Cantabriaisa Spanish autonomous community.Bordered on theeast byPaís Vasco, on the south by Castillay Leon,on thewest by Asturiasand onthenorth bytheCantabrian Sea.ThecityofSantanderis thecapitalandmostpopulouscity.
Cantabriais locatedintheCantabrian coast, the namegiventothe stripof landbetweenthe Cantabrian Sea andthe Cantabrian mountainsin thenorthof the Iberian Peninsula.It hasahumid oceanic climateandmoderate temperatures, stronglyinfluencedby windsfrom theAtlantic Oceancrashing againstthemountains.
Cantabriaistheworld's richestregioninthe Upper Paleolithicarchaeological sites,althoughthe firstsignsofhuman occupationdatingfrom the Lower Paleolithic.
Alto Campoo
It’s a ski resort that is part of a resort that can be enjoyed throughout the year. Peaks over 2,000 meters. These features have made the Alto Campo station in one of the best in the Cantabrian Mountains. Has 17 km of prepared slopes and trails. 1 green, 2 blue, 8 red, 5 routes link.
The privileged location of the station, nestled in the valley of Campo, to admire some amazing views that include land, sea and air. Alto Campo is located just 92 km from Santander and access possibilities presented are many: by plane, through Santander airport, and rail or road.
Altamira Caves
The art has its most important prehistoric monument in the caves of Altamira are located near Santillana del Mar, a town in itself is wonderful. Although their discovery was an accident by a hunter in 1868, and originally was called the cave of Juan Montero, the appreciation of its value and its study was byMarcelinoSainz de Sautuola. In fact it was her daughter, Mary, of eight years old, which in 1879 drew showed his father the paintings of the cave.
The paintings are about 14.000 years old, we can mostly see them in the ceilings of caves, and represent bison, deer, boars, horses ... Paintings are made with natural ochres and red blood color outlined in black. The total length of the cave which is about 270 meters and an irregular layout consists of a hall and a gallery, but the side room that contains the best paintings is just 30 meters from the entrance and its dimensions are 18 m. long, 9 meters wide and 1.1 to 2.65 m. high.
Is currently conducting a new study of the conditions of conservation of the cave of Altamira, so have been temporarily halted the visits.
Cabarceno zoo
Africa, America, Asia and Australia are Cantabria. A jungle of rock, metal and fauna to hide a treasure of nature. Over thousands of square feet on five continents dream possible.
The Nature Park is a spectacular Cabárceno wildlife paradise that houses hundreds of animals in semi representatives of all zoological communities on Earth. In this book of endangered species can be seen, as in any other part of Europe, the sight of a distant wildlife: tigers, bears, lions, jaguars, elephants, rhinos, giraffes, buffalo, ... that live and reproduce in a habitat millennium, now recovered.
The Soplao Cave
It’s a cave located in Cantabria. It ¡s unique in all the world because of the quality and the quanitity of geologic formations. It is 17 km in length, but only 6km open to the public.
The cave was accidentally discovered during the drilling mining subsequently being exploited for the extraction of minerals.During its operation, many local families were supported with the income they got from the mining, collated with the livestock.After decades of neglect, caving, and in particular the Cantabria University Caving Club since 1975, he discovered his true geological value.
On July 1, 2005 the Government of Cantabria opened to the public and broadcast internationally, after conditioning inside and around for tourism and prohibit any activity the club discoverer.
The Soplao is part of the 6,500 underground caves of Cantabria, without doubt, are a paradise for caving.
Seafood: Crabs, lobsters, clams, crayfish, king prawns, mackerel, sea bass, sardines and bonito. Are the most typical sea food .
Sardines are served simply grilled or baked, accompanied by a sauce made from anchovies, olive oil and lemon juice.
Meat: Cantabria is a top milk-producing region. Smokey chorizo sausage flavored with Spanish paprika and a spicy morcilla (blood sausage). Veal and lamb also are very typical.
Regional specialities: Cantabria is known for its stews. Marmitako is a fisherman's stew that includes tuna or sardines cooked with potatoes, peppers, onions, garlic and tomatoes, the peppers reflecting the influence of the nearby Basque country. Cocido Montanes is made from dried beans, bacon, salt pork, chorizo, morcilla, a pig's ear, cabbage, onion, garlic and paprika. Hake in green sauce is another local specialty.
Cheeses: Cantabria is a major milk production. Perhaps the most famous is Picon, a mountain cheese made in the area around the villages of Bejes and Tresviso.
Desserts: Spaniards like to say that the people of Cantabria are known for their sweet tooth. The rich milk and cream of the region is used to make custards. Cheesecakes from the Pas Valley and puff pastries sprinkled with sugar are other regional specialties. Cantabria is not a major wine-growing region. Meals often end with a glass of the potent orujo, a distilled spirit that locals believe aids digestion.
Battleof FlowersinLaredo-LastFridayinAugust.
Surely, oneof themost spectacularandbeautifulcelebrationsofCantabria. It isthedaywhenthousands ofpeoplegatherfora paradeofbeautifulfloatscovered withflowers. Artisticallydecorated withpetalsand flowers.
MarinersCarnivalSantoña- Monthof February.
Consideredone ofthemostcolorfulandoriginalcarnivalsof Spain, the MarinersCarnivalheldinthevillage ofSantoñaare divided intothreeacts.
The Virgin of the lightinAliva(Camaleño) - Day2 July.
It consists on thepilgrimagewithMassand procession. Afterthe picnic, heldahorse raceand thecall ofthe'thread', a foot raceinwhichwinners receivea bunchofdonuts. The festivalconcludeswithan evening partyheldinthe town ofEspinama, afewmiles away.
Fiesta de la Folie in San Vicente de la Barquera - After Easter
Declared a Festival of National Tourist Interest, the Barquerena recall every year the arrival of its patron saint, the Virgen de la Barquera, the waters of the ria of San Vicente with a procession at sea. It is said that the Virgin came in a boat without oars or crew. The image of the Virgin is placed on a table near the pier and driven by the sea on the sanctuary where the expected number of girls playing their tambourines and singing the "Picayos" songs alluding to the patron. The sailors bring the image to shoulder in their fishing boats decorated and are followed by other boats.