May Meeting
Another great turn out. Thirty one members were on hand as Steve Pellinen called the meeting to order. The Treasurers report was read and approved.
Communications for the month:
A letter from Mafca inviting the chapter president or a representitve to attend the Presidents Reception at the National Convention. No known members are attending. A letter from the Marquette Beautification commiittee to participate in the planting of flowers in Marquette. It was decided not to get involved.
A letter from club member Gerald Gerou was posted on the board to review.
Superior A member Sam Conery, graduating from Westwood High School this year, invited all members of the club to his party on June 7th. 3 to 7 12047 Co Rd 496 Champion Mi. About due north of the 41 Steak House on US41
Old Business:
Reminder to sign the waiver to participate in any events before leaving , starting with the Scoot and Shoot this Saturday.
Reminder to call Steve if interested in the engine rebuid project.
New Business:
A committee consisting of Bob Saxwold, Clay Johns and Art Gishia will meet to come up with a policy for our Youth Scholarship Program.
Sam Conery offered to carry the club's repair kit on the tour to Rapid River. Twelve Cars are signed up so far.
Newsletter info must be submitted by the first week of the month . If you advertise and sell something let us know so we can take it off the next months newsletter. Applebee's car show will be June 21st this year.
Bob Nault said his car came with 4,000 dollars worth of parts. If you're looking for something chances are he'll have it. He also has nine rebuild videos which are available for club use.
The Tee Shirts and sweatshirts are ready. If you ordered something call Diane to arrange for pick up.
Nest months meeting will be at Bill Carlson's on M35.