructions using both compass and straight edge, and appropriate technology. Constructions should include copying a segment; copying an angle; bisecting a segment; bisecting an angle; constructing perpendicular lines, including the perpendicular bisector of a line segment; and constructing a line parallel to a given line through a point not on the line.

The lesson includes a review of constructing parallel lines but depending on the students it may take more/less time.

▪ Students are required to rearrange equations into slope-intercept form in this lesson.

▪ Graphing skills (students observe and make conjectures about parallel lines on coordinate plane).

Lesson Procedure

  1. Introduction: History of Euclidean Geometry. **Photo of Euclid attached at end of lesson.

Give a brief history of where most of our modern-day geometry comes from:

Euclid of Alexandria, a Greek mathematician from around 300 BC is called the “Father of Geometry”. Most of the geometry we are studying today, called Euclidean Geometry, comes from Euclid’s book, called Elements. This means that we are studying mathematics that was discovered over 23 centuries ago! That’s 2300 years.

We know very little about Euclid’s life. Most of what we know about him was written centuries after he lived. His birth and death dates and locations are unknown, we just estimate them. We also have no idea of the circumstances surrounding his life. We do not even know what he looked like but yet he is one of the reasons we are studying parallel lines today! The photo of Euclid is completely of the artist’s imagination!

  1. Discussion: What does it mean for two lines to be parallel?
  2. Lines that never intersect.
  3. Lines that stay the same distance from one another for infinity.
  4. Constructing parallel and perpendicular lines using only a ruler and compass. The attached GSP sketch – Parallel - takes the students (and teacher) through this process step-by-step.

Note: This should be a review from seventh grade. Hence, the constructions should not take up the entire class period.

  1. Students should first construct a line parallel to a given line through a given point. They should follow along with the GSP sketch in order to remember the construction.
  2. After discussion of the construction process (if students have questions), students should practice alone or in pairs with constructing parallel lines on their own. The teacher should monitor their progress.
  3. Connecting to Algebra. History: René Descartes. **Photo of Descartes attached at end of lesson.

René Descartes was a 17th Century mathematician, philosopher, and physicist. One of his most noted achievements in mathematics is Cartesian Geometry. Cartesian geometry is the study of geometry using the coordinate plane and algebra, a different approach from Euclidean geometry, where nothing is done on the coordinate plane.

We are going to do some Cartesian geometry today!

  1. Connecting to Algebra:

▪ How do you know if two lines are parallel without actually constructing the lines?

▪ Can you tell just by looking at the equations of the two lines?

Let’s test these questions by using a coordinate plane.

Directions to students:

a. Construct two parallel lines (using the method we have reviewed today) on graph paper.

b. In pairs/groups or individually, write down everything you observe about the parallel lines in relation to the graph.

(It might be helpful to write a few prompts on the board for the students, such as:

-If you draw an x and y-axis, where are the intercepts?

-Can you determine the slopes of the two lines?)

  1. Discuss what the students noticed from constructing the parallel lines on the graph. The intention is for them to notice the lines have the same slope.
  2. If parallel lines have the same slope then two lines can be determined to be parallel by looking at their equations. Why?

Further Discussion: what makes two lines parallel? How can parallelism be looked at in an algebraic manner? Parallel does not determine the distance between lines but what does have to be the same for lines to be parallel?

  1. Review: slope-intercept form of equations.

Students should put these two equations in slope-intercept form:

a. y – 9 = 3xb. -3x = -y – 7

  1. Once students have the equations in slope-intercept form (this may require a review of what slope-intercept form is), they need to make observations about the equations. What similarities and differences do the two equations have?
  2. Notice their slopes are exactly the same (3).
  3. Quick activity!
  4. Have students get into pairs.
  5. Each student need to come up with equations of two lines that are parallel.

Students may choose to write the equations in slope-intercept form to better ensure their two lines will be parallel. Then they should rearrange the equations so they are not in slope-intercept form.

  1. Students switch papers so their partner has their two equations and vice versa.
  2. Each student must first write the two equations in slope-intercept form and then graph the two equations on graph paper (can be provided).
  1. Wrap-up

Students answer the following question in complete sentences on a sheet of paper:

What are two methods of determining whether or not lines are parallel?

Next Lesson:

Perpendicular Lines

Photos for history in Parallel Lines Lesson



Perpendicular Lines

Days 3-4

Time: 1.5 hours (1 block period or 2 -50 minute periods)


M8G1. Students will understand and apply the properties of parallel and perpendicular lines and understand the meaning of congruence.

a. Investigate characteristics of parallel and perpendicular lines both algebraically and geometrically.


-projector screen with Geometer’s Sketchpad (for the GSP files for constructions), if these are not available the teacher can do the constructions manually on the board.

-GSP files (included)

-graph paper, a sheet is attached that can be copied for the students if needed

-compass (1 per student)

-ruler (1 per student)

-pictures of Euclid and Descartes (attached), to add interest to the history portions of the lesson

Previous Knowledge:

▪ Students have studied constructions of perpendicular lines in seventh grade,

M7G1. Students will construct plane figures that meet given conditions.

  1. Perform basic constructions using both compass and straight edge, and appropriate technology. Constructions should include copying a segment; copying an angle; bisecting a segment; bisecting an angle; constructing perpendicular lines, including the perpendicular bisector of a line segment; and constructing a line parallel to a given line through a point not on the line.

The lesson includes a review of constructing perpendicular lines but depending on the students it may take more/less time.

▪ Students must understand what right angles are for this lesson.

▪ Students are required to rearrange equations into slope-intercept form in this lesson.

▪ Graphing skills (students observe and make conjectures about perpendicular lines on coordinate plane).

▪ It may be necessary to introduce the idea of a “reciprocal” number to students prior to or during this lesson, if they have not encountered that term/concept before.

Lesson Procedure

  1. Discussion: What does it mean for two lines to be perpendicular?
  2. Lines that intersect at right angles.
  3. ***This would be an appropriate time to review what a right angle is in order to refresh students’ memories.
  4. Constructing parallel and perpendicular lines using only a ruler and compass. The attached GSP sketch – Perpendicular - takes the students (and teacher) through this process step-by-step.

Note: This should be a review from seventh grade. Hence, the constructions should not take up the entire class period.

  1. Students should first construct a line parallel to a given line through a given point. They should follow along with the GSP sketch in order to remember the construction.
  2. After discussion of the construction process (if students have questions), students should practice alone or in pairs with constructing perpendicular lines on their own. The teacher should monitor their progress.
  3. Connecting to Algebra:

▪ How do you know if two lines are perpendicular without actually constructing the lines?

▪ Can you tell just by looking at the equations of the two lines?

Let’s test these questions by using a coordinate plane.

Directions to students:

a. Construct two perpendicular lines (using the method we have reviewed today) on graph paper.

b. In pairs/groups or individually, write down everything you observe about the perpendicular lines in relation to the graph.

(It might be helpful to write a few prompts on the board for the students, such as:

-If you draw an x and y-axis, where are the intercepts?

-Can you determine the slopes of the two lines?)

  1. Discuss what the students noticed from constructing the perpendicular lines on the graph. The intention is for them to notice the lines have the opposite reciprocal slopes.
  2. If perpendicular lines have opposite reciprocal slopes then two lines can be determined to be perpendicular by looking at their equations. Why?

Further Discussion: What makes two lines perpendicular? How can perpendicularity be looked at in an algebraic manner?

  1. Review: slope-intercept form of equations.

Students should put these two equations in slope-intercept form:

a. y – 9 = 3xb. (1/3)x = -y – 7

  1. Once students have the equations in slope-intercept form, they need to make observations about the equations. What similarities and differences do the two equations have?
  2. Notice their slopes are opposite reciprocals. This means the slope of one is the reciprocal times -1 of the slope of the other equation, 3 and -1/3.
  3. Quick activity!
  4. Have students get into pairs.
  5. Each student need to come up with equations of two lines that are perpendicular.

Students may choose to write the equations in slope-intercept form to better ensure their two lines will be perpendicular. Then they should rearrange the equations so they are not in slope-intercept form.

  1. Students switch papers so their partner has their two equations and vice versa.
  2. Each student must first write the two equations in slope-intercept form and then graph the two equations on graph paper (can be provided).
  1. Connection between parallel and perpendicular lines.

Have students graph two parallel lines and a line perpendicular to one of the parallel lines.

What do you notice?

-The perpendicular line is perpendicular to BOTH parallel lines.

***If time allows, let students explore this idea in partners as done before with parallel and perpendicular lines.

  1. Wrap-up

Students answer the following question in complete sentences on a sheet of paper:

What are two methods of determining whether or not lines are perpendicular?

Next Lesson:


Parallel Lines Cut by a Transversal

Days 5-6

Time: 1.5 hours (1 block period or 2 -50 minute periods)


M8G1. Students will understand and apply the properties of parallel and perpendicular lines and understand the meaning of congruence.

b. Apply properties of angle pairs formed by parallel lines cut by a transversal.


-projector screen with Geometer’s Sketchpad, if these are not available the teacher can draw the angles manually on the board.

-GSP files (included)

-graph paper, a sheet is attached that can be copied for the students if needed

-compass (1 per student)

-ruler (1 per student)

-pictures of Euclid and Descartes (attached), to add interest to the history portions of the lesson

Previous Knowledge:

▪ Students should understand what an angle is and how an angle is measured in degrees.

▪ Students should understand the previous two lessons on parallel and perpendicular lines.

Lesson Procedure

  1. Tell the students that today we will be looking at parallel lines when they are cut by a transversal.
  2. Use GSP Sketch – Transversals – for the lesson.
  3. After you have gone through the GSP Sketch with the class (it may take an entire class period or more), it is important to show students how we notate angles with equal measure in mathematics. This takes just a few minutes. (Ex: Draw angles and show how you draw an arc across the angle and then place the same symbol, such as a dash, on both arcs of the congruent angles).
  4. Activity. (This can be done in pairs, groups, or solo.)
  5. Have students draw two parallel lines cut by a transversal on their paper.
  6. Have them label all of the angles created (1-8, A-H, etc.)
  7. Have the students write down everything they know about the angles. They can use arcs to label congruent angles and also identify angles that are supplementary, adjacent, etc.
  8. Students can compare their answers with a partner. This is a great time to talk about how when you label things differently than someone else you come up with the same results but it is often difficult to compare!
  9. It also important to discuss the converse of each of the theorems presented in the GSP Sketch. Meaning that if two alternate interior angles are congruent then the lines (aside from the transversal) must be parallel.

Next Lesson

Ratio of Segments of Transversals that cut Parallel Lines

Ratio of Segments of Transversals that Cut Parallel Lines

Day 7

Time:50 minutes


M8G1. Students will understand and apply the properties of parallel and perpendicular lines and understand the meaning of congruence.

c. Understand the properties of the ratio of segments of parallel lines cut by one or more transversals.


-projector screen with Geometer’s Sketchpad, if these are not available the teacher can draw the angles manually on the board.

-GSP files (included)

-graph paper, a sheet is attached that can be copied for the students if needed

-compass (1 per student)

-ruler (1 per student)

-pictures of Euclid and Descartes (attached), to add interest to the history portions of the lesson

Previous Knowledge:

▪ Students should understand what ratio is.

▪ Students should understand the previous 3 lessons on parallel and perpendicular lines and transversals.

Lesson Procedure

  1. Review what a transversal is. Have students name a few angle pairs that can be located when a transversal cuts two parallel lines.
  2. Show GSP Sketch – Ratio.
  3. Quick Activity.
  4. Have students get into pairs.
  5. Students should use their compasses and rulers to draw three parallel lines and then use their rulers to draw two transversals that cut the three parallel lines.
  6. Using what they have just learned, they should identify any ratios that are present.
  7. Using their rulers, and measuring to the nearest millimeter, they should measure to verify the ratios they identified.

Next Lesson



Day 8

Time:50 minutes


M8G1. Students will understand and apply the properties of parallel and perpendicular lines and understand the meaning of congruence.

c. Understand the meaning of congruence: that all corresponding angles are congruent and all corresponding sides are congruent


-projector screen with Geometer’s Sketchpad, if these are not available the teacher can draw the angles manually on the board.

-GSP files (included)

-compass (1 per student)

-ruler (1 per student)

Previous Knowledge:

▪ Students should understand what corresponding sides and corresponding angles are when dealing with geometric shapes.

Lesson Procedure:

  1. Review the meaning of congruence. Congruence means equal. When talking about sides it means they have the same length. When talking about angles it means they have the same measure.
  2. Show GSP Sketch – Congruence.
  3. Worksheet – Are These Congruent?.
  4. If students do not complete the worksheet in class they should finish it for homework.

Next Lesson

End of Unit Task

End of Unit Task

Day 9

Time:50 minutes


M8G1. Students will understand and apply the properties of parallel and perpendicular lines and understand the meaning of congruence.


-Computers with presentation software


-Poster Paper and drawing materials

Previous Knowledge:

Previous 8 days of lessons.


  1. The point of this activity is for students to take a day to organize everything they have just learned. Students should be broken into 5-6 groups.
  2. Each group will be assigned a topic from the unit, a possible way to split the topics:
  1. Parallel Lines
  2. Perpendicular Lines
  3. Transversals (angle properties)
  4. Ratios of Segments of Transversals
  5. Congruency

(The topics can be split however the teacher wants. If it is preferred to be a partner project some pairs may do the same topics).